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Columbia University Professor Clinton's `Faux Feminism' Revisited (2)

"As a lawmaker and diplomat...Clinton...championed military campaigns that...killed scores of `everyday' people abroad..."Medea Benjamin

"Historically, husband of Queen's University Belfast Chancellor and Columbia University Professor Hillary Clinton ordered a June 27, 1993 U.S. missile attack, including 23 cruise missiles, on Baghdad which killed Laila al-Attar and her husband..."
"Historically, husband of Queen's University Belfast Chancellor and Columbia University Professor Hillary Clinton ordered a June 27, 1993 U.S. missile attack, including 23 cruise missiles, on Baghdad which killed Laila al-Attar and her husband..." (Verso Books)

In 2003, University College Dublin in Ireland established the "Clinton Institute for American Studies" that former Democratic U.S. President Bill Clinton "warmly supported" and paid "several visits to" during the 21st century, according to the UCD Clinton Institute website.

Then in 2011, Queen's University Belfast--located in the North of Ireland--founded "The William J. Clinton Leadership Institute" to--in the words of Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs [SIPA] Professor and Institute of Global Politics Director Hillary Clinton's husband--"prepare future business leaders for a time that requires economic innovation," according to the Queen's University Belfast website.

And in January 2020, coincidentally, Queen's University Belfast appointed Bill Clinton's wife and former U.S. government Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to be the Queen's University Belfast Chancellor who, according to a Jan. 2, 2020 press release, was to "serve as the University's new Chancellor for a period of 5 years, with effect from 1 January 2020."

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Yet, historically, the husband of Queen's University Belfast Chancellor and Columbia University Professor Hillary Clinton ordered a June 27, 1993 U.S. missile attack, including 23 cruise missiles, on Baghdad which killed Laila al-Attar and her husband, as well as other Iraqi civilians, although--as Dennis Bernstein noted in a 1998 Salon article--Laila al-Attar "was a director of the Iraqi National Art Museum and a powerful force in gaining recognition for women artists throughout the Middle East."

According to a June 28, 1993 New York Times article, Laila al-Attar "and her husband were found dead under debris at their home" after some of the cruise missiles "blasted craters as deep as 30 feet in Al Manour, an exclusive residential area;" and "a German opposition spokesman on Middle East Affairs, Dieter Schinzel of the Social Democratic Party charged that the attack was counter to international law."

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But despite the role Queen's University Belfast Chancellor and Columbia Professor Clinton's husband played in the killing of Laila al-Attar and her husband, some Upper West Side Democratic Party supporters regard Hillary Rodham Clinton as a politically progressive feminist. Yet, as long-time 21st-century Code Pink antiwar feminist activist Medea Benjamin recalled, in an essay, titled "Pink-slipping Hillary," that appeared in Verso's 2016-published False Choices: The `Faux Feminism' of Hillary Rodham Clinton book:

"Clinton was steadfast in her commitment to war: She said it was our responsibility to disarm Saddam Hussein and even defended George W. Bush's unilateralism, citing her husband's go-it-alone intervention in Kosovo...Clinton didn't learn the main lesson from Iraq-to seek non-violent ways to solve conflicts.

"Clinton was the Obama administration's most forceful advocate for toppling Muammar Gaddafi...When Libyan rebels carried out an extrajudicial execution.., Clinton's response was sociopathetic: `We came, we saw, he died,' she laughed. That sent a message that the US would look the other way at crimes committed by allies against its official enemies...

"Libya was part of a pattern for Clinton. On Afghanistan, she advocated a repeat of the surge in Iraq...When the top US commander in Kabul, General Stanley McCrystal, asked Obama for 40,000 more troops to fight the Taliban in mid-2008...Clinton backed McCrystal...Clinton's State Department also provided cover for the expansion of the not-so-covert drone wars in Pakistan and Yemen...

"Clinton advocated arming Syrian rebels...In 2012, she allied with CIA director David Petraeus to promote a US-supplied-and-trained proxy army in Syria...Together, they campaigned for more direct and aggressive US support for the rebels...Clinton said that as commander-in-chief, she would dramatically escalate the program. In October 2015, Clinton broke with the Obama White House on Syria by calling for the creation of a no-fly zone...

"As a lawmaker and diplomat...Clinton has long championed military campaigns that have killed scores of `everyday' people abroad..." (end of part 2)

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