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Neighbor News

FEMA awards Greenburgh grant to lift up six homes

properties suffered serious damage after Hurricane Ida in 2021 application took FEMA two years to review

FEMA provided the town of Greenburgh with great news this past Friday--- the Town of Greenburgh has been awarded a grant to raise six homes on Babbitt Court.

We submitted the application to FEMA in May 2022 after Hurricane Ida caused serious property damage to residents who live on a street in Greenburgh that always gets flooded. Some of the homeowners have been unable to live in their homes since Ida (2021), having to pay both rent for temporary housing, and their mortgages/taxes ever since on properties they can’t enjoy.

Now that the grant award is official the town will work with FEMA and with residents of Babbitt Court and begin the lengthy process that must be followed: design/engineering and project work. I have communicated with the residents, and we will keep them informed throughout the implementation process. We want the six families who have suffered since 2021 to be able to be able to enjoy their property as soon as possible. As soon as we finalize a timetable for implementation of the grant – that information will be communicated to residents. I expect to conduct periodic meetings with residents updating them on the progress.

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The total project cost for elevating the six homes was estimated two years ago at $1.456 Million, for which the Federal Share would be $1,310,400. There is a 10% local match of $145,600 used for project management.

I want to thank the offices of Senators Schumer and Gillibrand for helping the town in our efforts to move the application process along. Although I’m grateful that the award was granted -I believe that FEMA should in the future expedite the grant application review process. It shouldn’t take two years to award a grant after a major emergency. Residents who were impacted by the storm have seen their lives on hold while waiting to learn if they would receive the grant dollars.

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Of the 17 homes in this 100-year floodplain, six homes were already raised from a similar grant in 2002; six more homeowners asked to be included in this second grant.


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

From: Palousek, Ronald (DHSES-CONTRACTOR)

Sent: Friday, May 3, 2024 3:18 PM

To Paul Feiner <[email protected]>

Subject: 4480-0076 |Town of Greenburgh | Babbitt Court Flood Mitigation Elevation Project | AWARDED

Importance: High

Paul Feiner,

Good afternoon. I am happy to inform you that FEMA has approved your project, HMGP 4480-0076 Town of Greenburgh – Babbitt Court Flood Mitigation Elevation Project. Congratulations! The attached Approval letter dated May 1, 2024, serves as official notification of the award and allows the Town of Greenburgh to begin moving forward with this project.

In the next couple of weeks, I will be contacting you to schedule a grant management kick-off meeting to discuss the project as well as drafting a contract between the State(recipient) and the Town of Greenburgh (sub recipient). Once the contract is drafted, I will send it along to be signed, notarized, and returned.


News 12 has aired a few stories about the grant application and the long process of getting grant applications reviewed by FEMA.

(9/22/21 you tube of town bd meeting

The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?