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HEaling Link® - Soul Food

Called for a Purpose | The Dominion Center
Called for a Purpose | The Dominion Center (The Dominion Center )


Admirable, devoted, called.

These steadfast attributes ripple in abundance for those reverent Souls, who struggled and sacrificed for the greater good.

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Divine intervention cannot be understated.

When a person is chosen to be an intrinsic component of God’s assemblage laboring for the upliftment of mankind, there is no stepping back, shrieking, or refuting.

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Even if the individual understands the direness and perils involved, he or she will forthrightly persevere to the finish to fulfill God’s plan.

Isn’t that what it is all about?

Living a Godly holy life in conjunction with the Eternal One focusing on not only the Lord but His Divinely derived people and Earth.

This magnanimous perspective and commitment enable the privilege of tapping into a higher consciousness granting an expansive global view dwarfing specific localities and mundanities that incite and control the masses with a relentless stronghold today.

This alternative broader reality mesmerizingly beholds the breadth of human woes indicating how one can be an instrument of not only peace but joy to those who lack daily essentials or support and love.

These glorious Lightworkers dwelled on the Earth to overcome suppression, injustice, and vacuity which breed materialism, greed, and oppression

They may have seen their diligence as a small offering to God, but the Everlasting One knew that their cumulative impacts would assist in awakening societal and individualism on a latitudinous scale.

Many of these dedicated saints never longed for the spotlight, but are forever logged as historical icons symbolizing piety and fortitude even in the face of death.

Saints come from assorted backgrounds with some depicting wealth and royalty, while others were impoverished, uneducated, or had other earthly plans and desires.

One’s origin or upbringing bears little resemblance or importance to what God has already deemed the person a perfect fit to transform.

Even though we may never be canonized or a constituent of the Holy Communion of Saints, we can still contribute to God’s Kingdom on Earth by disseminating the Lord’s messages of Love, Peace, Brotherhood, and Oneness.

Even a tiny step brings us closer to the world He and we imagine. Saintliness is attainable for everyone. What has God selected you to reform?

~ “If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them,” John 13:17. ~

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, July 18, 2023 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected] Isn’t it time to get Linked?

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