
Saint Lucian Appointed to UN Secretary General’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change

Press Release

March 20, 2023

New York, NY (March 20, 2023) — United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, on 16th March 2023, announced the second cohort of his Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change. This is a group of seven young climate leaders who will primarily provide advice and practical recommendations towards accelerating the implementation of the Secretary-General’s climate action strategy.

Saint Lucian national Jevanic Henry is one of seven young leaders appointed by the Secretary General to this group for a two-year period and is the first from the Caribbean region to serve on this board, with a view to ensuring the youth perspectives remain at the heart of climate action at all levels.

Jevanic is no stranger to the climate change arena having previously worked on various climate and development initiatives particularly around climate finance at the Commonwealth and United Nations level. He has also been instrumental and continues to support local youth organizations in identifying and accessing funding sources for community-based climate projects.

Speaking on his appointment, Jevanic highlights that “Our survival particularly as small island developing states, now depends on a global community which is unified in urgently advancing the climate agenda with the power of young people being a crucial catalyst to drive this much needed accelerated action.” He credits the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) for his initial exposure years ago in helping him identify how he can contribute to driving climate solutions. It is his hope that through this role he can be an avenue through which new doors can be opened for Caribbean youth in climate action, whilst ensuring the voices of those often unheard, yet most impacted, especially from the region can be channeled to influence policy and action at the highest levels that will allow us to continue building climate resilient economies.

Jevanic is also Saint Lucia’s first Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Fellow currently assigned to the Permanent Mission of Saint Lucia to the United Nations in New York. The AOSIS Fellowship is a program currently funded by the Government of Italy, providing young diplomats from small island developing states with practical training in international negotiations around climate, oceans, and sustainable development issues, geared towards boosting their national capacity.

28 Jun, 2024
Castries, June 27, 2024 – Second and third-generation Saint Lucian descendants born overseas now have a clear path to acquiring Saint Lucian citizenship! Government lawmakers, on June 26, 2024, voted in Parliament to amend the Citizenship of Saint Lucia Act to pave the way for descendants of Saint Lucian parentage to become naturalized Saint Lucian citizens. When the amendment of the Citizenship of Saint Lucia Act takes effect, a person born outside Saint Lucia becomes a citizen at the date of his or her birth if, at that date, his or her father, mother, grandfather or grandmother is a citizen by birth. That means the children and grandchildren of Saint Lucians who migrated and started families in foreign countries now have the opportunity to inherit their birthright - Saint Lucian citizenship. The historic amendment to the Citizenship of Saint Lucia Act will make Saint Lucian descendants born overseas eligible to represent our country nationally and create new avenues for second and third-generation Saint Lucians to contribute to the development of Saint Lucia. Tens of thousands of Saint Lucian descendants living in diaspora communities around the world will benefit from the amended Citizenship of Saint Lucia Act.
16 Sep, 2019
NEW YORK, NY (MAY 15, 2023) — The Consulate General of Saint Lucia in New York invites all Saint Lucians in the New York City area to attend an immigration forum being held on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, from 6:30 PM, at the Saint Lucia House, 438 East 49th Street (between Church and Snyder Avenues) in Brooklyn. The event will feature discussions on a number of topics, including: Applying for US citizenship/permanent residency Consequences of overstaying US visas Immigration fraud prevention Understanding deportation and removal proceedings Resources available to immigrant communities Also on the agenda are formal presentations by New York City-based immigration lawyers, immigration experts, and other partnering agencies, in line with the Consulate’s continuing efforts to provide guidance to its nationals. The Consulate encourages Saint Lucians in the New York City area to attend this extremely relevant and informative discussion.  For more information, please contact the Consulate at [email protected], or 212.697.9360.
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