Google-specific AMP Issues

Issue Description
Content mismatch: Missing embedded video The canonical web page has an embedded video that is missing in the AMP version. It is usually best to include all the same important content resources in your AMP version as in the canonical web page. Note that the video is detected by URL; if you have two different URLs pointing to the same video, you will see this warning.
Image size smaller than recommended size The structured data in the AMP refers to an image that is smaller than our recommended size. This may prevent the page from appearing with all AMP-related features on Google Search, and may also prevent your Discover cards from appearing with large images (leading to decreased website traffic and user engagement). To fix, use a larger image according to our guidelines.
AMP page domain mismatch The AMP page is hosted on a different domain than its canonical version. This can be confusing to mobile searchers who see one URL domain in search results and a different one when they open the page in the AMP reader. (Does not affect page indexing or ranking.)
URL not found (404) The AMP URL requested could not be found. Learn about fixing 404 pages.
Server error (5XX) Unspecified 5XX server error when requesting the AMP page. Learn more about server errors.
Blocked by robots.txt The requested AMP URL was blocked by a robots.txt rule. If this is not what you want, test your robots.txt file for the blocking rule, and then modify or remove the rule (or ask your web developer to do it for you).
Crawl issue Unspecified crawling error for the AMP page. Use the URL Inspection tool on your AMP URL to troubleshoot the problem. 
Referenced AMP URL is not an AMP A canonical page references an AMP that is not, in fact, an AMP page. Learn how a non-AMP page should reference an AMP page.
Referenced AMP URL is self-canonical AMP The canonical page points to a stand-alone AMP. You cannot reference a stand-alone AMP as the AMP version of a page. Learn how to reference an AMP from a non-AMP page.
URL marked 'noindex' AMP is blocked by a 'noindex' directive. Google cannot index a page that is blocked by noindex; either remove the noindex directive, or remove the reference to the blocked page.
'unavailable_after' date for this page has expired AMP page has an "unavailable_after" meta tag or directive that has already passed, indicating that it should no longer be served. You should either update the tag to a future date, or remove the tag.
Canonical points to invalid URL A canonical page references an AMP version using an invalidly formatted URL. Learn how to properly reference an AMP version.
amp-story canonical error

A page incorrectly references an amp-story page as its AMP version. This is not allowed because an amp-story page is, by definition, self-canonical: it must point to itself with a <rel="canonical"> tag, and cannot serve as an AMP version of another page.

Module script declared without nomodule alternative (or the reverse) You are using either a <script type="module"> tag without a matching <script nomodule async> tag, or the reverse. These tags must be used in matching pairs to enable proper handling by browsers that do or don't support module scripts.
Missing URL in HTML tag The specified HTML tag requires an attribute with a valid, non-zero-length URL, but the URL is an empty string. Provide a valid URL for the highlighted attribute.
The attribute is missing or incorrect, but required by the attribute 'on' The specified attribute is required but is incorrect or missing. This attribute is required because you specified an "on" attribute in the same tag.
<svg> child tag found outside of an <svg> block. You specified a tag outside an <svg> block that must be nested within an <svg> block.
The page is loading multiple versions of the same extension script The page is loading multiple versions of the same AMP extension. To fix, remove one version of the script.

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