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Dazzled or Frazzled?

HEaling Link® - Soul Food

17,600+ Close Up Fireworks
17,600+ Close Up Fireworks (iStock)

Dazzled or Frazzled?

Fireworks can be spectacular extravaganzas when viewed externally as carefully arranged detonations safely filling the darkened skies with bursts of decorative light.

But when unexpected booming bursts of energy are experienced from within, they can trigger a tsunami of undue discord and anxiety, especially when the person is unprepared or unaware of the presence of such underlying entities.

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In both instances there is an impetus that ignites and sets in motion the reaction that will momentarily result in a full-blown combustible exhibition.

While the Fourth of July display is excitedly anticipated and desirable, these inner implosions, that are often ignored or pushed down at the first sign of internal discomfort, can be overwhelming and suffocating messages that can rapidly lapse into messes and stall forward movement and be a stumbling block to living your best life.

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Basic science dictates that energy naturally moves from a higher gradient to a lower one, cautioning the importance of releasing pent up energy therapeutically.

These inflammable feelings rage below your conscious radar by not only impeding productive thought processes, but also by dysregulating individual cell sustainability and programming when persistently bathed in stress hormones that chemically subvert and harm.

This can lead to chronic exhaustion leaving one feeling completely frazzled.

As if that were not worrisome enough, these alterations can also transgress from one generation to another, thereby passing along these disturbing hyper-vigilant and dissonant genes and traits.

Past disappointments, betrayals, traumas, and heartbreak do not magically disappear.

They fester and fulminate because they are not acknowledged and trapped.

The next time that twinge of disharmony arises within you, consider letting it float to the surface and touch your consciousness.

It is not there to decimate you, which we erroneously may have surmised and therefore squash it before the emotions get more intense.

Cramming it back down will only ensure that it will emerge again.

However, if we sit with it, feel it – as scary as that may sound, that allows for it to be discharged from your body.

No bang.

No explosion.

Only a sense of peace that arises after a once perceived dread is no longer a threat.

America’s independence came two hundred and forty-seven years ago, when will yours arrive? Happy Fourth of July!

~ ”Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free,” John 8:32. ~

HEaling Link® will meet on July 18, 2023 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn’t it time to get Linked?

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