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Neighbor News

Thanksgiving is here!

Today is Thanksgiving and we can't wait for food! Mmmm.... but what else makes Thanksgiving, well, Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is coming up soon and we can’t wait for our turkey dinner. But this day isn’t all about food. Shocker isn’t it, I mean who doesn’t love a feast of food? But Thanksgiving is about so much more. And I am writing about just that.
I find food a big part of Thanksgiving, but the main part is coming together with family and be thankful for what we have. Lots of people in this world don’t have what we have. There is a lot of poverty in this world and less than half of the world cannot afford what we have- a decent home, clothes, good shoes, phones, and so much more. Yet we take it all for granted.
In Islam, we believe that God gave us life and the world we live in. Well, that’s before we changed it to the air polluted, bleached ocean world we created. God gave us our families, our homes, and the basic needs we must have to survive. The Holy Qur’an states, “O ye who believe! eat of the good things We have provided for you, and render thanks to God, if it is He Whom you worship” (2:173).
This means that we should thank God for everything we have because He gave it to us. I believe that we should think about what we are thankful for. I am thankful for my parents, my brother, my sister, the clothes I have, a decent school, good friends, food, and a good house. Think about what you have that you are happy for. It doesn’t have to be what I said, so be honest. What are you Thankful for this year?

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