Restaurants & Bars

Fredericksburg Restaurant Inspections: Ledo Pizza, KFC, Pancho Villa

The Rappahannock Area Health District recorded violations around Fredericksburg during restaurant inspections from Feb. 27 to March 4.

The Rappahannock Area Health District recorded violations around Fredericksburg during restaurant inspections from Feb. 27 to March 4.
The Rappahannock Area Health District recorded violations around Fredericksburg during restaurant inspections from Feb. 27 to March 4. (Shutterstock)

FREDERICKSBURG, VA — Several facilities in the Fredericksburg area recorded violations during recent inspections from the Rappahannock Area Health District. Inspectors conducted the most recent visits between Feb. 27 and March 4.

In Virginia, all food service locations are supposed to be inspected at least once per year. Facilities with higher risk factors may be inspected as often as four times per year, according to the Virginia Department of Health.

Violations at restaurants typically focus on factors that can contribute to food contamination. The local health department can also perform a re-inspection to ensure that possible violations have been corrected. Sometimes, the follow-up inspection only considers the most important "priority" violations.

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For every observed violation, the inspector provides a specific corrective action that can be completed to rectify the violation. Sometimes these are simple, and violations can be corrected during the course of the inspection.

Depending on the results of the inspection, the health department can pursue several actions.

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It can issue a permit for the restaurant to continue serving food, they can schedule a follow-up inspection to determine if violations have been rectified, or officials can temporarily shut down an establishment until certain issues are solved.

The Virginia Department of Health only recommends restaurants have their permits suspended when "the continued operation of the foodservice presents a substantial and imminent threat to the public health."

Here are the most recent violations as listed by the Rappahannock Area Health Department:

Cook Out Restaurant, 10108 Patriot Hwy, Fredericksburg, VA, 22407

Date inspected: March 4

Total violations: 7

  • Observed employees handle personal belongings then discarded gloves and applied new gloves without first washing their hands. Employees were instructed to wash their hands. Corrective Actions: Instruct food employees to clean their hands and exposed portions of their arms immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with exposed food, clean equipment and utensils, and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles and during food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross contamination when changing task.
  • Observed a long brush that is used to clean the grill stored in the handwashing sink basin by the cookline. PIC relocated the item. Corrective Actions: A handwashing sink may not be used for purposes other than hand washing.
  • Observed a food employee using the same spatula for raw chicken raw, hamburger patties, and cooked ready to eat food. The food employee was dipping the spatula in hot oil in between usage for less than five seconds. EHS explained the proper way of sanitizing. Observation was discussed with the general manager. One spatula will be used to handle ready to eat food, another spatula will be used for raw chicken, and another spatula will be used for raw hamburger patties since they require different cooking temperatures. Corrective Actions: Protect food from cross contamination by using properly cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils.
  • Per discussion with the person in charge the food contact surface of the stirring shaft for the milkshake machine that comes in contact with dairy is cleaned with soda water and ice throughout and is only sanitized with a proper food contact sanitizer at the end of the day. EHS explained to the person in charge the proper way of sanitizing and the cleaning frequency of equipment used directly with time and temperature control for safety. Corrective Actions: Food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized at least every 4 hours to prevent contamination by bacterial growth.
  • Observed the following stored over ice (on the bottom of the container) by the grill for about an hour: 1) American cheese (55 degrees F), 2) raw bacon (58 degrees F). Items were relocated to the cold holding unit. Corrective Actions: Cold hold time/temperature control for safety (TCS) food at 41°F or below to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • Observed multiple employees conducted food preparation process wearing wrist jewelry. Corrective Actions: Ensure employees are not wearing jewelry on their arms and hands while preparing food. This section does not apply to a plain ring such as a wedding band.
  • Observed the ceiling above the beverage station in the lobby is absorbent, not smooth, and not easily cleanable. Corrective Actions: Wall and wall coverings shall be designed, constructed, and installed so they are smooth and easily cleanable.

Stir Fry 88, 137 Spotsylvania Mall Drive #8006, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Date inspected: March 4

Total violations: 1

  • Observed the oven doors, the front of the charbroil grill and the shelf under the rice cooker in the kitchen are soiled. Corrective Actions: Clean the surface at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues that become encrusted or attract insects and rodents.

Marquee Cinemas, 5800 Southpoint Boulevard, Fredericksburg, VA 22408

Date inspected: March 1

Total violations: 7

  • The person in charge failed to explain the correct procedures for cleaning and sanitizing utensils and food-contact surfaces of equipment. In discussions with the person in charge it was discovered that the equipment was not being sanitized. The facility had a quaternary ammonium sanitizer (Super San), but there was no pre-mix system installed in the facility. The employees had not been taught how to mix it. When asked about cleaning the soda nozzles, they stated that they were washed and rinsed, then placed in a bowl to be installed the next day. They were also unable to show the inspector written proof that training regarding Employee Health was given to employees.
  • The person in charge was unable to provide written proof that employees had received training regarding Employee Health. Person in charge was provided with a sample Employee Health Policy. Corrective Actions: The permit holder must inform employees and conditional employees that they are required to report to the person in charge any information about their health and activities if they are diagnosed with or had a past illness from Typhoid fever (caused by Salmonella Typhi), Salmonella (nontyphodial), Shigella spp., Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Hepatitis A virus or Norovirus.
  • During discussions with the person in charge it was learned that the facility employees were not sanitizing food contact surfaces after washing and rinsing them. Instructed employees how to sanitize equipment. Recommend that the facility install a pre-mixed sanitizer system to make it safer and more convenient for employees.
  • Observed that the box fan on the front counter and the back counter tops are in need of cleaning. Corrective Actions: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
  • Observed the following physical facility items soiled: 1-the floors throughout the kitchen and storeroom (sticky), 2-the ceiling tiles over the popcorn machine. Corrective Actions: Clean the physical facilities at a frequency necessary to ensure the protection and safe preparation of food.
  • Observed many cracked and/or broken floor tiles throughout the facility. Corrective Actions: Repair the physical facilities. Poor repair and maintenance compromises the functionality of the physical facilities.
  • The ceiling intake vent above the popcorn maker is heavily soiled. Corrective Actions: Clean intake and exhaust air ducts at regularly intervals to prevent them from becoming sources of contamination.

Olde Towne Steak & Seafood, 1611 Princess Anne Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Date inspected: Feb. 29

Total violations: 11

  • The facility does not have a person that is a Certified Food Protection Manager. Corrective Actions: At least one employee with supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager, demonstrating proficiency of required knowledge and information through passing a test that is part of an accredited program.
  • Observed no paper towels were available at the bar hand sink. During the inspection paper towels were provided. Corrective Actions: Hand drying devices such as individual disposable paper towels, a Continuous towel system that supplies the user with a clean towel or heated air hand drying device must be provided at all hand washing lavatories to encourage proper hand washing and avoid employees to drying their hands on their clothing or other unclean materials.
  • Observed raw meats stored in coolers uncovered and/or sitting directly on the shelving inside the cooling units. Corrective Actions: Foods shall be protected from contamination by being stored in packages, covered containers or wrappings unless being cooled.
  • Observed the interior of the ice machine requires cleaning. Corrective Actions: Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be cleaned at a frequency specified by the manufacturer or absent manufacturer specifications, at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold.
  • Observed shelving throughout the facility that is heavily rusted. Corrective Actions: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment that are exposed to splash, spillage, or other food soiling or that require frequent cleaning shall be constructed of a corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent, and smooth material.
  • Observed hand sinks, prep sinks and ware washing area that requires recaulking. Corrective Actions: Equipment that is fixed because it is not easily movable shall be installed so that it is sealed to adjoining equipment or walls, if the equipment is exposed to spillage or seepage.
  • Observed cutting boards throughout the facility that require resurfacing or replacing, they were observed heavily scored and stained. Corrective Actions: Surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring shall be resurfaced if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized, or discarded if they are not capable of being resurfaced.
  • Observed the chlorine test strips the person in charge provided were expired.C orrective Actions: A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L (ppm) of sanitizing solutions shall be provided and readily accessible for use.
  • Observed non food contact surfaces throughout the facility require cleaning. In particular all non food contact surface of the cooking equipment on the line. Corrective Actions: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
  • Observed walls, floors and ceilings throughout require cleaning. Corrective Actions: Clean the physical facilities at a frequency necessary to ensure the protection and safe preparation of food.
  • Observed floors of the kitchen are bare concrete and no longer smooth and easily cleanable. Recommend to reseal or paint. Corrective Actions: Wall, floor, and ceiling surfaces shall be smooth, durable, easily cleanable, and non-absorbent for areas subject to moisture such as food preparation areas, walk-in refrigerators, warewashing areas, and toilet rooms.

Royal Farms #335, 2216 Plank Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Date inspected: Feb. 29

Total violations: 1

Observed at the customer self-server beverage area the chest cooler is holding the following TCS items at improper temperatures, through discussion with the person in charge items were stored in the chest cooler for a couple days prior to the inspection. All items were voluntary discarded. EHS advised the person in charge to removed metal pans and added ice before adding new products to chest cooler. 1. Three cartons of oat milk 2. Two cartons of whole milk 3. Eight cartons of coffee creamer holding between 47-51 degrees. Corrective Actions: Cold hold potentially hazardous food at 41°F or below to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

Worst Deli, 1120 International Parkway #Suite 123, Fredericksburg, VA 22406

Date inspected: Feb. 29

Total violations: 15

  • Person in charge could not provide documentation on the training of employee health policy. Document provided during inspection. Corrective Actions: Food employees and conditional employees are informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report in accordance with law, to the person in charge, information about their health and activities as they relate to diseases that are transmissible through food.
  • Observed employee wash hands in the 3-comp sink. Employee was instructed to wash hands in the hand sink. Corrective Actions: Food employees shall clean their hands in a handwashing sink or approved automatic handwashing facility and shall not clean their hands (i) in a sink used for food preparation or utensil washing or (ii) in a service sink or a curbed cleaning facility used for the disposal of mop water and similar liquid waste.
  • Observed food employee handle ready to eat foods without gloves. Person in charge was instructed to wash hands then put on gloves. Corrective Actions: Food employees shall not contact exposed, ready-to-eat food with their bare hands and shall use suitable utensils such as deli tissue, spatulas, tongs, single-use gloves, or dispensing equipment.
  • Observed raw foods stored next to ready to eat foods on a shelve in the walk in cooler. Items were re-arranged. Corrective Actions: Separate raw animal foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display from raw RTE food including other raw animal food such as fish for sushi or molluscan shellfish, or other raw RTE food such as vegetables, and cooked RTE food.
  • Per discussion with the person in charge, the thin probe thermometer is only being cleaned with alcohol wipes throughout the day. Corrective Actions: Clean and sanitize these surfaces for food contact.
  • Observed the top interior of ice machine in need of cleaning. Corrective Actions: Clean and sanitize these surfaces for food contact.
  • Observed several TCS equipment soiled to the sight and touch. Corrective Actions: Clean and sanitize these surfaces for food contact.
  • Observed ready to eat and TCS foods not date marked in the walk in cooler. Corrective Actions: Mark a ""consume by"" date on commercially processed RTE foods at the time the original container is opened. If the food is held at 41°F or below the food shall be served or sold within 7 calendar days. Some harmful bacteria continue to grow even at refrigeration temperatures so limiting the amount of time in storage limits the amount of growth allowed for these bacteria.
  • Observed no asterisk with a consumer advisory on the menu for the hard shell eggs that are made to order. Corrective Actions: If an animal food such as beef, eggs, fish, lamb, pork, poultry, or shellfish is served or sold raw, undercooked, or without otherwise being processed to eliminate pathogens, either in ready-to-eat form or as an ingredient in another ready-to-eat food, the permit holder shall inform consumers of the significantly increased risk of consuming such foods by way of a disclosure and reminder, as specified in subsections B and C of this section, using brochures, deli case or menu advisories, label statements, table tents, placards, or other effective written means B. Disclosure shall include: 1) A description of the animal-derived foods, such as "oysters on the half shell (raw oysters)," "raw-egg Caesar salad," and "hamburgers (can be cooked to order. 2) Identification of the animal-derived foods by asterisking them to a footnote that states that the items are served raw or undercooked, or contain (or may contain) raw or undercooked ingredients.
  • Observed food employees not wearing hair restraints. Corrective Actions: Ensure all employees wear hair restraints such as hats, hair coverings or nets, beard restraints, and clothing that covers body hair, that are designed and worn to effectively keep their hair from contacting exposed food clean equipment, utensils, and linens, and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles.
  • Observed the following non-food contact surfaces in need of cleaning: 1) interior and exterior of the reach in coolers and walk in cooler. 2) 3-comp sink. 3) exterior of fryers. 4) shelving over the 3-comp sink. 5) up splash of the coffee machine. Corrective Actions: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
  • Observed the following in need of cleaning: 1) floors underneath equipment. 2) ceiling vents. 3) mop sink. 4) walls. 5) cabinets where single-use articles are stored. Corrective Actions: The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean.
  • Observed a hole in the wall next to the 3-comp sink and holes in the ceiling throughout the kitchen and mop sink room. Corrective Actions: The physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair.
  • Observed the hood filters over the grill in need of cleaning. Corrective Actions: Intake and exhaust air ducts shall be cleaned and filters changed so they are not a source of contamination by dust, dirt, and other materials.
  • Observed employee belongings throughout the facility. Items were removed. Corrective Actions: Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be located in a designated room or area where contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service and single-use articles can not occur.

Vocelli Pizza, 7008 Salem Fields Blvd, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Date inspected: Feb. 29

Total violations: 4

  • The operator could not communicate food borne illnesses requiring reporting or could communicate the correct exclusion/restriction from work when experiencing vomiting and diarrhea. Owner has not trained employees on employee health policies. Corrective Actions: Management must be aware and inform all employees of their reponsibility in reporting symptoms or diagnosis of diseases transmissable through food.
  • The operator could not provide documentation employee health training has been completed. Corrective Actions: Create and implement an EHP that: 1) requires employees to report certain symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, sore throat with fever, or a lesion/infected wound) and illnesses (Norovirus, Hepatitis A, Salmonella Typhi, Salmonella, E. coli, or Shigella); 2) Directs the person in charge to exclude or restrict employees based on the information they report; and 3) Manages returning to work and removal of restrictions.
  • Observed the hot water is turned off at employee toilet room handwashing sink. Hot water issue has not been addressed. Corrective Actions: A handwashing sink shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 100f through a mixing valve or combination faucet.
  • Observed a container of precooked meatballs dated 2/11/2024, the operator could not communicate how long the product was in the walk in freezer. The facility is making some progress to date mark TCS foods held longer than 24 hours, however, more training and monitoring of date marking is needed. Observed TCS foods in refrigeration in absence of date marking. Precooked meatballs were voluntarily discarded during the inspection. Corrective Actions: Date mark the container of ready-to-eat (RTE), time/temperature control for safety (TCS) food prepared and held for more than 24 hours in the food establishment to indicate the day or date by which the food shall be served or sold. The RTE TCS food may be held for a maximum of 7 days with the day of preparation counted as day 1.

Grounds Bistro, 25 Apricot Street, Stafford, VA 22554

Date inspected: Feb. 29

Total violations: 13

  • Observed uncovered employee drink on a shelve next to clean equipment. Corrective Actions: A food employee may drink from a closed beverage container if the container is handled to prevent contamination of: (1) The employee's hands; (2) The container; and (3) Exposed food; clean equipment, utensils, and linens; and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles.
  • Observed food employee enter kitchen and proceeded to put on gloves without washing hands first. Employee was instructed to wash hands prior to putting on gloves. Corrective Actions: Food employees shall clean their hands and exposed portions of their arms as specified under 12VAC5-421-140 immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with exposed food, clean equipment and utensils, and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles.
  • Observed containers placed on the floor in front of the only handsink in the kitchen. Containers were removed. Corrective Actions: Handwashing sink shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use.
  • Observed the interior of panini grill on the cookline in need of cleaning. Corrective Actions: Clean and sanitize these surfaces for food contact.
  • Facility is using time as a public health control for potatoes held out of temperature on the cook line. TIME document signed, allowing facility to have potatoes out of temperature for up to 4 hours. Corrective Actions: If time without temperature control is used as the public health control up to a maximum of four hours: 1. The food shall have an initial temperature of 41°F (5°C) or less when removed from cold holding temperature control or 135°F (57°C) or greater when removed from hot holding temperature control. 2. The food shall be marked or otherwise identified to indicate the time that is four hours past the point in time when the food is removed from temperature control. 3. The food shall be cooked and served, served at any temperature if ready-to-eat, or discarded, within four hours from the point in time when the food is removed from temperature control. 4. The food in unmarked containers or packages, or marked to exceed a four-hour limit shall be discarded.
  • Observed food employees not wearing beard restraints. Corrective Actions: Food employees shall wear hair restraints, such as hats, hair coverings or nets, beard restraints, and clothing that covers body hair, that are designed and worn to effectively keep their hair from contacting exposed food; clean equipment, utensils, and linens; and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles.
  • Observed plastic containers stored on a shelve over the 3-comp sink wet while stacked. Containers were removed for cleaning. Corrective Actions: After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils: 1. Shall be air dried or used after adequate draining as specified in 40 CFR 180.940 before contact with food. 2. Shall not be cloth dried except that utensils that have been air-dried may be polished with cloths that are maintained clean and dry.
  • Observed the following in need of re-caulking: 3-comp sink, hand sink in the kitchen and hand sink in the restroom. Corrective Actions: Equipment that is fixed because it is not easily movable shall be installed so that it is: 1. Spaced to allow access for cleaning along the sides, behind, and above the equipment. 2. Spaced from adjoining equipment, walls, and ceilings a distance of not more than 1/32 inch or 1 millimeter. 3. Sealed to adjoining equipment or walls, if the equipment is exposed to spillage or seepage.
  • Person in charge could not provide sanitizer test kit for the 146 multi quat sanitzer. Corrective Actions: A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L (ppm) of sanitizing solutions shall be provided and readily accessible for use.
  • Observed the following non-food contact surfaces in need of cleaning: exterior and interior of all equipment and shelving over the 3-comp sink and in all the reach in coolers. Corrective Actions: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
  • Observed grease buildup on the exterior lid of the grease receptacle. Corrective Actions: Soiled receptacles and waste handling units for refuse, recyclables, and returnables shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to prevent them from developing a buildup of soil or becoming attractants for insects and rodents.
  • Observed the following in need of cleaning throughout the kitcken: floors, floor drains, walls, ceiling tiles, and mop sink. Corrective Actions: The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean.
  • Observed no overhead protection over the bar/coffee bar area. Corrective Actions: Materials for indoor floor, wall, and ceiling surfaces under conditions of normal use shall be: 1. Smooth, durable, and easily cleanable for areas where food establishment operations are conducted. 2. Closely woven and easily cleanable carpet for carpeted areas. 3. Nonabsorbent for areas subject to moisture such as food preparation areas, walk-in refrigerators, warewashing areas, toilet rooms, mobile food establishment servicing areas, and areas subject to flushing or spray cleaning methods.

Kentucky Fried Chicken #0160, 5412 Patriot Hwy, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Date inspected: Feb. 29

Total violations: 12

  • Observed an employee wash soiled dishes in the 3 vat sink and then proceed to handle cleaned equipment in the sanitizer basin without washing their hands. Equipment was removed to be rewashed and the employee was instructed to wash their hands. Corrective Actions: ALL food employees shall wash their hands OFTEN especially after handling trash, using the restroom, handling raw meats, handling soiled equipment and utensils, BEFORE putting on clean gloves, etc. Proper handwashing frequencies will aid in the reduction of foodborne illness.
  • Hot water at the warewashing handsink observed at 83 degrees. Other handwashing sinks are within compliance. Contact plumber to evaluate hot water. Corrective Actions: A handwashing sink shall be equipped to provide water at a temperature of at least 100f through a mixing valve or combination faucet.
  • Observed interior of the only microwave used to reheat foods is soiled. Corrective Actions: The cavities and door seals of microwave ovens shall be cleaned at least every 24 hours by using the manufacturer's recommended cleaning procedure.
  • Through discussion with employees the following food contact equipment and utensils are not being properly cleaned: 1. Equipment in contact with breading used with raw chicken are removed once daily for cleaning and sanitizing. 2. Countertop used in chicken breading operations are being sanitized only once every 3 hours; absence of wash step. 3. Food thermometers are being sanitized only, absence of wash step. Instructed the person in charge equipment in contact with TCS foods are required to be washed and sanitized at least once every four hours. Corrective Actions: Food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized at least every 4 hours to prevent contamination by bacterial growth.
  • Observed gaps in the ceiling around conduit cables and missing ceiling tile in the back storage room. Corrective Actions: Fill or close holes and other gaps along floors, walls, and ceilings to protect against the entry of insects and rodents.
  • Observed stacks of stainless steel containers stacked while wet after chemical sanitizing. Corrective Actions: Items must be allowed to drain and air-dry before being stacked or stored. Cloth-drying may transfer microorganisms to equipment or utensils.
  • Observed the following in poor repair: Ice build-up around the interior of the walk in freezer door, missing hood vent above the chicken fryer and light above the chicken fryers is in need of replacement. Corrective Actions: Repair the equipment to restore a state of condition that allows for proper operation, accuracy, functioning, maintenance, and cleanability per Part IV, Article 1 and 2 of this chapter. If unable to repair the equipment, replace it with one that meets the specifications of Part IV, Article 1 and 2 of this chapter.
  • Observed accumulation of debris on nonfood contact surfaces throughout included interior and exterior of refrigeration units, upsplash of the dining room soda machine, exterior of cooking equipment and shelving. Recommend a detailed cleaning. Corrective Actions: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
  • Observed accumulation of encrusted debris on pans used to bake biscuits. Corrective Actions: Non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
  • Observed a long hose with sprayer connected to a Y-connector, with the water turned on, at both the back and front mop sinks. Absence of adequate backflow prevention installed. Informed the operator a dual check valve with atmospheric vent is required and provided a backflow prevention handout. The person in charge instructed an employee to turn off the water and remove the nozzles. Corrective Actions: Provide the approved backflow or backsiphonage device for the specific application and type of device to prevent contamination of the drinking water system.
  • Observed the ceilings, floors and drains throughout the facility in need of cleaning, including behind equipment. Observed food debris in trench drains by the walk-in cooler and freezer. Strongly recommend a thorough cleaning. Corrective Actions: Clean the physical facilities at a frequency necessary to ensure the protection and safe preparation of food.
  • Observed multiple cracked floor and wall tiles throughout the facility. Also observed pain peeling from the ceiling in the female toilet room. Corrective Actions: Repair the physical facilities. Poor repair and maintenance compromises the functionality of the physical facilities.

Dalia's African Cuisine, 364 Garrisonville Rd Suite #101, Stafford, VA 22554

Date inspected: Feb. 29

Total violations: 4

  • Person in charge could not provide documentation that employee health training has been completed by the employees. EHS provided a sample. Corrective Actions: Ensure that documentation is available to determine if and when employee health training has been accomplished.
  • The food establishment does not have written procedures for cleaning up vomiting or diarrheal events that happen in the facility. Corrective Actions: Write procedures for employees to follow when responding to vomiting or diarrheal events in the food establishment.
  • Observed two covered large plastic containers of rice (49-56 degrees F) in the walk in cooler (38 degrees F). Person in charge stated the rice was cooked 13 hours prior to temperature check. Condensation was noted on both containers. Rice was discarded. Corrective Actions: Potentially hazardous foods shall be cooled from 135°F to 70°F within 2 hoursand from and 135°F to 41°F within a total of 6 hours to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Foods that have been temperature abused must be discarded.
  • Observed condensation on two covered large plastic containers of rice (49-56 degrees F) in the walk in cooler (38 degrees F). Person in charge stated the rice was cooked 13 hours prior to temperature check. EHS discussed proper cooling methods with the person in charge. Rice was discarded. Corrective Actions: Cool foods by the following methods: 1. Placing food in shallow pans 2. Separating food into smaller thinner portions 3. Using rapid chill cooling equipment 4. Stirring the food in a container placed in an ice water bath 5. Using containers that facilitate heat transfer 6. Adding ice as an ingredient 7. Any other method that can effectively accomplish cooling.

Ledo Pizza, 4599 James Madison Pkwy, King George, VA 22485

Date inspected: Feb. 29

Total violations: 6

  • Observed an uncovered drink on the beer cooler at the bar and another one on the expostation. Both drinks were discarded during inspection. Corrective Actions: Food employees may have beverages in the kitchen areas as long as they are covered and consumed through a straw and stored in a manner that will prevent contamination to food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single service items.
  • The blade on the can opener was observed soiled. Can opener was taken to the dishroom to be cleaned. Corrective Actions: Clean and sanitize these surfaces for food contact.
  • Observed employees with beards preparing food without beard guards. Corrective Actions: Food employees shall wear hair restraints such as hats, visors, hair nets or beard nets to effectively keep their hair from contacting exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, linens, and unwrapped single-service items. This section does not apply to food employees such as counter staff who ONLY serve beverages and wrapped or packaged foods, hostesses, and wait staff.
  • The interior of the deep fryer cabinets were observed soiled. Corrective Actions: Clean the surface at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues that become encrusted or attract insects and rodents.
  • The ceiling tiles near the HVAC vents in the kitchen and the floors in the walk in cooler and freezer are in need of cleaning. Corrective Actions: Clean the physical facilities at a frequency necessary to ensure the protection and safe preparation of food.
  • Intake and exhaust air ducts are not clean and/or filters are not changed. Corrective Actions: Clean intake and exhaust air ducts at regularly intervals to prevent them from becoming sources of contamination.

Taqueria Flavio, 11150 Patriot Hwy, Fredericksburg, VA 22408

Date inspected: Feb. 28

Total violations: 8

  • The person in charge was not able to provide proof that the employees had received training regarding Employee Health. A sample Employee Health policy was left with the person in charge. Corrective Actions: The person in charge is responsible for ensuring that food employees and conditional employees are trained and aware of their responsibilities with regards to reportable symptoms, exposures, and diagnosis.
  • The interior surfaces of the ice machine were observed soiled. Corrective Actions: Clean and sanitize these surfaces for food contact.
  • A date marking system is not in proper use for the prepared ready-to-eat TCS foods that is being kept for over 24 hours throughout the facility. Corrective Actions: All TCS foods shall be dated for disposition not to exceed 7 days with the day the food was prepared as Day 1.
  • Observed a bottle of degreaser stored next to salad oil. Degreaser was removed during inspection. Corrective Actions: Store containers of degreaser in an area that is not above food, equipment, utensils, linens or single service items.
  • Observed a heavy build-up of ice in the reach in freezer. Corrective Actions: Defrost the freezer to restore a state of condition that allows for proper operation, accuracy, functioning, maintenance, and cleanability.
  • There is no chemical sanitizing test kit present to ensure the chemical sanitizing solution used is at the proper concentration. Corrective Actions: Obtain a chlorine test kit to measure the concentration of chlorine sanitizer in the 3 compartment.
  • The interior and exterior of the reach in freezer and the utensil storage container on the clean equipment shelf is in need of cleaning. Corrective Actions: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
  • The hand sink is no longer attached to the wall. Corrective Actions: Re-attach the sink to the wall.

Tropical Smoothie Cafe, 15 South Gateway Drive Suite 113, Fredericksburg, VA 22406

Date inspected: Feb. 28

Total violations: 11

  • Per discussion with the person in charge, the containers holding tortillas are washed and sanitized once weekly. Corrective Actions: Containers in serving situations such as salad bars, delis, and cafeteria lines hold ready-to-eat time/temperature control for safety food that is maintained at the temperatures specified under Part III, are intermittently combined with additional supplies of the same food that is at the required temperature, and the containers are cleaned at least every 24 hours.
  • Observed the top interior of ice machine, can opener and tortilla containers in need of cleaning. Can opener was moved to the 3-comp sink for cleaning. Corrective Actions: Clean and sanitize these surfaces for food contact.
  • Observed the following held at improper temperature in the smoothie reach in cooler: 1) cut kale (44 degrees F), spinach (45-46 degrees). Items were brought from walk in cooler 1 hour prior. Person in charge re-located foods items to the walk in cooler for quick chill. Recommend lowering temperature of the unit. Corrective Actions: Cold hold time/temperature control for safety foods at 41 F or below to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • Person in charge could not provide documentation of the FDA approving the additives used in the facility. Corrective Actions: Food shall not contain unapproved food additives or additives that exceed amounts specified in 21 CFR Parts 170-180 relating to food additives; generally recognized as safe (GRAS) or prior sanctioned substances that exceed amounts allowed in 21 CFR Parts 181-186; substances that exceed amounts specified in 9 CFR 424.21(b), Subpart C; or pesticide residues that exceed provisions specified in 40 CFR Part 180 and exceptions.
  • Observed wiping cloth bucket with sanitizer on a shelve stored next to single use articles. Person in charge relocated the wiping cloth bucket. Corrective Actions: Poisonous or toxic materials shall be stored so they cannot contaminate food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service and single-use articles by: 1. Separating the poisonous or toxic materials by spacing or partitioning;P and 2. Locating the poisonous or toxic materials in an area that is not above food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service or single-use articles. This subsection does not apply to equipment and utensil cleaners and sanitizers that are stored in warewashing areas for availability and convenience if the materials are stored to prevent contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service and single-use articles.
  • The chemical sanitizer read over 500 ppm when tested at the 3-comp sink. During the inspection, water was added bringing down the concentration to 200 ppm. Corrective Actions: Chemical sanitizers, including chemical sanitizing solutions generated on site, and other chemical antimicrobials applied to food-contact surfaces shall: 1. Meet the requirements specified in 40 CFR 180.940,P or 2. Meet the requirements as specified in 40 CFR 180.2020.
  • Observed the following in need of caulking: 1) front handsink. 2) 3-comp sink. 3) bottom of toilet seat. Corrective Actions: Equipment that is fixed because it is not easily movable shall be installed so that it is: 1. Spaced to allow access for cleaning along the sides, behind, and above the equipment. 2. Spaced from adjoining equipment, walls, and ceilings a distance of not more than 1/32 inch or 1 millimeter. 3. Sealed to adjoining equipment or walls, if the equipment is exposed to spillage or seepage.
  • Observed ice build up on the HVAC, shelving, and boxed foods in the walk in freezer. The boxed foods were removed. Corrective Actions: Equipment shall be maintained in a state of good repair.
  • Observed the following in need of cleaning throughout the kitchen: 1) interior and exterior of all equipment. 2) shelving. Corrective Actions: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
  • Observed the following in need of heavy cleaning throughout the kitchen 1) floors. 2) walls. 3) ceiling vents. 4) ceiling tiles. 5) mop sink basin. 6) floor drains. Corrective Actions: The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean.
  • Observed employee belongings on the back prep table. Items were removed. Corrective Actions: Locate lockers or other suitable facilities so that food, equipment, single-service and single-use articles to protect them from contamination.

Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Inc., 1220 Carl D. Silver Pkwy, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Date inspected: Feb. 28

Total violations: 10

  • Observed lack of active managerial control based on the following violations: 1. not providing training on foodborne illnesses and symptoms 2. foods cold holdng at improper temperatures 3. not monitoring the saniizing solution 4. frequency of proper cleaning and sanizing of food contact sufaces Corrective Actions: The person in charge shall ensure that: 1. Food establishment operations are not conducted in a private home or in a room used as living or sleeping quarters as specified under 12VAC5-421-2990; 2. Persons unnecessary to the food establishment operation are not allowed in the food preparation, food storage, or warewashing areas, except that brief visits and tours may be authorized by the person in charge if steps are taken to ensure that exposed food; clean equipment, utensils, and linens; and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles are protected from contamination; 3. Employees and other persons such as delivery and maintenance persons and pesticide applicators entering the food preparation, food storage, and warewashing areas comply with this chapter; 4. Employees are effectively cleaning their hands, by routinely monitoring the employees' handwashing; 5. Employees are visibly observing foods as they are received to determine that they are from approved sources, delivered at the required temperatures, protected from contamination, unadulterated, and accurately presented, by routinely monitoring the employees' observations and periodically evaluating foods upon their receipt; 6. Employees are verifying that foods delivered to the food establishment during non-operating hours are from approved sources and are placed into appropriate storage locations such that they are maintained at the required temperatures, protected from contamination, unadulterated, and accurately presented; 7. Employees are properly cooking time/temperature control for safety food, being particularly careful in cooking those foods known to cause severe foodborne illness and death, such as eggs and comminuted meats, through daily oversight of the employees' routine monitoring of the cooking temperatures using appropriate temperature measuring devices properly scaled and calibrated as specified under 12VAC5-421-1180 and 12VAC5-421-1730 B; 8. Employees are using proper methods to rapidly cool time/temperature control for safety food that is not held hot or is not for consumption within four hours, through daily oversight of the employees' routine monitoring of food temperatures during cooling; 9. Employees are properly maintaining the temperatures of time/temperature control for safety food during hot and cold holding through daily oversight of the employees routine monitoring of food temperatures; 10. Consumers who order raw or partially cooked ready-to-eat foods of animal origin are informed as specified under 12VAC5-421-930 that the food is not cooked sufficiently to ensure its safety; 11. Employees are properly sanitizing cleaned multiuse equipment and utensils before they are reused, through routine monitoring of solution temperature and exposure time for hot water sanitizing, and chemical concentration, pH, temperature, and exposure time for chemical sanitizing; 12. Consumers are notified that clean tableware is to be used when they return to self-service areas such as salad bars and buffets as specified in 12VAC5-421-590; 13. Except when approval is obtained from the department as specified in 12VAC5-421-450 E, employees are preventing cross-contamination of ready-to-eat food with bare hands by properly using suitable utensils such as deli tissue, spatulas, tongs, single-use gloves, or dispensing equipment; 14. Employees are properly trained in food safety, including food allergy awareness, as it relates to their assigned duties.
  • The facility was able to provide an employee health policy however has not offered training on the policy with newer hired employees. Corrective Actions: The employees shall be educated with a current employee health policy. ALL employees are responsible for reporting symptoms of nausea, fever, sore throat, jaundice, vomiting, and/or diarrhea to the manager. In addition, the employees shall report if they are diagnosed with communicable diseases such as E. coli, Salmonella Typhi, Shigella, Norovirus, and Hepatitis A to the manager.
  • Observed the front kitchen handsink did not have papertowels. During the inspection papertowels were provided. Corrective Actions: Hand drying devices such as individual disposable paper towels, a Continuous towel system that supplies the user with a clean towel or heated air hand drying device must be provided at all hand washing lavatories to encourage proper hand washing and avoid employees to drying their hands on their clothing or other unclean materials.
  • Observed no soap was available at the back kitchen handsink. Corrective Actions: Provide hand soap at each hand sink to allow employees to properly wash their hands.
  • Per discussion with the person in charge, food contact sufaces (steam wand of the espresso machine, knives, cutting boards, stir spoons, milk canisters) are currently not being washed, rinsed and sanitized at least once every 4 hours. EHS discussed the violation with the person in charge and advised to increase the frequency of food contact surface cleaning and sanitizing procedures. Corrective Actions: Food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils must be cleaned and sanitized at least every 4 hours to prevent contamination by bacterial growth.
  • Observed the following cold holding (and discarded) at improper temperatuers inside an undercounter cooler: gallon of whole milk (45 degrees F) pitcher of sweet cream (45 degrees F). Foods had been in the unit since overnight. Thermometer inside unit was reading 50 degrees F. EHS discussed having the cold holding unit repaired and to not store any tcs items in the unit until it gets repaired. Non tcs foods remained inside the unit. Corrective Actions: Cold hold potentially hazardous food at 41°F or below to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • Observed two chemical spray without bearing a label. During the inspection spra bottles were labeled. Corrective Actions: Working containers used for storing poisonous or toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material.
  • Observed two paninis and two cheddar buiscuits left to thaw out on the countertop. EHS discussed approved thawing methods with the person in charge. Food items (still frozen) were thawed under cold running water during the inspection. Corrective Actions: Potentially hazardous foods (time/temperature control for safety food) shall be thawed using one of the following methods: 1) under refrigeration that maintains the food temperature at 41°F or less, 2) completely submerged under running water at a water temperature of 70°F or below with a sufficient velocity to agitate and float off loose particles of food as long as held for period of time at a temperature of 41°F or less, or 3) as part of a cooking process if the food is cooked as specified by Law or thawed in a microwave oven and immediately transferred to a conventional cooking process.
  • Person in charge provided expired test strips (9/2023) for the sanitizer solution used in the facility. Corrective Actions: A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L (ppm) of sanitizing solutions shall be provided and readily accessible for use.
  • Observed the following non food contact surfaces in need of cleaning: 1. upsplash of the coffee brewer 2. shelves in the walk in cooler 3. syrup bottles clear shelving. Corrective Actions: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.

Pancho Villa Mexican Restaurant, 752 Warrenton Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22406

Date inspected: Feb. 27

Total violations: 17

  • No hand wash signage at the bar hand sink. Signage given during inspection. Corrective Actions: A sign or poster that notifies food employees to wash their hands shall be provided at all handwashing sinks used by food employees and shall be clearly visible to food employees.
  • Observed raw foods stored next to and over RTE foods in the reach in cooler on the cookline and walk in cooler. Items were re-arranged. Corrective Actions: Food shall be protected from cross contamination by: 1) Except as specified in subdivision 1 d of this subsection, separating raw animal foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display from: a. Raw ready-to-eat food including other raw animal food such as fish for sushi or molluscan shellfish, or other raw ready-to-eat food such as fruits and vegetables. b. Cooked ready-to-eat food. c. Fruits and vegetables before they are washed. d. Frozen, commercially processed, and packaged raw animal food may be stored or displayed with or above frozen, commercially processed and packaged, ready-to-eat food.
  • Observed the following food contact surfaces in need of cleaning: cutting board attached to prep cooler on the cookline and container lids located in the ware wash area. Corrective Actions: Clean and sanitize these surfaces for food contact.
  • Observed the interior microwave on the cookline and expo center in need of cleaning. Corrective Actions: The cavities and door seals of microwave ovens shall be cleaned at least every 24 hours by using the manufacturer's recommended cleaning procedure.
  • Observed the top interior of ice machine in need of cleaning. Corrective Actions: Clean and sanitize these surfaces for food contact.
  • Observed employee medicines stored in a container on the bottom shelve of a prep table. Corrective Actions: Store first aid supplies in a kit or container that is located to prevent the contamination of food, equipment, utensils, and linens, and single-service and single-use articles.
  • Observed chemical spray bottles not labeled with brand name. Person in charge labeled spray bottles during inspection. Corrective Actions: Working containers used for storing poisonous or toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material.
  • Observed chemical spray bottles hanging on a shelf next to clean dishes. Spray bottles were relocated. Corrective Actions: Poisonous or toxic materials shall be stored so they cannot contaminate food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service and single-use articles by: Separating the poisonous or toxic materials by spacing or partitioning.
  • Observed raw shrimp thawing in still water at 43 degrees F for 30 minutes. The person in charge put the shrimp under running water of 70 degrees and lower. Corrective Actions: Time/temperature control for safety food shall be thawed: 1) Under refrigeration that maintains the food temperature at 41°F (5°C) or less. 2) Completely submerged under running water: a. At a water temperature of 70°F (21°C) or below. b. With sufficient water velocity to agitate and float off loose particles in an overflow. c. For a period of time that does not allow thawed portions of ready-to-eat food to rise above 41°F (5°C).
  • Observed stainless steel containers wet while stacked on a shelve in the ware wash area. Items were removed to 3-comp sink for cleaning. Corrective Actions: After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils: 1) Shall be air dried or used after adequate draining as specified in 40 CFR 180.940 before contact with food. 2) Shall not be cloth dried except that utensils that have been air-dried may be polished with cloths that are maintained clean and dry.
  • Observed water laying still on the interior bottom of the reach in cooler. During the inspection, the reach in cooler was cleaned out. Corrective Actions: Equipment shall be maintained in a state of good repair.
  • Observed the following in need of re-caulking: 1) front of the kitchen and bar hand sink. 2) 3-comp sink. Corrective Actions: Equipment that is fixed because it is not easily movable shall be installed so that it is: 1. Spaced to allow access for cleaning along the sides, behind, and above the equipment. 2. Spaced from adjoining equipment, walls, and ceilings a distance of not more than 1/32 inch or 1 millimeter. 3. Sealed to adjoining equipment or walls, if the equipment is exposed to spillage or seepage.
  • Facility's test strips, to test chemical sanitizer, expired in 2023. Corrective Actions: A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L (ppm) of sanitizing solutions shall be provided and readily accessible for use.
  • Observed the following non-food contact surfaces in need of cleaning: 1) shelving over the 3-comp sink. 2) shelving racks throughout the kitchen. 3) shelving in reach in cooler units and walk in cooler. Corrective Actions: Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
  • Observed receptacles without lids in both of the women's restroom stalls. Corrective Actions: A toilet room used by females shall be provided with a covered receptacle for sanitary napkins.
  • Observed the following in need of cleaning throughout the kitchen: 1) walls 2) floor drains 3) coving. Corrective Actions: The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean.
  • Observed employee belongings (cellular device) on prep tables and shelves. Items were removed. Corrective Actions: Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be located in a designated room or area where contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service and single-use articles can not occur.

Salsarita's Fresh Cantina, 10117 Southpoint Parkway, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Date inspected: Feb. 27

Total violations: 8

  • Water from the handwashing sink in the front of the house was measured at a temperature less than 100 degrees F. After running for 5 minutes, the water measured 75 degrees F. Corrective Actions: Make necessary adjustments to valves and lines serving the handwashing sink to provide water of at least 100°F to allow more effective removal of fatty soils encountered in food establishment.
  • Observed the following cold holding at improper temperature for about two hours in the "Atlas Metal" cold holding service line (42 degrees F): pico de gallo (44 degrees F), salsa (44 degrees F), cut lettuce (51 degrees F), corn (43 degrees F). All of the items had been stored in the walk in cooler overnight and placed on the line at 11:00 am. Items were placed back in the walk in cooler and replaced with items that were at the proper temperature (41'F or below). Person in charge stated that they have had trouble with the unit in the past. Corrective Actions: Cold hold potentially hazardous food at 41°F or below to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • Several plastic containers and lids were found stacked while wet on the shelving unit in the back of the house after cleaning and chemical sanitization. Corrective Actions: Store pans in a self-draining position that allows air-drying.
  • The following equipment was noted in need of repair: 1) the wire shelving in the kitchen (rusty), 2) the front cover on the ice machine is missing, 3) Atlas Metal cold holing service line )42 degrees F). Corrective Actions: Repair the equipment to restore a state of condition that allows for proper operation, accuracy, functioning, maintenance, and cleanability.
  • The following non-food contact surfaces were observed soiled: 1) the can food storage rack, 2) all of the storage shelves in the kitchen, 3) the inner and outer surfaces of the hot holding unit in the kitchen, 4) he interior of the deep fryer cabinet. Corrective Actions: Clean the surface at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues that become encrusted or attract insects and rodents.
  • Observed a long water hose connected to the main water line that was attached to a Y connector at the mop sink without a backflow prevention device and with an air gap that was less than 1 inch above the flood level rim. Corrective Actions: A plumbing system shall be installed to preclude backflow of a solid, liquid, or gas contaminant into the water supply system at each point of use at the food establishment, including on a hose bibb (threaded faucet) if a hose is attached or on a hose bibb if a hose is not attached and backflow prevention is required by law by: 1. Providing an air gap as specified under 12VAC5-421-2200;P or 2. Installing an approved backflow prevention device as specified under 12VAC5-421-2210.
  • Observed open ceiling above the beverage dispensing unit in the lobby. Corrective Actions: Wall, floor, and ceiling surfaces shall be smooth, durable, easily cleanable, and non-absorbent for areas subject to moisture such as food preparation areas, walk-in refrigerators, warewashing areas, and toilet rooms.
  • The following physical facility items were noted in need of cleaning: 1) the walls throughout the kitchen and on the serving line, 2) the floors underneath the equipment in the kitchen and on the serving line, 3) the floor drains in the kitchen, 4) the air conditioner ceiling vents and the ceiling tiles around them. Corrective Actions: Clean floors, walls, and ceilings as often as necessary to keep them clean.

Outtakes, 2300 Fall Hill Avenue 1st Floor, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Date inspected: Feb. 27

Total violations: 1

  • Observed the quaternary ammonium test strips were expired. EHS gave person in charge sample test strip to use until valid test strips are received. The person in charge called the main hospital to send over test strips. Corrective Actions: A valid test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L (ppm) of sanitizing solutions shall be provided and readily accessible for use.

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