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Columbia University Professor Clinton's `Faux Feminism' Revisited: (4)

Are African-American professors and profs from Honduras and Haiti kept off panels at Hillary Clinton's IGP online "Inaugural Summit" event?

No "Closing Remarks" at Columbia Professor Clinton's Oct. 3, 2023 Institute of Global Politics "Inaugural Summit" online event are scheduled to be made by any Columbia U. professors from either Honduras or Haiti; or by any African-American professors.
No "Closing Remarks" at Columbia Professor Clinton's Oct. 3, 2023 Institute of Global Politics "Inaugural Summit" online event are scheduled to be made by any Columbia U. professors from either Honduras or Haiti; or by any African-American professors. (Verso Books)

According to a recent ABC/Washington Post poll, 2024 Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump is purportedly ahead of 2024 Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden by nearly 10 percentage points.

Yet in the November 2016 U.S. presidential election, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs [SIPA] Professor, Columbia University Institute of Global Politics [IGP] Director and Queen's University Belfast Chancellor Hillary Rodham Clinton obtained .3 percent more U.S. popular votes than Trump did--although the 2016 GOP presidential candidate was awarded more U.S. electoral college votes than the 2016 Democratic Party presidential candidate in 2016.

Historically, the Upper West Side campus of Columbia University was where Dwight D. Eisenhower was given a job (as a Columbia University president inside Low Library), prior to eventually being first named as the Republican Party's presidential candidate in 1952. And, also historically, 1960 Republican Party presidential candidate Richard Nixon was--8 years after losing the November 1960 U.S. presidential election--again nominated to be the GOP presidential candidate in the November 1968 U.S. presidential election.

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So it's possible that Columbia University Professor Clinton--like Nixon in 1968--still is planning (despite her public denials) to seek a major U.S. political party nomination 8 years after losing a U.S. presidential election in November on the first try, as a "dark horse" replacement candidate for Biden at the 2024 Chicago Democratic National Convention. And it's also possible that Columbia Professor Clinton--like Eisenhower in the early 1950s--is hoping to move into the White House from an Upper West-based Columbia University job position, in order to fulfill her decades-long ambition to become, in 2025, the first U.S. woman president of the USA.

Yet an essay by Belen Fernandez, titled "Hillary Does Honduras", that's contained in Verso's 2016-published book, False Choices: The Faux Feminism Of Hillary Rodham Clinton, indicated why many people in Honduras and Haiti might not be eager for the Democratic Party's "super-delegates" to draft Columbia Professor Clinton as Biden's replacement, on the second ballot count, as the 2024 Democratic Party presidential nominee in the summer, at the 2024 Chicago Democratic Party National Convention:

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"...Honduras...sunk to new depths, particularly following the June 2009 coup d'etat against President Manuel Zelaya, which enabled the small nation to solidify its position as the homicide capital of the world. The success of the coup was thanks in no small part to...Hillary Rodham Clinton...

"In the predawn hours of June 28 [2009], the armed forces descended upon Zelaya's residence in the Honduras capital of Tegucigalpa and carried the pajama-clad leader off to Costa Rica...Clinton was working...behind the scenes to ensure that a reinstatement of Zelaya was avoided at all costs...The Honduran people had already chosen Zelaya to serve out his 4-year term--a choice that Clinton's strategy overrode...

"In an essay for Jacobin magazine, Kevin Young and Diana C. Sierre Becerra note that, in Haiti, `Clinton and her husband have relentlessly promoted the sweatshop model of production since the 1990s.' The authors continue: `Wikileaks documents show that in 2009 her State Department collaborated with sub-contractors for...Levi's and Fruit of the Loom to oppose a minimum-wage increase for Haitian workers.'..."

And in chapter one of Verso's 2016-published False Choices book, Kathleen Geier indicated why many U.S. workers also might not want to see Columbia Professor Clinton be "drafted" as the 2024 Democratic Party presidential nominee on the second ballot by the Democratic Party National Convention's "super-delegates":

"...In 1977...she joined the Rose Law firm of Little Rock, Arkansas...whose clients included...Walmart, Tyson Foods, and Monsanto...At Rose, the vast majority of her working hours were dedicated to her corporate clients...Clinton, representing local businesses, filed suit against the community-organizing group, ACORN...

"During her [15] years at the Rose Law Firm, Clinton also took home a tidy sum--over a third of her income--sitting on the boards of corporations including TCBY (the frozen yogurt company), LaFarge (a cement manufacturer), and...Walmart. In the 6 years she served on the Walmart board, she never once spoke up in defense of labor unions for the company's majority-female workforce. Yet during that period (1986-1992), Walmart was ruthlessly suppressing workers' organizing efforts...

"At the Clinton White House, Hillary...supported...the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which resulted in plummeting working class wages and the loss of more than 682,000 American jobs, as well as the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit default swaps from regulation and helped unleash the Great Recession of 2007-2008..."

And on the Upper West Side/West Harlem campus of Columbia University on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 between 11:30 A.M. and 5 P.M, Columbia Professor Clinton's Institute of Global Politics will be holding an online "Inaugural Summit" in which:

1. None of the "Opening Remarks" are scheduled to be made by any African-American faculty members of Columbia University;

2. Of the four people scheduled to be on a panel conversing about "Current Issues in the Global Economy" (which the Chief Business, Technology & Economics correspondent at ABC News--not an AFL-CIO or UAW representative--will be moderating), three are white male Columbia professors and none are African-American faculty members at Columbia;

3. Of the three people scheduled to be on a panel conversing about "The Future of Artificial Intelligence" (which the white male CEO of The Atlantic magazine will be moderating), two are male and none are African-American'

4. Of the two male and one female participants scheduled to be on a panel conversing about "Modeling Civil Discourse", all are Establishment white folks;

5. Of the three participants scheduled to be on a panel titled "Across the Aisle," three are Establishment white folks and none are African-American Columbia faculty members; and

6. None of the "Closing Remarks" at Columbia Professor Clinton's Oct. 3, 2023 Institute of Global Politics "Inaugural Summit" online event are scheduled to be made by any Columbia U. professors, students or workers from either Honduras or Haiti; or by any Columbia University African-American faculty members. (end of part 4)

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