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Neighbor News

Town of Rye to take Americans with Disabilities Act Pledge

Work is underway to make Town's parks accessible to all

This July 26th will mark the 27th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Town of Rye plans to mark the occasion by signing a pledge to reaffirm the principles of equality and inclusion and recommitting our efforts to reach full ADA compliance. The pledge can be made by individuals, organizations, and governments, and can e found online at

In the lead up to taking the pledge, the Town has substantially completed work to make the Crawford Park grounds accessible to those with disabilities, including the construction of ADA-compliant public restrooms in the picnic pavilion, an accessible playground, and a sensory garden. Plans are being drawn to improve the physical infrastructure of the interior of the Crawford Park Community Center (formerly Crawford Mansion) to eliminate all of the barriers that the facilities still present to the disabled. The proposed work will install an elevator to make the second floor accessible, as well as an emergency evacuation chair to assist the disabled in cases when the elevator is inoperable. Bathrooms on both the first and second levels will be made ADA-compliant. And an ADA-compliant walkway will connect the Crawford community center to parking and the grounds.

Similarly, concepts are being developed to create access for the disabled at Rye Town Park and Oakland Beach. Proposed work would remove existing gates and ramps at both the South Beach and Middle Beach entrances and replace them with ADA-compliant entrances that could accommodate mobility devices and wheelchairs. This project would make Oakland Beach among only a few accessible public beaches in Westchester County.

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“The Town of Rye is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities can participate in the same programs, activities, and employment opportunities available to those without disabilities in the most integrated setting possible,” said Supervisor of the Town of Rye, Gary J. Zuckerman.

The American with Disabilities Act was first signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H.W. Bush, to ensure the civil rights of people with disabilities. The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.
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