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    From journals and magazines

    1. A Review of David Dean's "Unofficial Diplomacy": "The American Institute in Taiwan

      by Jing-Dong Yuan

      Tamkang Journal Of International Affairs, Volume 19, Issue 1.

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

    2. Sovereign Immunity Accorded to American Institute in Taiwan

      by Murphy, Sean D

      The American Journal Of International Law, Volume 95, Issue 3, pp. 629 - 630

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

    3. American Institute in Taiwan

      Business America, Volume 119, Issue 9, p. 6

      Journal Article : Full Text Online

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    1. American Institute in Taiwan Facilities Enhancement Act.

      Book, Government publication : View Online

    2. Legality Of A Proposed Contract Between The Department Of State And The American Institute In Taiwan


    3. Legality Of A Proposed Contract Between The Department Of State And The American Institute In (...)

      Book : View Online

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    1. Film & Television - Chinese Studies - LibGuides at Duke University

      Includes thousands of award-winning documentaries, training films and theatrical releases across diverse subjects and disciplines Socialism on (...)

    2. List of Databases - Chinese Studies Recommended Databases - LibGuides at Duke University

      Sourced from twelve North American libraries that include the Phillips Library at the Peabody Essex Museum and the Massachusetts (...)

    3. Art - Chinese Studies - LibGuides at Duke University

      Taoism and the Arts of China  (special exhibition at  The Art Institute of Chicago Museum ) Postcards : East Asia Image Collection at (...)

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    1. J. Walter Thompson Company. International Advertisements collection, 1900-2006

      The J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT), founded in 1864, is one of the oldest and largest enduring advertising agencies in the world. It opened (...)

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