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Columbia University Professor Clinton's `Faux Feminism' Revisited (3)

Did Columbia U. Professor Clinton and her husband play a crucial role, historically, in creating the U.S. system of mass incarceration?

"As...Prof. Donna Murch recalled in...essay...that appeared in Verso's `False Choices' book:.. `Total number of...inmates grew more rapidly under...Clinton...This fact alone should...make one pause before granting...fealty to Hillary...'"
"As...Prof. Donna Murch recalled in...essay...that appeared in Verso's `False Choices' book:.. `Total number of...inmates grew more rapidly under...Clinton...This fact alone should...make one pause before granting...fealty to Hillary...'" (Verso Books)

In September 2023, Queen's University Belfast Chancellor, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs [SIPA] Professor and Columbia University Institute of Global Politics Director Hillary Rodham Clinton began teaching a class on the Upper West Side campus of politically partisan--yet federal corporate tax-exempted--Columbia University.

But when this writer checked to see whether or not many library copies of the Verso book about Columbia Professor Clinton's historical political record that was published in 2016, titled False Choices: The Faux Feminism of Hillary Rodham Clinton, were listed in the Columbia U. libraries' catalog as being a part of their library stack collections, it appeared that only the Barnard College's library shelves contained a copy of this 2016-published Verso book.

So, in a September 13, 2023 email, this writer asked a Columbia University professor connected to one of Columbia's libraries whether or not Verso's False Choices book was "ever added to the collection of books contained in the libraries on Columbia's campus"; in order to clarify whether or not this book "about Columbia U.'s Institute of Global Politics Director Clinton is, ironically, being kept off the shelves at Butler Library" in 2023? But, as of September 18, 2023, no email reply from the Columbia Professor who was queried was yet received.

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One reason not many copies of the False Choices: The Faux Feminism of Hillary Rodham Clinton book may not be on the shelves of Butler library or on the shelves of other libraries on Columbia's campus is that the book revealed the historical role that Columbia Professor Clinton and her husband apparently played in dramatically increasing the total number of U.S. working-class people, of all racial backgrounds, imprisoned in the United States. As Rutgers University Professor of History Donna Murch recalled in an essay, titled "The Clintons' War On Drugs", that appeared in Verso's False Choices book:

"...The total number of state and federal inmates grew more rapidly under Bill Clinton than under any other president...This fact alone should...make one pause before granting...fealty to Hillary, but of course there are many others, including her entry into electoral politics through the 1964 Goldwater campaign, resolute support for the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act,...and close ties to lobbyists for the private prison industry...

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"The United States'...carceral edifice of policing and prisons has been long in the making. However, in the 1990s, the Clintons...played a crucial role in its expansion...

"Once in office, Bill Clinton made 60 new crimes eligible for the death penalty...Clinton passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. At its core, this legislation was a federal `3 strikes' allocate monies for state and municipal police and prison expansion...Specific provisions included...lifetime imprisonment for people who committed a third violent federal felony offense with 2 prior state or federal felony convictions...

"Hillary strongly supported this legislation and stood resolutely behind her husband's punishment campaign...Under the Clintons' watch...the inmate population grew from roughly 1.3 million to 2 million..."

And according to another essay in the same book by Yasmin Nair, titled "Marry the State, Jail the People: Hillary Clinton and the Rise of Carceral Feminism":

"Clinton...has played a significant role in the expansion of carceral feminism...She made no secret of her active role in her husband's presidency...Hillary Clinton's policies, including those she executed alongside her husband, have contributed to this carceral landscape..."

Yet, historically, most New York City public high school, Barnard College or Columbia University students, teachers, professors and workers opposed the 1964 presidential campaign of 1964 Civil Rights Act opponent Barry Goldwater which Columbia Professor Hillary Clinton then supported, opposed the Clintons' 1990s "War On Drugs" legislation that led to the growth in the number of people of all racial backgrounds imprisoned in the USA and opposed the "explosion of carceral feminism" in the USA since 1993.

Perhaps that's one reason the Columbia University administration didn't apparently allow the New York City public high school students currently attending Columbia and Barnard whose parents or grandparents may have been imprisoned since 1993, as a result of the Clintons' "War On Drugs" legislation, to cross-examine Columbia Professor Clinton before Clinton was undemocratically chosen to be Columbia's Institute of Global Politics director or co-director? (end of part 3)

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