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The Promise...

HEaling Link® - Soul Food

2,6,300 + Different Languages...
2,6,300 + Different Languages... (iStock )

The Promise...

Language is very important.

It is how we communicate information, ideas, our deepest desires, and feelings.

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With over seven thousand different languages and dialects spoken globally comprehension can be effectively tossed into the abysmal lurch.

Even within one's own language there are discrepancies, exceptions to rules, and slang terms, causing confusion, frustration, and hampering translation.

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Then there is the transcription aspect to consider, or how it is delivered.

Through the ages man has etched stone, inscribed clay, inked papyrus, scribbled on paper, and stored in iClouds.

But the most noteworthy and fabulous route is when God speaks through His created human companions, sometimes as a whisper designated for a select individual and other times as bold and breathtaking spectacles intended to inoculate and inspire the masses.

One may not realize just how vital fluency is until he is immersed in a land engulfed by conversations he cannot grasp.

This can be detrimental and scary depending on the situation.

On the Feast of Pentecost, we embrace the Divine power of the Holy Spirit, who among His many gifts is speaking in tongues.

The Holy Bible cites in several verses that even though it is a striking sight to witness, it is second to prophesying, which parlays details for God's people and uplifts the church.

Furthermore, speaking in tongues can be disconcerting and frightening to onlookers, and may even be misinterpreted as evil, instead of a miraculous act.

Over two millennia ago, the faithful Disciples were baptized by thunderous winds heralding the fiery Holy Spirit, took to the streets, and proclaimed in tongues bearing witness to God and Jesus to a diverse group of foreigners.

The bystanders were mesmerized and bewildered that Galileans were flawlessly enunciating in the outlander's native languages.

In this case, the gift of tongues was instrumental in ensuring interpretation to those outside of the local lingo, revealing redemptive messages.

The spectators did not understand how this was accomplished, but it captured their attention and gave them pause.

The Presence of God was undeniable as He made His grand point with some searching for the deeper meaning of what unfolded, while others repudiated that they must be drunk.

Not everyone is ready for the Lord's messages.

It is easier to dismiss than to invest time and effort toward what is being conveyed.

Centuries ago, the Holy Spirit delivered both tongues and prophesy, inclusively generating understanding and professing God and all His Goodness.

Do you?

Pentecost Sunday is May 19th. What wisdom will you receive?

We are all Disciples with a mission. What is yours?

~"All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them," Acts 2:4" ~

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday May 21, 2024 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn't it time to get Linked?

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