Politics & Government

Meet The Candidates: Treston For Long Beach City Council

Treston shares why voters should give her another term in November. Check out the Q&A with Patch.

Liz Treston, who seeks reelection to the Long Beach City Council, faces a Democratic primary challenge.
Liz Treston, who seeks reelection to the Long Beach City Council, faces a Democratic primary challenge. (Council Member Liz Treston )

LONG BEACH, NY — Three Democratic incumbents face a primary for their seat on the Long Beach City Council. One of those on the ballot is Elizabeth Treston. Primary day is Tuesday. June 27.

What are your ties to Long Beach?

My family has established roots in the City of Long Beach. Originating from the Bronx, both my parents' families found their way to the "City By The Sea." My Mom is a registered nurse and my Dad is a field worker for Con Edison. My sisters and I spent every summer at my grandmother’s house. Josephine McInerney was a LBHS custodian. I bought the home after she passed and made it accessible for my needs so I could live here full-time.

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Does anyone in your family work in politics or government?


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What's your education?

Master in Speech Pathology

What is your occupation?

Retired speech pathologist after 35 years.

Previous or Current Elected or Appointed Office:

City Council, elected in 2019. I'm the Long Beach City Council vice-president.

Campaign Website:


Why are you seeking elective office?

I am running for re-election on the continued platform of transparency and accountability in local government. My first year we were thwarted by the global pandemic and policies and procedures we wanted to put in place had to be put on the back burner. The City came through yet another disaster stronger than before. We realize how fragile a system can be and have worked to strengthen the policies to keep things running in any future event.

Government works at a grinding snail's pace. Having been in office for the last three years, I have a new understanding of how the processes can be infuriating but also changed with very hard work and communication between many parties. This administration has worked diligently on making policy changes that will increase productivity and decrease the cost of running a city.

The single most pressing issue facing our (board, district, etc.) is _______, and this is what I intend to do about it.

The single most pressing issue continues to be affordability. I love where I live. I want to be able to stay here along with my family, friends and neighbors in the community that continues to look out for each other in times of great need.

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

I have a unique perspective. As a person with a disability, I am quite aware of being left out, literally at times, in the cold. I don't ever want anyone to ever have that feeling. I take my role as the "bridgemaker" between those that have differing views. Sometimes I have found that anger on an issue can be looked at as passion. This is where we can all agree that we all have a passion for our city and that we want to ensure that we all can live here for many years to come.

If you are a challenger, in what way has the current board or officeholder failed the community (or district or constituency)?


Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform.

Continuing to work on the financial mismanagement of previous administrations, focusing on investments. Our infrastructure is old. We've addressed a system where areas of priority because of flooding or property damage are addressed. The Comprehensive Plan is a guide to the vision for the future of Long Beach. This needs everyone's input. Other plans have failed as they did not allow the collaboration of building an inclusive and revitalized community where every voice is heard not just the loudest.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

I ran for office in 2019 at the behest of the community, who had lost confidence in those running the city. The city's finances were in shambles. The city was broke and borrowing money each year just to pay its employees and bills. It was poorly managed, ignored crumbling infrastructure, and was rife with patronage. Our administration ended all that. We now have balanced budgets and have put millions of dollars in a reserve fund. We received two upgrades from the financial ratings agencies in as many years and hope to get another within the next few weeks. With the exception of having to pay off a decades-old lawsuit, there was a 0% operational tax increase this year. We have invested over $200 million dollars in flood protection, road repaving, eliminating sewage discharges into Reynolds Channel, and other infrastructure upgrades. While the city is in a much better place now than it was when I was first elected, there is still more work to be done. I am asking for your vote so we can keep the turnaround of our city going and continue making it a better place for you and your family.

The best advice ever shared with me was:

Be kind.

What else would you like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

I have the interest of the community always at the forefront. I am concerned for our future as a city on a barrier island. I continue to advocate for all families and their many issues from clawbacks to housing. I don't like grandstanding, which as a politician isn't wise. I prefer getting the work done. The residents know one of my goals is to keep our flood insurance affordable. I recently passed legislation to increase our Community Rating System with the National Flood Insurance Policy from 15% to 20%. This is real money in homeowners' and businesses' pockets. I realize some decisions I make may not be popular with a few, but they're necessary for the whole in order to be financially sound in the years ahead. I would like voters to know I am always open to discuss and listen to their concerns.

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