• Jason Claffey,Β Patch Staff Verified Patch Staff Badge

  • Across America

I'm a national news writer for Patch. I grew up in Massachusetts outside Boston and started my journalism career at 19 when I earned an internship in The Boston Globe sports department. I graduated from Boston University in 2007 and became a reporter at Foster's Daily Democrat in New Hampshire before joining Patch in 2010. I've covered three New Hampshire presidential primaries and won awards for environmental reporting and Sunday staff excellence from the New England Newspaper & Press Association. I live in Maine's Midcoast with my girlfriend Julia and too many animals to list here.

Posting Activity

Across America|News|

Low Pay Sparks Worker Strikes Across U.S.

The longest strike in Massachusetts history is currently going on β€” one of at least 169 strikes across the United States so far this year.

Low Pay Sparks Worker Strikes Across U.S.