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HEaling Link® - Soul Food 100 pcs Mental Health Stickers... 100 pcs Mental Health Stickers... ( )


is the month of sunshine, flowers, and national mental health awareness.

After the down pours and dreary gray skies of April, we eagerly welcome the warmth, radiance, and budding opportunities that arrive in tandem with cheerful weather.

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Unfortunately, for those who deal with mental health challenges, the sun rarely shines and allocates them as downcast rain drops splashing and splattering onto the ground.

Since unsupported mental health can make every day feel like a rainy one, it accentuates the importance of instituting radical ideological and clinical change in this often ignored and stigmatized sector of wellbeing.

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Left unchecked and undiagnosed, isolation and mood disorders can act as a trap door leaving one feeling even more alienated and despondent.

Society in general can find innovation and adversity overwhelming, but to those discarded on the fringe it can be devastating and compound their struggles.

Living in harrowing uncertain times can further inflame matters by exacerbating already difficult issues and fertilizing the growth of new worries and obstacles.

We normalize many enigmatic stresses and occurrences daily, and yet there is tremendous resistance to include mental health in this category despite individuals floundering in anguish.

One in five people experience mental illness yearly with less than half receiving treatment, while two out of five report depression and anxiety, not to mention that two out of five teenagers feel a relentless sadness and hopelessness during these turbulent years.

In the same arena, addiction and drug overdose and its skyrocketing fatalities also plague us as a country where mental health needs are not being met.

May has been designated as the blowhorn month for awareness since 1949 to dispel misconceptions and fears and reduce the tenacious stronghold of stigma.

With over 90 million Americans experiencing some sort of mental health condition, awareness, education, screening, access to care, and compassion are no longer a nice idea, but are the national imperative. Be kind, and wear green every Wednesday in May to demonstrate your support. *National Alliance on Mental Illness, NAMI, can help @ 516-326-0797.

~”Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it,” Hebrews 13:2 ~

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, May 2, 2023 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn’t it time to get Linked?

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