☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 14 Collection of United States Revenue 
14.010   Notices of federal tax liens, filing — other federal liens on real ... (6/16/1988)
14.020   Notices to be entered in federal tax lien index. (8/28/1957)
14.030   Certificate of discharge to be filed with notice. (8/28/1957)
14.040   Compensation for filing and indexing. (7/1/1997)
14.050   Sections 14.010 to 14.050 passed to conform to section 3186, Revised ... (8/28/1957)
14.060   Collectors of United States revenue may sue, where and with what effect. (8/28/1957)
14.070   Venue of actions for federal taxes or penalties. (8/28/1957)
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