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HEaling Link® - Soul Food

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is bringing a person or thing back to life, to reinvigorate.

Jesus was resurrected and fully awakened on the third day through miraculous Divine intervention, conquering death and in one grand magnanimous action absorbing mankind's sins.

Severely wounded before He was nailed to the Cross with weeping opened lesions that supported internal bleeding as well as the visible gory exsanguination, He trudged forward.

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Innovative forensic protocols have determined that Jesus' skin gashes were very deep due to whips fashioned with penetrating razor-sharp and spike-like objects to induce maximum damage and pain administered by the grievous stinging buffeting.

It was ascertained that he was engulfed with displaced blood crowding out organ functioning, ensuring death.

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In the in-between time, in the tomb, His lifeless body anticipated what His Father had promised, rebirth.

Once resurrected, a transfigured Jesus was not recognized by His closest Disciples until His revelatory breaking of bread.

Isn't this the point of dying, no matter what context it arrives as, to be awesomely reshaped and molded according to the Heavenly Father's plan and specifications?

Whether a physical, emotional, or spiritual death, transformation is guaranteed because the prior situation, perspective, or belief no longer exists and the previous self is transported to a new unfamiliar and likely uncomfortable position, at least for a while.

This interim can be rife with doubt and emptiness since the security of the old way is absent, and the new desired one has not yet materialized.

We unwittingly endure these liminal periods of transition daily without disturbance as day closes into night, as years transpire into decades, and most notably and dramatically when loss and heartache unnervingly pierce our lives similarly to the whipping Jesus bore.

Understandably, we do not relish the gnawing emptiness that accompanies these darker diminished intervals, which when juxtaposed to the torturous Cross elicits a relatable fundamental desperation that even our most helpful capabilities find undermining.

We tend to resist these palpable yet unpalatable feelings, but rejection empowers them and secures their reign.

Spells of desolation can be assuaged and redirected with patience, prayer, and reinforcement of a faithful relationship with the Lord.

It is important to keep in mind that these challenges occur not to decimate but rather to elevate one to the next level as a more insightful Soul who has learned how to access his or her latent gifts and inner strengths that have always been a part of each of our highly unique Soul Print.

What might some of yours be?

Jesus proved that death is not permanent, whether it is a body expiration or the demise of a relationship, job, or health status.

It is a pause, a time of metamorphosis, and just like the resting caterpillar within her cocoon, we must embrace quietude and go with the prescribed flow.

By dying a little each day, through sacrifice, disappointment, or grief, we are resurrected to a new way of being and processing both intellectually and spiritually.

These raw voids indicate that something is missing, and provide the perfect space for Christ to infuse, comfort, and heal.

Even though we do not normally plan these painful stretches of emptiness, we can always deliberately prepare more room for the Lord to dwell within.

Honest reflection and surrender can produce remarkable results.

The sorrowful Lenten season has concluded and culminated in the joyful celebration of the promised resurrection, but we can still relieve ourselves of busyness that amounts to nothing substantial, over-doing as a means of bolstering self-worth, and adherence to temporary relief from distractions with maladaptive coping mechanisms.

Clearing the debris will require effort and thoughtfulness, which can disarm and evoke pangs of sadness.

The final result, however, is a sacred space imbued with Jesus' healing love and peace.

What can you release?

Jesus was healed, and you can be too.

It's time to redeem those gaps of separation.

Stupendous transformation awaits.
~ “...Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a single grain of wheat; but if it dies, it bears much fruit,” John 12:24. ~

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, April 2, 2024 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn't it time to get Linked?

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