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The Final Countdown...

HEaling Link® - Soul Food

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The Final Countdown...

The Holy Bible has been foretelling of the imminent finality of times for millennia, and yet here we are.

I say this not to tempt fate or coax a jinx, but rather to highlight a divergent mindset.

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Jesus spoke in parables, which usually required some thought-provoking analysis.

He also cited that "the end is at hand," implying an impending doom was lurking right around the corner.

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God speaks to all His children through innumerable means, both extraordinary and mundane, and it is then up to us to fulfill, disseminate, or actuate His Holiness' requests.

It sounds simple, but alas, mankind flounders with multifaceted relentless distractions, cumbersome and purposeless to-do lists, sins, idolatry, and assorted selfishness.

At a glimpse to an outlier, we look despicable and detached.

And yet, The Lord of Everything loves us beyond measure and not as though we are one of many but like we are the Only One.

It is etched in these apocalyptic cries and discourse that we are directed to change our focus and daily doings.

It starts in the home, where morality, values, and temperance are observed, honored, instilled, and lived from infancy onward.

This vitally important aspect cannot be overlooked or overstated as the pliability of a young child's brain is analogous to a highly absorbent sponge, soaking up each experience and the associated feelings, as well as conversations, arguments, and visual cues.

This uncanny recording system is enacted by the theta brainwaves whose receptivity persist throughout these tender years fortifying each circumstance and worldly stimuli, and irretrievably downloading and encoding them to memory where they will repetitively replay 24/7 on a subconscious level without your conscious knowledge or consent.

Sadly, eighty percent of these defeatist recountings are negative in nature, and can breed fear, squash self-esteem, and impede goals.

Even the most loving parents make mistakes and may be neglectful or unreliable at times.

Every aspect is imprinted in the young impressionable mind, which is the budding receptacle for limiting beliefs and stunted self-confidence.

Often, adults are not aware of the underlying scope and strength of these subconscious workings and wonder why they are stuck, unhappy, or unfulfilled.

The Biblical 'end of times' is replete with definitive signs that forecast the gloomy epilogue of humanity, and one can bear witness with woeful applicability to these globally manifesting harbingers.

Should we be worried?

Maybe this repetitious admonishment is pertinent advice to be your best self every day as light workers and peacemakers.

In fact, the end is indeed, always at hand.

Day spins into night, seasons rotate and recycle the four corners of creation, jobs end, health status is altered, individuals pass from the Earth daily, and each day springs forth with new challenges and developments, depositing what we were once acquainted with in the completed past.

Living in the present moment and moving forward with Grace and Love could sustain all that we cherish. Grace and Love.

~"All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work," 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, November 7, 2023 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn't it time to get Linked?

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