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Navigating Seattle Summer Camps: Expert POV on Choosing the Right Camp

Camp Galileo's VP of National Program Operations gives tips on how Seattle parents can find the best experience for their kids this summer.

Now that most Seattle schools are reaching the home stretch of the school year, parents are likely eyeing summer camp options for their children that will offer hands-on learning, while cultivating an unforgettable and fun environment throughout the summer. It’s also a time where parents are seeking learning opportunities that differ from what children are involved in during the school year. Parents are lucky that these days, there are camp programs for every age and interest from karate and parkour to chess and robotics, which can make choosing the right engaging fit for kids a bit daunting for parents. Sheryl Adam, VP of National Program Operations with Camp Galileo, a STEAM-focused summer camp that inspires kids to envision and create a better world, shares five tips for parents on where to get started.

  1. Assess your child’s interests

Camp staff will often hear from parents that they view summer camps as an opportune time to enjoy all that childhood has to offer through the creation of core memories and introduction of new skills and concepts that they might not be exposed to during the school year. With that in mind, Sheryl encourages parents to think about their children’s interests first and use that as the starting point when looking for summer opportunities. For example, if a child is interested in building toys and understanding the way things work, then a STEAM exploratory camp like Camp Galileo could be a good fit because the curriculum is centered around creativity, design, and building solutions to bring campers’ ideas to life. Finding a summer camp that aligns with a child's interests is crucial for cultivating their enrichment and enjoyment throughout their time there.

2. Engaging & fun activities

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Whether parents are looking for a drop-in camp (one day), weekly day camp (usually running from 9am-3pm for one week), or a sleep away camp, it is important for parents and their children to understand how the day or the full week ahead will unfold. This ensures that parents can properly prepare campers and have expectation setting conversations before camp begins. Another aspect to look at when choosing a camp is researching the variety of age-appropriate activities available to keep campers interested throughout their time. The camp and its programming should be customized for every age so that the program evolves as kids grow and develop new skills.

Camp staff and directors generally hear from parents that although they want their children’s minds to be stimulated throughout the summer, they are not looking to duplicate the classroom experience. Summer is also about enjoying the beautiful Seattle weather and prioritizing time outdoors. Camp Galileo ensures variety through three daily program rotations, featuring individual innovative projects, collaboration, and outdoor games and activities.

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3. Check staff’s qualifications

Sheryl said she often hears about the bonds that campers make with their camp counselors and instructors. These interactions, although short in the greater scheme of things, can leave a lasting impression on campers, helping them become innovators out in the world. Sheryl always encourages parents to look for information about staff’s credentials or experience working with children. Ideally parents want to ensure that the camp staff have backgrounds in education, child development, or related fields. Parents should also feel free to ask about the training and support given to staff to make summer run smoothly. To ensure that the activities are tailored and interesting for all ages, parents should also inquire about how the staff is trained to create activities that are customized to each age group. Any camp should have this information either listed on its website or parents should be able to ask.

4. Evaluate the overall fit for the family

With the more flexible routines of summer also come changes to the logistics for the entire family. When factoring working parents, the cost of camp, and new commutes, parents should consider the hours of operation for the program and how that fits into their family’s schedule. Additionally, in recent years summer camp costs have increased due to inflation and labor costs. Many programs now offer full and partial scholarships to help mitigate some of these costs and Sheryl suggests that families research their options and speak with the program in which they’re interested. Parents will never know what financial options might be available unless they ask. Early planning and research can also improve the chances of securing a spot in their preferred dates and programs, as most high-demand camps in the community can fill up quickly.

5. Prioritize safety

Safety, Sheryl says, is her last tip for parents, but certainly not the least. She suggests that parents do supplemental research to ensure summer camps are prioritizing the health and safety of children and have first aid/CPR certified staff onsite and clear policies for keeping campers safe throughout the day. Parents should pay attention to the staff-to-camper ratio to guarantee that children are given optimal individual attention and supervision. For example, Camp Galileo keeps a staff-camper ratio of 12:1, with staff being trained to keep every child active and engaged at all times.

While there are many factors that go into selecting the right summer programs for children and their families, Sheryl and Camp Galileo are confident that these five tips will send parents in the right direction. With these in mind, children will be set up for success to have a summer full of new friendship and fun.

Camp Galileo is Galileo Learning, LLC’s summer camp business through which it serves campers in California, Washington, Colorado and Illinois since 2002. In 2023, more than 25,000 campers designed, played and laughed at Camp Galileo’s 55 sites. These programs were brought to life by 1,500 passionate educators and staff members.

Galileo Learning is a STEAM and innovation education company headquartered in Oakland, CA with a mission to develop innovators who envision and create a better world. The company operates direct-to-consumer summer camps and also works with school districts and local organizations to provide expanded learning summer programs. Founded in 2022 by Glen Tripp, Galileo is a Real Leaders’ Top Impact Company, a Bay Area Best Places to Work and one of Forbes’ Best Small Companies. In 2024, the company will be operating over 65 summer camps across California, Washington, Colorado and Illinois.

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