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Neighbor News

Free Webinar Series: “This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home…”

In "This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home…" participants will learn about global warming, climate justice, and steps they can take to help.

(Our Fragile Earth)

St. James of Long Beach and the Interfaith Association of Greater Long Beach is pleased to announce a free six-session webinar series on Global Warming. In “This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home…” participants will learn about global warming, climate justice, the economic and national security implications of global warming, and steps they can take to help stabilize the earth’s climate.

The series is open to all and will be led by William (Coty) Keller, PhD, an ecologist working to conserve and restore the natural relationships among living things and the environment.

February 4, 2021

7:00 – 8:00 PM
“This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home…” Session 1 of A Six-Session Webinar on Global Warming: It’s the Right Thing to Do. The introductory session will explain the climate justice concept and present the moral case for action to stabilize the climate. We will explore the economic imperatives and the impact on National Security. We will also present an overview, so you know what to expect from the rest of the program. Sponsored by the Interfaith Association of Greater Long Beach with support from the City of Long Beach, NY. Participation is free; click here to register and receive the link:

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February 11, 2021

7:00 – 8:00 PM
“This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home…” Session 2 of A Six-Session Webinar on Global Warming: The Problem. This session will go into detail about the causes of global warming, because only by understanding the causes can we hope to fashion good solutions. We deal with urgency because solutions must take effect in time to prevent unbearable consequences. We also describe some of the barriers to the quest for a stable climate: special interests, climate skeptics and deniers. Sponsored by the Interfaith Association of Greater Long Beach with support from the City of Long Beach, NY. Participation is free; click here to register and receive the link:

February 18, 2021

7:00 – 8:00 PM
“This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home…” Session 3 of A Six-Session Webinar on Global Warming: Bold action. This session describes what it will take to achieve a stable climate. It is important to distinguish between the two types of climate action- adaptation and mitigation. We explain the two paths to success: 1. Reducing/eliminating the emission of heat trapping gases and 2. Sequestration – removing carbon already in the atmosphere. Economics and Uncertainties are important concepts to understand when making life altering decisions. Sponsored by the Interfaith Association of Greater Long Beach with support from the City of Long Beach, NY. Participation is free; click here to register and receive the link:

Find out what's happening in Long Beachwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

February 25, 2021

7:00 – 8:00 PM
“This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home…” Session 4 of A Six-Session Webinar on Global Warming: Specific actions – in our own realms. This session gets into the nuts and bolts of what to do in our homes, businesses, houses of worship, and government buildings. A good part of this is about energy conservation, and the transition to zero emission sources. It is also about sequestration - taking carbon out of the air with landscapes and farming. Also important are other behavior changes - what we eat, what we buy and what we waste. Sponsored by the Interfaith Association of Greater Long Beach with support from the City of Long Beach, NY. Participation is free; click here to register and receive the link:

March 4, 2021

7:00 – 8:00 PM
“This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home…” Session 5 of A Six-Session Webinar on Global Warming: Specific Actions – governments. What we do as individual is important for sure. But to achieve the bold action needed to reverse global warming, we need global action at all levels of government. This session explains how different levels of government can and must take on different roles. This session will describe in detail what needs to happen at the federal, state and local level. Sponsored by the Interfaith Association of Greater Long Beach with support from the City of Long Beach, NY. Participation is free; click here to register and receive the link:

March 11, 2021
7:00 – 8:00 PM
“This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home…” Session 6 of A Six-Session Webinar on Global Warming: Graduation. The concluding session will put it all together - integrate what we have learned about the climate crisis, its causes and solutions. We will share insights into how we are impowered to act. Sponsored by the Interfaith Association of Greater Long Beach with support from the City of Long Beach, NY. Participation is free; click here to register and receive the link:

Questions? Call (586) 872-7883 or email [email protected].

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