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Is It Necessary To Set New Year Resolutions?

New Year's resolutions are a common tradition in many cultures. Every year, people set goals to improve their lives but do they keep them?

New Year’s resolutions are a common tradition in many cultures around the world. Every year, people set goals for themselves to improve their lives in the coming year. However, many people fail to keep their resolutions, and some even give up on them before the end of January. In this essay, I will explore why people feel the need to set New Year’s resolutions even when they know they will not keep them.

The tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions dates back to ancient Babylon, where people made promises to their gods at the start of each year .Today, people set resolutions for a variety of reasons. Some people set resolutions to improve their health, while others set resolutions to improve their finances or relationships. Whatever the reason, the act of setting a resolution is often seen as a way to start fresh and make positive changes in one’s life.

Despite the good intentions behind New Year’s resolutions, many people struggle to keep them. According to a Forbes Health/OnePoll survey conducted in October of 2023, over 90% of New Year’s resolutions will be abandoned within just a few months. So why do people continue to set resolutions year after year, even when they know they will not keep them?

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One reason people set resolutions is that they feel pressure to do so. The same Forbes Health/OnePoll survey found that 61.7% of respondents say they feel pressured to set a New Year’s resolution. This pressure can come from a variety of sources, including social media, friends, family, and even oneself. People may feel that setting a resolution is a way to show that they are committed to self-improvement and personal growth.

Another reason people set resolutions is that they believe it will help them achieve their goals. Setting a resolution can be a way to clarify one’s goals and intentions for the coming year. By putting one’s goals into writing, people may feel more motivated to work towards them. However, this motivation can quickly fade if people do not have a clear plan for achieving their goals.

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Finally, people may set resolutions because they believe it is a way to start fresh. The start of a new year can feel like a clean slate, and setting a resolution can be a way to leave the past behind and focus on the future. However, this desire for a fresh start can also lead people to set unrealistic goals that are difficult to achieve.

Remember, people set New Year’s resolutions for a variety of reasons, including pressure from others, a desire to achieve their goals, and a need for a fresh start. However, many people struggle to keep their resolutions, and some even give up on them before the end of January. To increase the chances of success, people should set realistic goals, create a clear plan for achieving them, and seek support from friends and family. By doing so, people can turn their New Year’s resolutions into lasting habits that improve their lives in meaningful ways.

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