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Women receiving a massageAre you aware that students report stress as the number one impediment to academic performance at UC San Diego? (according to the 2010 National College Health Association Survey). It is very important to make sure you take time to de-stress.

Two helpful publications for finals week:

The R&R Squad is Here to Help!

The R & R squadThe Resources and Relaxation (R&R) Squad is a group of trained peer educators from the Health, Recreation and Well-being Cluster. The R&R Squad provides free 4-5 minute low intensity neck, back, shoulders and arm/hand rubs.

"R" is for Resources: UC San Diego students reported that they would like to receive information on resources for stress reduction, depression/anxiety, grief and loss, suicide prevention, sexual assault and relationship violence, nutrition and physical activity and sleep difficulties.

"R" is for Relaxation: 60% of UC San Diego students rated​ the stress they had in the past 12 months as "more than average" to "tremendous". 

Check out the Zone calendar to see the days the R&R Squad is in!

Invite the R&R Squad to your next event! Click here to submit your request. Questions? E-mail the squad at [email protected]

What Stress Does to Us

  • Depletes energy
  • Causes poor concentration
  • Tightens muscles
  • Causes sleep difficulties
  • Makes us edgy/short tempered
  • Can lead to relationship difficulties
  • May cause us to make poor nutritional choices
  • Blood vessels constrict, breathing becomes shallow, blood pressure and pulse may rise
  • Blood stream gets flooded with hormones

Consider the Benefits of Hands-On Relaxation Activities

  • ​​Provides stress relief by loosening and relaxing tight muscles
  • Can improve circulation and range of motion

Touch Can Be Calming

  • It can help slow down the mind
  • Become less anxious
  • Enhance attentiveness
  • Improve concentration

Try these easy stretching exercises (PDF) to get you through Finals Week!​

Other Things You Can Do to Relieve StressGroup of people in the child's pose during yoga.

  • Listen to music
  • Learn Self Massage (PDF) - a real stress-buster!
  • Pray or meditate
  • Participate in regular physical activity. Research shows physical activity helps reduce stress, depression, cardiovascular disease and so much more. There are plenty of opportunities on campus to get physical. Check out ​ the Zone for free classes. Recreation also offers fun, affordable classes.
  • Learn guided visualization/deep breathing. Counseling and Psychological Services has audio recordings you can listen to on your computer (click on "iRelax Audio"):
  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night
  • Manage your time well. Master proper time management skills
  • Take a walk on the beach
  • Eat nutritious meals
  • Keep a journal
  • If you need further help with stress issues, contact CAPS at:

Have questions? Contact a Health Educator at 858-822-5382.