This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Neighbor News

We Must Assist Our Less Fortunate Neighbors

Helping Our Neighbors in Times of Need


One aspect of my life as a Muslim that has changed is not being able to go attend programs at my mosque. But even then, it is important for me to fulfill the duties of my religion. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon him) preached, “one who is not faithful to mankind is not grateful to God,” and as such Muslims are to be of service to their communities when they are in need. In the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, we have partnered with Humanity First USA, a humanitarian relief organization, to provide the necessities for households that earn under $50,000/year. The Masroor Mosque in Manassas is distributing these items weekly for northern Virginia households, and orders can be placed on weekdays via this link: Moreover, as Ramadan approaches, Muslims will be increasing their contributions towards charity towards the less fortunate members of their communities and I encourage all my fellow Americans to do the same and help provide for their neighbors as we live through these difficult times.

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