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Community Corner

Dialogue, Conversation

And Whispers

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I ponder on why the vocabulary currently sprouted is so personally offensive

Words, a simple combination of letters (four consonants and one vowel) can be so incredibly powerful.

And the consequences they yield are impossible for me to record.

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Reputations can and are often ruined with a published descriptive adjective, sometimes unfounded, but also, humorous with cruelty.

Will, my grandson, who is on the autism spectrum, has an amazing vocabulary that is used to share his knowledge. He uses words to illuminate his world and generously share an innate ability and expertise with current technology.

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Not only is this incredible young man a blessing in my life but so are the tech abilities he brings every Sunday into his aged Grandmother’s complicated computer household.

Once, a lifetime ago, I had an older acquaintance, an otherwise good woman, who sadly sprinkled her words with carelessness across typed pages and in idle conversations with neighbors on street corners.

She had no knowledge of the impact the uncensored accusations would yield for generations to come.

Rather she believed her emotional anger was justifiable and religiously spoke against one and all who differed with her personal philosophy. Any innocent offense or perceived insult was documented and recorded with descriptive phrases and mailed voluminously to far flung relatives.

Her careless words were thrown like firebombs that scarred reputations of other family members forever.

If the foolish woman had been aware of the power she yielded, I believe she would have been astounded and possibly repentent.

Still the ongoing memory of an opinionated vocabulary makes me aware of the power a simple combination of four consonants and one vowel carry.

And the urgency to be careful how we use ours, not only in political dialogue, but also in personal conversation, whispers and speech as well as with abandon on the internet.

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