This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Neighbor News

The Time For Clean Outdoor Air Is Upon Us

Currently 480 municipalities in New York State have passed regulations restricting tobacco use in outdoor recreational areas.

This has been said many times and many ways but reminding people of this is important. Exposure to secondhand smoke in outdoor recreational areas can be hazardous. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has classified secondhand smoke as a Class A Carcinogen placing it in the same category as radon, benzene, and asbestos.
Even just small amounts of secondhand smoke to a child playing at the beach or the playground can trigger allergies, asthma attacks and other breathing problems. Parents and guardians should be at ease knowing that when they bring their children to the beach or playground their children are safe and breathing clean air. Tobacco free parks, playgrounds and beaches de-normalizes smoking for children and sends a strong message that smoking is bad for our health.
These policies reduce secondhand smoke exposure and cigarette pollution making outdoor recreational areas a healthier environment for families and individuals to enjoy. Currently 480 municipalities in New York State have passed regulations restricting tobacco use in outdoor recreational areas.
Many Long Island communities have enacted such policies. Has yours?

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