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Neighbor News

The Three Sisters

HEaling Link® - Soul Food

the three sister's crops
the three sister's crops (Clip art )

The Three Sisters

Life is inherently designed as an interconnected biosphere that leaves no one behind.

Every ecosystem is intricately dependent on another for survival and companionship.

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These complex relationships accurately broadcast a calamitous cost whenever a piece of the landscape is irrevocably lost or sacrificed.

Just as a tether secures a horse to a post for its protection so do the interdependency channels that sustain All That Is.

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Nowadays, strife and disorder rule, but this was not always the case. Centuries ago, the Indigenous people cultivated the rich fertile soil, and devoutly thanked Mother Earth for her continued copious bounty.

They judiciously and thoughtfully planted seeds that would sprout and nourish the whole community.

No synthetic chemicals, no genetic tweaking, no monocropping.

Their trick?

They worked with nature, by tilling for aeration, plucking to remove weeds, and cultivating many diverse plants together.

The Native Americans venerated the Earth as they were acutely aware of their reliance upon her ever-bestowing opulence, and thus, treated the Earth and all that grew from its depths with the utmost respect and thankfulness.

They conscientiously and devotedly seeded and sowed corn, beans, and squash, and lovingly personified them as the Three Sisters.

Just as human sisters help and advocate for each other, these three crops possess an innate complementary synergistic relationship as they endeavor to individually cooperate for their collective well-being and perpetuation.

As the corn stalks rise to meet the sky, their towering height furnishes sturdy leverage for the beans to grasp as they also stretch to the sun.

In reciprocation, the bean vines' ability to secure the corn stalks in tempestuous weather safeguards an abundant yield while replenishing nitrogen to the life-giving soil ecosystems, which reaps rewards for the two other sisters, corn and squash, and also thwarts disease and fungi growth.

In yet another collaborative effort, the super-sizable squash leaves inhibit weed formation and shade the ground therefore decreasing groundwater evaporation. Some of these multi-talented leaves also harbor tiny thorn-like protuberances to deter opportunistic pests and wildlife.

Mankind could learn a great deal from the three sisters who coexist peacefully, harmoniously, and incomprehensively interconnected despite their differences.

Nature instinctively knows how to sustain itself.

Alas, this essential unadulterated rhythm has been rejected and forsaken with modern agriculture.

We are all familiar with pumpkins and corn as traditional Thanksgiving Day treats, but may not realize how far we have come from these natural farming practices and strategies of agroecology.

Unfortunately, the disparity is analogous to the gaping hole separating humanity’s heart and unwittingly facilitating its demise.

WE are all brothers and sisters of the Almighty, and it is not too late to learn an important lesson from the three sisters.

No matter what is on the menu for your feast, sit merrily with your siblings near and far, and be sure to have a grateful heart full of Thanks and Giving. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

~ ”Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus,” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. ~

HEaling Link® will meet Tuesday, November 21, 2023 @ 7:30pm via Zoom. For more information, please contact Jackie: [email protected]. Isn’t it time to get Linked?

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