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Kids & Family

Sunday at The Preserve: Early morning beach walk, Honey Harvest

Two family activities at the Guggenheim estate, where membership helps support the Gold Coast buildings and grounds.

Sunday is a great day to visit Sands Point Preserve with the family and enjoy an early morning beach walk, followed later by the annual honey harvest.

Early Morning Beach Walk, 8:15-9:15 a.m.

Meet us at the beach for an exploratory walk. Besides the beautiful views across Long Island Sound, we’ll see tall bluffs, and take a close look at the plants and animals that can live in salt water. Observe how these living things can also tolerate the movement of the incoming and outgoing tides, several times a day! 8:15-9:15 a.m.. Preserve opens at 8 AM.
Admission $15 per car / $5 per car with Annual Pass.

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Bee Whispering: Honey Harvest, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

The 2015 Bee Whispering Workshops conclude with the annual Honey Harvest. Thousands of honeybees in the Preserve’s apiary have been busily pollinating the grounds all summer – and the hives are now full of fresh honey that we extract and bottle as Guggenheim Estate Golden Honey. Participants can observe the process – and several guests will be invited to roll up their sleeves and help with the harvesting.

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Bee Whispering explores the biology and lifecycle of this species through interactive presentations and hands-on experience at the hives. Each session covers a range of topics, including the biology and anatomy of the three types of honeybees that comprise a colony, structure of the beehive, and well-defined roles of the colony members that enable the hive to survive through four seasons.

Participants will learn how the main hive resources – pollen, propolis, and honey – are collected, managed, and utilized by the colony. We will also look at the honeybees’ beneficial impact on the environment and the effect of the changing environment on honeybee populations locally and around the world.
Please dress appropriately: Long pants, long sleeves, gloves, hats, closed shoes and socks are all recommended. Do not wear cologne or perfume, and long hair should be tied up and away from the face. Individuals who are allergic to bees should plan to observe from a safe distance. We are taking every precaution possible to ensure a safe and enriching experience.

Preregistration Required Please email your name, preferred session start time, and the number of adults and children (with their ages) to [email protected].

To learn more, see, call 516-571-7901or visit the Gate House at 127 Middle Neck Road, Sands Point, NY, 11050, open daily in summer from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Friends of the Sands Point Preserve is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with the mission to protect and preserve the 216-acre waterfront grounds and historic mansions and to provide a range of cultural arts events and educational programs for families and schools in the Phil Dejana Learning Center and Outdoor Classroom.

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