• Dave ColbyPatch Staff Verified Patch Staff Badge

  • Cupertino, CA

Dave Colby has been with Patch since its early iterations, and has managed Patch sites in the Silicon Valley, the North Bay, the East Bay, San Mateo and Santa Cruz Counties, and the Seattle area.

He now oversees sites specifically in Northern California.

Dave came to Patch after more than 30 years in the television news business, on the street as an award-winning photographer, then managing tv newsrooms in several states including Minnesota and California.

Posting Activity

Dixon, CA|News|

Dixon Police Blotter: July 21-22

Subject found unconscious on a lawn on El Dorado Ct.; Toyota blocking driveway in 300 blk of S. Second St. Dixon police were busy, as usual.

Dixon Police Blotter: July 21-22
Dixon, CA|News|

Dixon Police Blotter: July 19-20

Citizen's arrest of a San Francisco shoplifter; suspicious circumstance near the railroad tracks. Dixon police were busy, as usual.

Dixon Police Blotter: July 19-20