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Southampton Animal Shelter HELP Fostering Pets Now!

please help save the lives of these pets.

The Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation is in urgent need of foster homes for momma dogs & babies, dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens! We really need your help or if you have family or friends who are able and willing to. We have raised the funds to have them brought to Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation but need foster homes for them so they can be saved.

Length of time: For momma and babies foster would be for about 7-8 weeks and for other foster pets it would be for about 2-3 weeks. We provide all of the supplies needed! We need you to provide them with housing and love! Without your help we are unable to save the lives of so many animals each year! We appreciate you and hope you are able to help by fostering and/or spreading the word too!

Please fill out the online application if you are available:

For more questions please contact Crystal at (631) 728-7387 x237 or [email protected]

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