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Community Corner

The Wisdom

Of The Wind

I verge on fanaticism about certain things including my garments

Admittedly, there have been and currently are an equal number or perhaps more important issues (if I am being totally honest) that received far less attention,

But I wonder if life might have been different if I had been as protective of the amazing body God gifted me for almost a century.

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If I had sheltered it from the sun as carefully as I fanatically tuck lavender into each closet monthly.

Or if I had been as scrupulous and honest about the quantity and size of the scoops of ice cream described as a “snack”

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Or perhaps exercised as regularly as I shopped for moisturizers and ebooks.

Well, then, perhaps I would be more agile, less anxious and not have the rigors of dietary limitations I now endure.

Yet I was never Wonder Woman in size, scope or wisdom and humanity does come with its own unique garment called free will.

And so as the days definitely wind down and I look back with wistfulness, I try to focus on the joys I remember rather than the multitude of mistakes I made.

Sunny days swimming with my Dad in the Atlantic ocean as a young child totally oblivious to any danger from the warmth of the sun.

The vanilla ice cream from Brokar’s in Hells Kitchen served only for “company” before we had a refrigerator and the beginning of an undisputed indulgence,

And the frantic years of life shared with a growing family that ended so quickly without the recognition that even happiness has a life span.

And life constantly reminds us of the blessings if we take time to listen.

Unfortunately often we are engrossed in foolish worries and not listening to the wisdom of the wind as it whisks life slowly and surely to each tomorrow.

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