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Listening To The Quiet...

HEaling Link® - Soul Food

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Listening To The Quiet…

It's time to chill, literally.

With temperatures plunging and snow in the forecast there is no shortage of shivers and external stillness.

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The northern hemisphere has hit the pause button commencing imbued idleness with its wildlife hibernating and safely tucked away in deep sleep mode for the blustery months.

Interestingly, their internal physiological systems slow to an imperceptibly palpable pace exhibited by a drastic decrease in body temperature, heart rate, and respiration during their slumber.

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This reduction in major metabolic systems enables extensive napping periods, conserves energy, and ensures their survival when food and water are scarce.

These animals are not ordered to do this.

It is spontaneous and part of their inherent internal guidance.

They do not question, gripe, or protest, and simply abide by increasing food consumption in the fall to fatten up for the long haul.

The creatures unequivocally follow simple intuition.

Do you?

Imagine if these beautiful animals decided that they had no desire to gorge on food, or took offense to lying dormant for a whole season, or they objected that they had other plans and activities they preferred?

Their non-compliance could result in severe injury or perishing due to freezing or starving.

Favoring the serenity and low maintenance comforts of a winter respite is mandatory for many mammals and certain other species, but humans have a choice to vegetate or activate.

Science confirms that the growth phase (aka busy period) with its laborious high energy and unsustainable relentless output is always followed by rooted motionless restoration or at least a winding down phase.

Even God rested on the seventh day after His massive creation.

In the soundlessness there is peacefulness, where tranquility pervades and displaces dissonance.

While the impenetrable terrain is sealed in searing frost and the only stirrings are echoes of wind whizzing and whining, whispering foreboding undertones, nature reposes.

Are you taking advantage of this glorious hiatus?

Inclement weather signals us to remain indoors analogous to animals sequestering in nature.

How can we resist with longer homebound nights affording opportunities to be still and contemplate emotions and spirituality, and inspiring new paths or mindsets?

Our furry friends are truly chillin'; what about you?

Figuratively, 'chilling' signifies resting, relaxing, and restoring.

How do you replenish your bucket after a tumultuous season or year?

Akin to the world's outward seasonal hush is our own external exit from the commotions of daily living, which allows for an imperative intermission and deep introspection.

Suspend yourself with inactivity, clear your mind, align with the Almighty and Commune.

Do not procrastinate, because this auspicious interval will pass dumping a flurry of new and unexpected dilemmas that will monopolize your days.

Sit still and say a prayer. He is waiting in the silence.

~"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him..." Psalm 37:7. ~

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, January 16, 2024 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn’t it time to get Linked?

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