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Neighbor News

Earth Day

HEaling Link® - Soul Food

Earth Day - Kids Canvas...
Earth Day - Kids Canvas... (Busy Bees Pottery & Arts Studio Niles )

Earth Day
I love You Mother Earth for all you provide, where magnificence and bounty resplendently reside.

You ask nothing in return, while mankind blunders and slowly learns.

Always willing and forgiving our senseless transgressions, Your amazing resilience and sacred essence.
Taken for granted with no appreciation shown, the caregiver and mainstay of our precious home.

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Once nestled safely within Your glorious life-sustaining womb, we now witness countless breeds and diversity in peril of ending far too soon.
We watch species die off not one by one but in irreplaceable groups, while powerful voices say that all is well, but truly we are being duped.
Once pristine water in oceans and lakes, now fester with deadly algae and bake, bake, bake.

Land and waterways grapple with pollution and contaminants of all sorts, while clever corporations turn a blind eye and deny what they bought.

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By man's very hand, the sixth mass extinction voraciously booms, claiming animals and plants in unnecessary doom.

It does not have to be this way, maybe today is the day...

When we will grasp that the Earth is not expendable. The time is now to be responsible and dependable.

With the sun shining bright upon each hopeful dawn, we must pledge and work harder before it’s all gone.

Our home in the vast Solar System is one of a kind. If She perishes, another we will never find.

Let that seep in and alter our ways, or we may be seeing the end of days.

Thank you, Mother Earth, for Your hospitality, abundance, and grace, an absolutely sublime and remarkable place.
Truly our mother and like no other.

You are so Dear, and we really do care. XO
*Please, help however you can. With so many suitable avenues present for heightened environmental awareness, reform, and action, surely one will align with your heart and expertise. Be the change that is desperately needed. Earth Day is Monday, April 22nd. How will you contribute?

~"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it," Genesis 2:15 ~

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, April 16, 2024 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn't it time to get Linked?

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