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Home & Garden

20 Expert tips to prepare for Hurricanes/Storms-Part 2

Expert tips to protect your home and family from Hurricanes/Storms

This is part 2 and the final part of our series 20 Expert tips to prepare for Hurricanes/Storms.

Here is a link to part 1- 20 Expert tips to prepare for Hurricanes/Storms we watch Hurricane Florence ravage the Carolinas, we continue some good tips to prepare for such disasters. As the news footage shows, these storms are not to be taken lightly, and the number of people currently in need rescuing in such dangerous conditions underscore the most important point - Be Prepared! Conditions continue to deteriorate, over 100,000 without power as Hurricane Florence bears down on Carolinas. The real issue is the storm surge which can have devastating effects on your property and community.

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Evacuation planning-Have a plan and work the plan.The main reason people have to evacuate during hurricanes is from a storm surge, which is an abnormal rise of water generated by a storm’s winds.These storm waters can reach heights well over 20 feet and can span hundreds of miles of coastlines, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Contact Your Local Governments About Evacuation Plans-They provide the public with information about evacuation areas and routes.Be prepared to evacuate early so you do not get stuck in traffic leaving the area.

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Evacuation Planning is Critical-Have a plan and work the plan. The main reason people have to evacuate during hurricanes is from a storm surge, which is an abnormal rise of water generated by a storm’s winds. These storm waters can reach heights well over 20 feet and can span hundreds of miles of coastlines, according to the National Hurricane Center. Contact your Local governments about evacuation plans, they provide the public with information about evacuation areas and routes. Be prepared to evacuate early so you do not get stuck in traffic leaving the area. Have plenty of gas, as there may be traffic on the evacuation route.

Make Sure You Are Prepared To Evacuate- It is important to have an evacuation kit that has all your family will need for a few days. This includes pets (remember, storms are often very alarming to animals.) Have water, food, any medicines ready to go, as well as flashlights. Have a central point of contact for your family - someone out of the area who can relay messages to others. Remember to bring your car phone charger, as the electricity may be out even where you evacuate to.

Even if there is an outage of cell phone coverage in your area due to the storm, you can stay in touch with your family. Change your voicemail message to update your status, or communicate messages to friends and family. You can always do this without service or data.

Part Of Coastal living Is Being Prepared.- Keep a reserve supply of the essential supplies - non perishable food, water, batteries, and working flashlights. Other good items to have on hand for a weather emergency include a first aid kit, duct tape, moist toilette's for personal sanitation, and garbage bags.
You might consider adding some additional items to your emergency supply kit, as when there is a storm serge, it may be days or even a week before your neighborhood returns to normal. Consider adding following items to your emergency supply kit based on your individual needs. In addition to prescription medicines, you may want to include over the counter medicines such as pain relievers, antacids, etc.

Do not forget your pet. Evacuations shelters also have plans for pets, but do not assume that you can simply bring them to the shelter you are going to. Also, make sure you have food and water for your pet, and the proof that its shots are up to date handy when you bring your pet to a shelter.

If you evacuate, bring a sleeping bag or warm blanket for each family member. Shelters are often set up by volunteers and may be under equipped. Do not assume you it will be like checking into a motel.

Bring a change of clothes and an alternate pair or sturdy shoes. You may find that you get quite wet while evacuating, and in a truly bad storm, you may be displaced for a few days.

If you are sheltering in place, make sure you have plenty of ice. Fill all the coolers you can find with ice, and empty the vegetable bins in the refrigerator and put a bag in each. This will help preserve your food should the power go out.

Be prepared to turn off your utilities. You will need a wrench, and if you are not sure how, call the utility to find out how BEFORE the storm hits.Gas leaks can only add to the problem, especially if you have chosen to shelter in place.

If you have an outdoor grill or camping stove, make sure you have plenty of propane. This may be the only way for you to cook should you choose to shelter in place.

Check Insurance Coverage-Most people do not realize that Flooding is not a part of standard home and renters insurance. All of Long Island faces the issue of flooding, not just Coastal areas.

Have Your Insurance Paperwork-Taking photos of your belongings and your house can help document both what you own and their condition before the storm.Now is a great time to understand your insurance policy so you know what is and isn't covered and how much your deductible is?
If the storms hits your area expect claims to be widespread in your area, be prepared to face delays in the claims process.

Make Copies of Important Documents-Those living in or near hurricane areas should make copies of proof of ownership documents of any property not limited to their homes, cars and boats. Keep documents stored in the hurricane kit or in any safe location that does not risk being damaged during the hurricane

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