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Beneath The Surface

HEaling Link® - Soul Food

The Cost of Being Hidden...
The Cost of Being Hidden... (All Things Jesus )

Beneath The surface

Long ago, in a faraway land, devout monks continually practiced ascetism, forging worldly pleasure and comforts in exchange for spiritual ideas, purposes, and goals.

This austere voluntary self-discipline was particularly renown in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in Burma during the Sukhothai Dynasty.

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Within this period, a magnificent pure gold Buddha statue was created that weighed 5.5 tons and was ten feet tall and ten feet wide across the lap from knee to crossed knee.

Sometime before 1767, fear of raids, pillage, theft, and vandalism persuaded the monks to protect their cherished spectacular statue by covering it in layers of clay, plaster, and bits of colored glass.

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As anticipated, in 1767, their village was seized by invaders and the monks were wiped out and with them the knowledge of the concealed treasure, but the not so attractive clay Buddha statue remained untouched for many centuries with the deep-seated secret safely intact among the ruins.

In 1955, the entire monastery was transported to Bangkok, Thailand, when cracks developed revealing sheen underneath the fabricated facade.

After careful removal of the debris, the glorious Golden Buddha was restored and honored in the Temple of the Golden Buddha.

Truth can only be hidden for so long, ...any truth.

Within each of us there is a treasured Golden Buddha silently waiting to be discovered and harnessed.

Like the statue, it can accumulate assorted muck from well-meaning but critical parents and teachers, abuse, judgement, and rigid societal norms, which tarnish our inherent Goodness as children of God and dim our fabulous Light.

Ultimately, these staunch restrictive barricades and sequestered feelings may cause us to erect walls to protect out tender hearts, and thereby forget our innate signature and grand heritage.

Tightly wrapping and sealing our failures, hurts, and disappointments, also impedes breath and vitality but does not absolve or discard the discord.

The envelopment will, however, further separate the Self from the Self causing more disquietude.

It is a temporary fix that will eventually fracture.

Emotional armor is nothing more than a stifling false veneer ensuring isolation, doubt, guilt, and shame, and obscuring our beautiful Souls.

This is no way to live.

Do not wait until you crack from a fomenting overload.

Human hands applied and removed the statute's debris.

You hold the same power of transformation within you.

Luke 17:21 cites, "For behold, the kingdom of God is within you."

If you find it too arduous, enlist the help of a trusted friend or healthcare professional, because what lies underneath is far more precious than gold, and is where your higher purpose is waiting for its grand debut.

It has always been there. The world is waiting.

~ "So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be known," Matthew 10:26. `
HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn't it time to get Linked?

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