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Body Talk

HEaling Link® - Soul Food

Emotions for kids: How to Talk About Big Emotions
Emotions for kids: How to Talk About Big Emotions (Parents )

Body Talk

Most people agree that an out of body experience sounds pretty cool.

Little do they realize that they are living in that very mode.

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Our daily activities and chores are classified as an autopilot status and require little thought or emotional leverage to transpire.

Also lending to the head-orientation are hot-wired brain cells relentlessly firing and synapsing encouraging and consolidating thinking, assessing, and strategizing within the hermetically sealed cerebral confines.

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We zip through our days stuck in our heads, calculating, planning, running errands, and checking off never-ending lists.

This persistent mental state of being is exclusory to crucial somatic communication and essentially forgoes acknowledgement and integration, abandoning the physical body's input, and leaving it devoid and in default.

This onerous disconnect is not only highly unnatural, but is also downright detrimental and comes at a grievous price.

Excessive engagement with environmental stimuli and intellectual busyness exponentially titillates and reinforces deep previously etched neuronal pathways and exogenously validates our worth as a high-yielding laborer, while we neglect the sage corporeal sensations.

The body is always speaking, sending vital messages.

We know when we are functioning optimally because we feel vibrant and healthy, and conversely realize a lackluster ranking when we are lagging, ill, overwhelmed, or stressed.

With your attention on everything but you, these chronically dismissed important anatomical signals could eventually manifest into larger issues and even physiological maladies.

Feeling disembodied, out of touch, or numb?

Plagued by a tense neck and shoulders?

It could be your body language sharing that you are overwhelmed with unmanaged stressors, and although they may be mild now, those persistent aches and pains may be warnings of serious underlying issues and possibly disease.

Another downfall of favoring head-action is that uninterrupted busyness keeps us small by placing our internal focal point peripherally.

This unsustainable altered state of being can be reversed with simple grounding techniques and concentrating on slow thoughtful breathwork, which instantaneously settles one back into the body and able to perceive and process stirrings, emotions, and intuition.

Positioning your bare feet on the floor or Earth, or gently touching your arm, or focusing on objects in the vicinity are also helpful initiatives.

Grounding allows you to resume your bodily residence.

An ignored body will eventually shout out, probably at a very inconvenient moment.

Then again, maybe that is your plan to operate out of your body in order to override and impede that uncomfortable feedback.

Emotions want to move through the body and are transcribed into feelings by the brain to maintain our connection to ourselves.

These foundational sensitivities are connected to the Soul, the psyche, the essence, linking one to true wisdom and self-empowerment.

Therefore, disregarding them leaves one vulnerable, highly disadvantaged, and astray.

Sit with all the sensations that pop up.

Do not judge or manipulate what arises. Embrace it!

~"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness," Galatians 5:22-23 ~

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, February 6, 2024 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn't it time to get Linked?

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