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Columbia University Professor Clinton's `Faux Feminism' Revisited (1)

"I am launch the Institute of Global Politics...There better place for it than at Columbia University."-HRC

Columbia Professor Clinton and Dean Yarhi-Milo will bring global leaders to SIPA’s campus for its Inaugural Summit on October 3, 2023.
Columbia Professor Clinton and Dean Yarhi-Milo will bring global leaders to SIPA’s campus for its Inaugural Summit on October 3, 2023. ((Verso Books))

Most U.S. antiwar feminists living on the Upper West Side of Manhattan have not, historically, regarded Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs [SIPA] Professor and Columbia University Institute of Global Politics [IGP] Director Hillary Rodham Clinton as either a contributor to world peace or an individual whose historical political record reflected the politics and moral values of the post-1969 Women's Liberation Movement.

So, not surprisingly, most U.S. antiwar feminists living on the Upper West Side of Manhattan likely feel that it was morally wrong and politically partisan for the tax-exempted 21st-century white corporate male patriarchal administration of former Columbia University President Lee Bollinger to undemocratically appoint 2008 and 2016 (and possible 2024) Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to be a Columbia U. "professor" during the 2023-2024 academic year.

As Ithaca College Professor Ziilah Eisenstein noted in an essay, titled "Beyond Hillary: Towards Anti-racist, anti-imperialist feminism", that appeared in a morally courageous and groundbreaking 2016 Verso-published book, titled False Choices: The Faux Feminism of Hillary Rodham Clinton:

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"...Let us not...lose sight of our opposition to the sort of feminism that Hillary Clinton represents and the harm it causes: equal opportunity warmongering...Her stances as a candidate, her actions as secretary of state, and her record as a senator show that she condones a perpetual state of war...

"It is crucial for US women to say no to the policies of mass destruction, incarceration, and militarization that Hillary Clinton represents...Hillary's renewed defense of...Israel's `right' to defend itself asserts `rights' to a patriarchal, racist and colonial state...She sees the ultimate `responsibility' for the ongoing tragedy in Gaza as Hamas's fault...

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"Hillary Clinton's brand of feminism--power feminism, imperial feminism, white ruling-class feminism--is not the answer to this moment of crisis...

"...Imperial feminism props up the structural misogyny of empire even while critiquing discrimination toward women..." [end of part 1)

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