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HEaling Link® - Soul Food

This way, that way, my way signpost...
This way, that way, my way signpost... (Adobe Stock)


Let's face it.

We are sign seekers.

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Always searching for the correct or easiest path.

It is an inherent evolutionary tool to ensure that we are perpetually pursuing something greater than ourselves.

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Confusingly, we are relentlessly bombarded with innumerable signs to choose from, and they originate from assorted venues with various ordinances and outcomes.

Unfortunately, the signals may not be crystal clear or cooperate with our anticipated yields.

When our sense of direction goes astray, it can leave us feeling unbalanced, stuck, or anxious, and can require a halt or revision.

An uber-helpful modality to regain our sense of self and footing is to utilize our spiritual compass, which unbeknownst to many, is readily available and incredibly accurate.

Unsure what way to venture, or how to handle a harrowing situation?

Maybe you believe that nothing will change with your dire circumstances.

Prayer can ignite a curiosity and a starting point.

This essential method kickstarts every journey and establishes and dictates purpose and destination.

We may not be supplied with all the answers or information upfront, but assuredly will be guided along with strategically placed synchronicities and 'Aha' moments.

There could be multiple steps, sacrifices, or sweat involved, but know that you are never alone.

It's prudent to have a plan, but ultimately, it is all about God's will.

Even though we are the heirs of free will, if we chase an objective that is out of alignment with our greatest good or predestined Soul creation, interference is guaranteed.

As humans, we are not in possession of the broad spectrum of existence, but the Lord is, and His prescribed resolution is the final determinant.

Sometimes your plan will be adjusted to suit the All Encompassing One, and while you may feel cheated or denied, you will also be endowed as a conduit for the benefit of others.

Surrender and pray.

We are never truly lost as God is omnipresent, waiting for you to jump onboard.

With all the signs pointing to Him, Jesus is indubitably The Way. Are you following HIS signs?

~ “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you,” Matthew 12:38. ~

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, October 3, 2023 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn’t it time to get Linked?

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