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Neighbor News

Feeling The Chill?

HEaling Link® - Soul Food

Climate change research produced reasons for concern...
Climate change research produced reasons for concern... (Stanford News )

Feeling The Chill?

Probably not.

With summer temperatures soaring to sweltering heights and the air-gasping mugginess pervading populations globally, over-heated uncomfortable people abound are seeking cooler domains.

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But where does one go for refuge?

Decades of data show that cooler domiciles are not nearly as abundant as the ever- increasing searing regions that are so arid and brittle they readily nurture spontaneous sparks, which quickly combust vapid vegetation into raging infernal fires that not only decimate locally but smother and cripple faraway lands with toxic smoke and particulate matter that was never intended for animal and human respiratory systems.

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This July registered as the hottest month ever with the Fourth of July surpassing previously recorded temperatures for 125,000 years.

Furthermore, last week, waters at Florida’s southern vertex bubbled in the triple digits for two days.

With extended wildfire seasons engulfing creatures and ecosystems and the many avenues that provide for these unmatched sizzling commotions, we are dangerously and literally baking in an oven.

If you are one of the lucky few who tolerates unmitigated warmth well or has access to cooling means, there are other safety concerns as intensifying heat is a symptom of a much larger foreboding conundrum.

Radiant greenhouse gases like methane, excessive carbon dioxide spewing, piled up deteriorating plastic and more are also taking a toll on your body.

No one escapes what is occurring, but everyone can be part of the solution.

One tiny action by each individual can make a substantial difference now in order to alter what is clearly an imperiled hazy future.

Then, there is our precious environment which is taking a horrific beating with prolific ‘natural’ disasters that are anything but, all the while pointing a strong finger at the greed and carelessness of mankind.

Forget climate change; this is climate crisis.

The industrial era rose in tandem with global temperatures that are presently 1.25 degrees Celsius or 2.25 degrees Fahrenheit higher.

It might sound insignificant, but if we look around the compelling evidence resonates as a harbinger to heed.

In every possible way, the Earth rests in your hands.

~”And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,” Matthew 6:9-13~

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, August 1, 2023 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn’t it time to get Linked?

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