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Best Mother's Day Gift, Ever

HEaling Link® - Soul Food

Happy Mother's Day 2024...
Happy Mother's Day 2024... (Oliveboard )

Best Mother's Day Gift - Ever

Looking for a health boost?

Have a baby.

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It could be equivalent to a worthwhile and rewarding wellness plan due to the unmistakable and unshakable mother-child bond that defies natural laws on multiple levels.

The intangible psycho-emotional connection with intuitive flashes and knowingness that tether them forever outside the bounds of prescribed knowledge or distance is remarkable and helps the child to thrive by promoting security and laying the groundwork for future relationships.

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So much depends upon this vital life sustaining partnership, which begins in utero and may continue for life.

The emotional and psychic bonds are further elevated by certain reciprocal physical attributes that also transcend time and space.

While the pregnant mother keeps the growing baby safe from the external world, she is the recipient of countless health boons from her little internal dweller.

Astonishingly, fetal stem cells migrate from the child to the mother and remain there for years, decades, and possibly indefinitely.

Unsurprisingly, the mother's cells also relocate to the child's body and reside there.

The amount of baby's cells and DNA that lodge in the mother can be up to six percent and is surmised to be the deep cellular genetic link that orchestrates the ongoing intuitive pathway between mother and child.

This amazing exchange of cells from one distinct genetically different person to another is called microchimerism, and occurs as soon as the placenta is implanted serving as a bidirectional swapping pathway.

This transpires with every child even second semester miscarriages.

The baby's migratory cells also possess regenerative and reproductive benefits by way of perpetual communication among both parties' cells with this awesome superpower enhancing the mother's health for numerous years.

Doctors have seen complete remission of maternal health issues during pregnancy due to the baby's genetic cells detecting and infiltrating areas of injury or illness and healing tissues and organs.

This transferring process also reduces the risk of various cancers and alleviates autoimmune conditions.

Rest assured, these fetal cells are not lounging around or inactive.

They are alive, differentiating, aging, and functioning even decades later.

Mothers carry the transported fetal stem cells forever, where they disseminate to many organs such as the lungs, skin, thyroid, liver, brain, and more.

These fastidious fetal cells have the strongest affinity for the mother's heart, where they integrate and transform into beating heart cells and tissue for her.

This gives a whole new sense of meaning and connection to 'carried in the mother's heart.'

Maybe that is why we feel as though a piece of us dies when our moms pass because our cells depart along with her.

The loss is not only a devastating emotional deficit but a veritable physical deprivation and unsoothable ache echoing throughout our being.

Alas, with great love comes great pain, which mirrors the depth of your love as it rattles within a vulnerable void seeking voice and vindication.

The good news is that love is superlative to the agonizing sting and those shared genes living on in you are a palpable mainstay of her unwavering presence.

May you find peace and clarity this Mother's Day savoring the time you still have together, and if your mom has passed, I hope you are able to work past the grief and embrace your unbreakable bonds with her that transcend time and space.

Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful, special, and unique Mom on her first Mother's Day in Heaven! XO

And, Happy Mother's Day to You!
~"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all,'" Proverbs 31:28-29. ~
HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, May 7, 2024 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn't it time to get Linked?

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