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Community Corner

Writing Mindsets

Wow! I've met way more people who have risen to their challenges than I dreamed of. Some tell me their stories with their eyes open wide.

Long Beachers, I suspect many of you already know about the young lady I recently met, but she was new to me.

However, you might not know her entire story even if you know her.

I heard rumors of a young lady who had been going into the sea every morning—year round.

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I recently had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing her. I knew nothing about her except for her freezing dips, so I didn’t know what to expect. I was, so to speak, going in cold.

As she ascended the boardwalk ramp, I saw she used a cane. I didn’t know that either.

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It was cold when I met her at Lincoln Beach: 30 degrees with a wind of 20 mph, and the water was 44 degrees. We huddled for the interview at Gregg LaPenn’s boardwalk shack, Lazar’s Glizzy. At least we were out of the wind so my iPhone mic could pick up what she said.

And what she said, astounded me. What awed me even more was her attitude. A Gung Ho gal, to put it mildly; she should have been a Marine.

Her widened eyes spoke of her enthusiasm about her feelings, feelings for the sea, and feelings for the people she saw.

I suspect she would be an example for anyone regardless of their situation, but because she dealt with this incredible pain incredibly, she shone even more.

She told me it was about writing your mindset and how it helped her. After meeting with her, I saw that the best way to improve our situations and re-write our lives was through Writing Mindsets.

Be well,


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