Franklin (53132) Daily Weather Forecast

Franklin weather forecast for now and the week ahead — Warm today

Hazy sun and warm

  • Sunrise 6:27 am | Sunset 7:10 pm
  • High: 82° | Low 56°
  • Chance of precipitation: 2%

  • Wind: 8 mph from the SSW

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Franklin, WI weather at a glance

Q: What is the weather in Franklin?

A: Daily conditions in Franklin WI: Warm today.

Q: What is the temperature in Franklin?

A: The temperature in Franklin WI is High: 82° | Low 56°

Q: What time is sunset in Franklin?

A: The sun will set in Franklin WI at 12:8 AM.

Q: What is the weather tomorrow in Franklin?

A: The weather tomorrow in Franklin WI: Sunny and remaining very warm