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Neighbor News

Vacations & Social Media

If you are going on vacation, here are 5 things you shouldn't post on social media:

If you are going on vacation, here are 5 things you shouldn’t post on social media:

  • If your house or apartment is going to be empty while you are on vacation, don’t post the dates that you are going to be gone.
  • Don’t tag yourself at the airport on the day you are leaving.
  • Don’t post a picture of your boarding pass. There are websites that can read the bar code and find out information about you or even change or cancel your flight. Here is a blog post about what can be learned about you from your boarding pass
  • If you are going to post pictures during your vacation, don’t add your location or tag where you are.
  • Don’t tag your friends who are vacationing with you, while you are away.

While you may think that your friends will all want to see great
pictures from your vacation, there are many others who stalk social
media for houses to rob.

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