Politics & Government

Candidate Profile: Susan L. Lee For Pound Ridge Town Board

The Pound Ridge Party candidate explains to Patch why she's the best person for the job and shares a little bit more about herself.

"If I am elected for Town Board, I will continue to fulfill my vision to preserve and protect our bucolic town's beauty and its small town essence," Lee tells Patch.
"If I am elected for Town Board, I will continue to fulfill my vision to preserve and protect our bucolic town's beauty and its small town essence," Lee tells Patch. (Susan L. Lee)

POUND RIDGE, NY — Election season 2023 is here and there are plenty of races with candidates eager to serve in elected office.

Patch asked candidates to answer questions about their campaigns and will be publishing candidate profiles as Election Day draws near.

Name: Susan L. Lee

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Hometown: Pound Ridge resident since 1995 (Lived in New York City prior)

Running for which office: Pound Ridge Town Board

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Education: The Bronx High School of Science; BA Barnard College; Columbia University; MBA New York University

Political experience: Have not previously held political office

Work experience: Strategic Planning, Finance and Marketing positions at Citibank NA, Avon, Exxon; Accounting at Arthur Young & Company

Family: Spouse and daughter

Campaign website: www.poundridgeparty.com

Why are you seeking this office?

For the past 28 years, I have been privileged to live in a small bucolic town in Northern Westchester that is only an hour's drive from Manhattan. Its natural beauty and peaceful environment attracts many families to it. There are now foreshadowings that this may all change. In my opinion, the current Town Board dropped the ball in their decision not to opt out of a cannabis dispensary when all the surrounding towns did. I am further concerned there was no transparency by the Town Board, i.e. there was no public disclosure or meeting held for residents to be informed and to respond. Another issue I have is there have been no audited financial statements for the years 2021 and 2022 for the town, whereas all the towns around us are up-to-date. The third issue for why I am seeking office is the town board is also pressing forward with a wastewater treatment plant which I believe will have an enormous harmful effect to the town's idyllic and small-town atmosphere.

What are the major differences between you and the other candidate(s) seeking this post?

I was an apolitical resident until now but because of what's happening in my town, to its detriment I feel, I have decided to get involved and bring back competency, openness, respect and inclusiveness to the town's governance. I have a corporate background and have experience in accounting, finance, strategic planning and marketing which I feel will be helpful to the town's governance and to opening channels of communication with our residents.

What is the single most pressing issue facing your constituents and what do you intend to do about it?

For the past several Town Board administrations, there has been talk of a potential wastewater treatment plant in Pound Ridge which would predominantly benefit the town's business district. It has never been implemented due to its high cost. A 2019 study by an engineering firm forecast a cost of $41 million which one could assume has increased since the study was done. Supposedly grants could be obtained to offset but even there, a cost overrun would have to be borne by the town's taxpayers. Again, similar to the lack of disclosure on the town not opting out from a cannabis dispensary, there has been no meaningful disclosure to town residents on this massive project. Who is really benefiting from it? If elected, I plan to immediately investigate and disclose up-to-date information on the potential wastewater treatment plant.

What other issues do you intend to address during your campaign?

I would like to inform Pound Ridge residents that there appears to be a pattern of ineptitude in how our Town Board have been governing, accompanied by a pattern of nondisclosure and shutting down public discourse. Between March 31, 2021-12/31/21, the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) allowed the current Town Board the ability to opt out of allowing a retail cannabis dispensary in town, with the ability to opt back in later, should they choose to. All our neighboring small towns around opted out except Pound Ridge. Why didn't our Town Board opt out too? Common sense would have dictated as such. Another issue is why hasn't our Town issued audited financial statements for 2021 and 2022 when all the towns around us have? On both issues, why has there been no public disclosure and public discussion? This is why I am running on a platform for competency, openness, respect and inclusiveness.

How would you address the affordable housing issue in the community?

I am aware that the town has built affordable housing on Westchester Avenue which appears to be within the overall character of the town. If we can identify a site that can fit this criteria, I am open to it but again, there should be open disclosure and discourse with town residents on this.

How would you protect the drinking water in the community?

Drinking water in Pound Ridge is supplied by a water well located on each resident's property. The town does have an ordinance on how each resident is responsible for upkeeping their well. I would think a review of the ordinance to see if it needs an update would be helpful in protecting our community drinking water.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

I have experience working at Arthur Young & Company, a top-tier accounting firm followed by finance, strategic planning and marketing experience at Top Fortune 500 companies like Avon, Exxon, and Citibank. I was a Vice-President at Citibank when I left to work for a private investment firm. When I lived in Manhattan, I was the President of the Coop Board at the Brevard, a 444 apartment building in midtown and managed its large budget.

What is the best advice anyone ever gave you?

Have integrity. To me, this means be honest, don’t lie, give credit where credit is due, and take responsibility for your actions. If elected, I will perform my duties with these principles in mind.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

In 1997, I became a member of the Pound Ridge Garden Club whose objective is to conserve our natural resources and promote civic beautification. I am a past President and have served as its Treasurer, Chair of Civic Improvements and seven other PRGC committees over the years. I have enjoyed the community spirit to enhance the beauty of our town. If I am elected for Town Board, I will continue to fulfill my vision to preserve and protect our bucolic town's beauty and its small town essence.

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