Politics & Government

Lehigh Valley Tea Party Says Eliminate IRS

Recent federal government controversies are the result of 'lies, cover-ups and gross incompetence,' according to the Lehigh Valley Tea Party.

The Lehigh Valley 9-12 Project/Tea Party Group has sent an open letter to all U.S. congressmen and senators calling on them to continue to put party politics aside and hold hearings to get to the truth about recent government scandals.

The group is calling on Congress to eliminate the Internal Revenue Service, and other federal agencies "not Constitutionally mandated that they may never be used to intimidate any American citizen again."

June 7, 2013

An Open Letter to all Congressmen and Senators:

The Lehigh Valley 9-12 Project/Tea Party Group, representing constituents
in Lehigh and Northampton counties in Pennsylvania, echoing Tea Party
sentiments across the nation, is writing to you regarding the recent White
House scandals that have been highlighted in the press recently. Benghazi,
IRS Intimidation, HHS Donation Scandal, Fast and Furious, the Department
of Justice Phone Tap and as of today the NSA PRISM scandal. It is unclear
how many more wrongdoings will be uncovered. However all the scandals we
know about are examples of this administration's abuse of power and
blatant failure to accept responsibility for these abuses.

The First Amendment of the Constitution reads “Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right
of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a
redress of grievances.” In the past six weeks, we have seen every part of
this inalienable right trampled and abandoned. This is not a Left or Right
issue that can be ignored at will, this is an American problem that defies
the American people's basic constitutional rights and it needs to be

These controversies are the result of lies, cover-ups and gross
incompetence. The American people deserve the truth! We the people say “No
More!” We demand that our representatives in Washington stop putting party
politics and ideology ahead of public interest. We demand that public
investigations be done thoroughly and with due diligence and have justice
served swiftly to those involved in these usurpations and atrocities, no
matter how high up the chain of command that these violations go.

For too many years, the American people have sat idly by and watched their
individual rights and freedoms slowly erode away. To quote Senator Rob
Portman of the Senate Finance Committee, “The Tea Party was right, the
government has overstepped its bounds!” We demand a vote of no confidence
against any and all public servants that have allowed governmental
agencies be used for intimidation.

We respectfully petition you to take steps to eliminate the Internal
Revenue Service, Department of Education, the Environmental Protection
Agency and every governmental agency that is not constitutionally mandated
so that they may never be used to intimidate any American citizen again.
We call on you to take steps to eliminate and defund every agency and
program that stifles the principles of free enterprise, individual rights
and free will and return those powers to the states as outlined in the 9th
and 10th Amendment.

We simply ask that you honor your oaths to uphold and defend the
Constitution of the United States of America.

Respectfully Submitted,

The Lehigh Valley Project 9-12/Tea Party Group
Joan Campbell, Chair
[email protected]

PO Box 91011 Allentown PA 18109

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