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Kids & Family

You Can Vacation on a Budget

Robert Siekert offers fun ideas for economical vacations.

Everyone is watching their budgets these days, and when the idea of a vacation comes up, many cringe. The idea that a vacation can be fun and affordable seems unrealistic. When people go on vacation, they want to have a memorable time, meaning great food, drinks, hotels and activities. Although there are many travel sites that offer discounts, sometimes you just don’t have enough money for them. And who has the time to wait for last-minute deals? So, how can one go on a fun vacation without spending a great deal of money? Here are some ideas:

  1. Explore your State — It may not sound as exciting as going to another country or a more touristy destination (e.g. Miami), but you would be surprised at the great activities there are in your state and/or the states not far from home. For example, there are national parks, theme parks and historical landmarks to explore. You can also sample regional cuisines and drinks. Plus, by driving you will be saving money and avoid the hassle of airport parking and checking in, not to mention an expensive airline ticket(s).
  2. Visit the Gulf — We all want to go to the best beach, where the sand is pristine and hotel offers gorgeous views. It will cost you, though. The hotel (or bed and breakfast) can run as high as $300 a night. The beaches in the Gulf of Mexico are just as beautiful as those on the east or west coastlines. The hotel rates and food are much less in comparison and there’s plenty of fun things to do.

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