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HEaling Link® - Soul Food

Patience-Strategic Advantage or Disadvantage?
Patience-Strategic Advantage or Disadvantage? (Brain Zooming)

We are always in a hurry.

Racing to the resolution, sprinting to arrive at the grand finale with its prized payoffs.

Setting our sights on positive outcomes is admirable and prudent and usually satisfies the ever-soaring quota in our everyday activities and fussings.

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However, certain situations cannot be hastened as occasional submersion in a modicum of discomfort and turmoil is unavoidable and can swiftly redirect and offer novel pathways.

These disruptive blips and glitches in one's life plan, infused with stretches of desolation and despair, are not a punishment but rather a prescribed opportunity and gift, a Divine vehicle of transformation.

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To the chagrin of most individuals, it will not simply present itself like the fashionable poshly wrapped sweater you received and adorned.

Instead, it will manifest as an unspecified artist's kit with untouched papers and assorted paints highlighting suggestions for a desirable outcome, but how you organize and create will translate as your uniqueness laboring with The Father.

To circumvent anguish, a warning notice ought to be included echoing that mistakes will transpire with spills, seepage outside your predetermined borders, and frustration.

Alas, it requires time, attention, and patience to design a masterpiece, and an astuteness to discern that there are invaluable lessons in the messiness waiting to reveal inner strengths and unrealized insights.

When we focus intently on the predicated preliminaries, we will miss the larger scope, which is enveloped with crucial guidance.

Worthwhile acquisitions require stamina, forethought, planning, and self-restraint, which can be harnessed and fine-tuned with devotion to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

This is analogous to ensuring a recipe's palatable fruition.

If an ingredient is omitted or the directions altered, the finished product will suffer.

Maybe you lack an ingredient or two (feel tired, bogged down, spiritually defunct), or are deficient in the motivation department (commitment, direction), or miscalculated the proper temperature setting (patience for the duration).

It is the timely conversion of parts into a cohesive whole that enables the final product, similarly to the metamorphic spiritual rebirth we seek.

There is no rushing Lent.

It is a forty-day journey for a reason, but the Good News is: Jesus invites you to walk it with Him.

We eagerly anticipate celebrating Easter with Jesus' miraculous' rise from death and destruction of the bondage of sins for us wayward sinners, who like Peter at times may deny knowing Him and run away.

Jesus endured for our sake.

Perhaps we can enact sacrificial amends in reciprocation.

Easter will arrive right on schedule.

Will you have employed earnest effort to enjoy the spoils?

Whether creating artwork or whipping up a sumptuous feast, strive to stick to your plan, allow for mishaps, and most importantly stay the course. The destination is in sight.

~"Jesus replied, 'You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand," John 13:7. ~

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, March 19, 2024 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn't it time to get Linked?

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