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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Tankor (disambiguation), Mega-Octane.
Octane is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Con artist, liar, thief, and collector of oddly-shaped shields.

Octane (aka Tankor,[1] Fuselage,[2] or Octone[3]) is considered vile, even by Decepticon standards. This triple changing bully is a cheat, a liar, and a coward who thinks only of himself and can't be trusted any further than Megatron can throw Devastator. Even those who try and befriend Octane are ultimately left behind when his overdeveloped sense of self-preservation kicks in.

The only reason that this inveterate thief is allowed to continue functioning is that he has an uncanny ability to locate stores of fuel for his fellow Decepticons, and is usually able to spin a fairly convincing excuse for why he was unable to assist them in their latest battle. As annoying and frustrating as he may be to work with, most of his allies will grudgingly admit that he does perform his job as a fuel transport quite well—if he could just get over his annoying habit of making them beg for every drop.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Beau Weaver (English), Kenyū Horiuchi (Japanese), Zhang Mingyu (Chinese), Ignacio Campero (Latin American), Unknown (European French, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4"), François Leccia (European French, "Starscream's Ghost"), Nilton Valério (Portuguese), Nelson Batista (Portuguese, "Thief in the Night")
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When the Decepticon forces were driven off Cybertron, Octane ended up on the barren planet of Chaar. When Cyclonus told the Decepticons that he was going to bring back Galvatron to lead them, Octane was amongst the cheering crowd. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 He then joined the beating-Autobots-to-death crowd when the Decepticons discovered Rodimus Prime and Grimlock spying on them. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2 Finally, he joined the energon-munching crowd when the Quintessons offered them energy in exchange for exterminating a group of Autobots on Goo 8739-B. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3 Though they failed in this endeavor, the Decepticons were greeted by the return of their leader, Galvatron, and went on to stage an all-out assault on Cybertron and Earth. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4

Octane could only get along with someone who had nothing left to steal.

Octane first came to the Autobots' attention while doing what he did best—thinking about himself. When Trypticon had been defeated by Metroplex and hurled into the ocean, it was Octane who first discovered that the giant Decepticon had not been destroyed, but had actually survived his untimely dunk in the water. What happened next depends on who you believe: Octane tells a tale of great heroism, where he came across the weakened and dying Trypticon and, for the glory of the Decepticon Empire and out of the good of his own heart, nursed the injured giant back to health. The rest of the world prefer to take a less charitable look at his actions, and claim that Octane merely took advantage of Trypticon to secure himself a source of high-quality energon from the Socialist Democratic Federated Republic of Carbombya. Whatever his motivation, it was not long before Octane and Trypticon were trading fuel for protection (even going so far as to assault passing cruise ships and then claiming they had been invading sovereign waters, though Trypticon did genuinely believe that they were invading ships). When that was no longer enough to keep their new landlords happy, Octane quickly came up with a scheme to use Trypticon in stealing all of the world's most important monuments and presenting them as gifts to the nation's leader. That got the attention of Rodimus Prime and the rest of the Autobots, who quickly crashed Octane's party. Worse, Galvatron caught wind of what had been happening, and was not amused with how selfishly Octane had been keeping Trypticon to himself. All the wheeling and dealing in the world failed in the face of Galvatron's rage, and Octane soon found himself ousted from the Decepticons (a fate he shared with his fellow Triple Changer, Blitzwing. Apparently Astrotrain was the only one of them worth keeping). Thief in the Night


Alone and on the run, Octane soon discovered that Galvatron was less than willing to let bygones be bygones. The Decepticon leader had placed a price on Octane's head, and countless bounty hunters and assassins were closing in on him. After a close call on the planet Junk, where he narrowly avoided being blown to pieces, Octane quickly decided to seek asylum with the Autobots. It was here that he met and befriended Sandstorm, a fellow Triple Changer who had recently joined the Autobots after the destruction of his home planet of Paradron. After being attacked by the Combaticons at Autobot City, the pair fled to a space station, where they were assaulted once again by a paid assassin (who was fortunately so incompetent that the two robots barely noticed he was there). Eventually settling on Cybertron, Octane still found no peace, as Cyclonus and the Sweeps tracked him down yet again. Fleeing into the forgotten Decepticon Crypt, Octane stumbled onto the ghost of the most famous Decepticon traitor ever known: Starscream. Quickly realising kindred spirits in each other, the two joined forces in an attempt to let Starscream possess Cyclonus and take over the Decepticons. Needless to say, their coup attempt failed rather miserably, and both traitors found themselves once again fleeing from Galvatron's wrath. Starscream's Ghost

Despite this, Octane was later back under Galvatron's command, joining him in a firefight with the Protectobots during an attack on the Netherlands. The Ultimate Weapon

Japanese cartoon continuity

The Headmasters cartoon
Voice actor: Ryōichi Tanaka (Japanese)
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Under the command of Sixshot, Octane and his fellow Decepticon Triple Changers assaulted Ultra Magnus and his troops on Earth in order to prevent them from joining a battle on Cybertron. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky The three went on to defend Trypticon from Springer, Broadside, and Octane's old buddy Sandstorm. The Great Cassette Operation They also helped the Decepticon Headmasters steal the energy-gathering Sol 1 satellite for Scorponok. The Shadow Emperor, Scorponok

On the planet Zarak, Octane acted as a cruel taskmaster, whipping the Beastformers into shape as they were forced to build Scorponok's giant MegaZarak Transtector, The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts which he witnessed the unveiling of. Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears

Legends comic
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In 2021, Octane was among the Decepticons under Scorponok's command who fought Fortress's forces near a black hole, and got kicked around by Grimlock. When Scorponok detonated the black hole, the three Triple Changers panicked and scrambled to avoid the explosion. Targetmaster Chapter Prologue

As a result of the incident, Octane became a Headmaster and travelled to the Legends World along with the other Headmasters. He met a kindred spirit in Tigatron regarding their perverted tastes, though he didn't care about meeting White Lune as he was only into robotic girls. Late Xmas Present Chapter Later the two decided to start a sexy video business. Roping would-be manager Trickdiamond into modelling for it, their first foray was such a success that Octane was able to buy his own transtector. While using it for transportation, the three found themselves attacked by Lunaclub and Moonheart, and came face-to-face with Starscream! Using his new ghostly Headmaster form, Starscream took control of the transtector so that he could usurp Mayor Megatron, but Octane was able to expel the spirit via a contingency device built into the transtector. Octane took control of the transtector himself and sent the twins fleeing with his flamethrower attack. The insincerely repentant Starscream would be punished by being forced to appear in a video with Lunaclub, but it made so little money that Octane and Tigatron made Trickdiamond model again. Bonus Edition Vol. 57

Octane was on the streets of New Akihibara City when Scorponok summoned Majin Zarak to begin the destruction of the Legends World. Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part One When Scorponok and Devil Z threatened to destroy the world by plasma energy bombs, Octane was one of many transports used to evacuate the population back to the OG World. Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part Two

Arriving first in 2023, Octane joined the Autobots and Decepticons on the planet Beast. He helped their old allies the Beastformers in their conflicts against the Laser Beasts. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 1

By 2039, the Decepticons officially declared peace with the Autobots. Octane was present at a press conference held by Soundwave to pool resources for the restoration of the Legends World. Epiloge

Wings Universe

Wings Universe is based on the Generation 1 cartoon, but deviates from it in cosmetic ways and continuity points.

Through his friendship with Sandstorm, Octane became involved in the largely-Autobot defense of Cybertron during the Machine Wars. He found the Autobot general Obsidian's orders and tactics particularly indecipherable. Despite their closeness, he appeared as surprised as anyone when Sandstorm was revealed as a sleeper clone planted in their forces by Jhiaxus. Termination

Octane was caught up in Jhiaxus's invasion of Cybertron, though he commented that he was uninterested in fighting, even less so when it meant fighting to the death. He further bemoaned that the only reason he had gotten involved was because of Sandstorm, who turned out not to be his friend but a clone of the original. His complaints fell on deaf ears, as Acid Storm besides him joined the fray with glee. He was later rescued by Strika from a squad of Thundercracker drones during the battle, though he rescued her right back from one sneaking up on her. A Common Foe

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
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Octane was one of the many Decepticons left on Cybertron after Megatron's departure. Along with several others, Octane worked for the tyrant Straxus in the giant fortress known as Darkmount. He was regarded as one of Cybertron's Ten Deadliest Killers, with soldiers like Macabre wanting to be seen as his equal, and considered a key target in Operation: Volcano. Octane narrowly avoided an ambush that would have led to his demise during said operation; upon their deployment, the Decepticons were called away by Megatron, at the time unaware of the happenings on Cybertron. Target: 2006 When both Optimus Prime and Megatron were accidentally transported back to Cybertron, Octane attended a meeting where the Decepticon leaders discussed their efforts to turn the Autobot army against the Prime. Megatron's ploy to convince the Autobot rank and file that Optimus was a Decepticon spy in disguise met with failure, and Megatron shoved Octane out of his way in frustration as he headed out to deal with matters himself. Under Fire! Optimus wound up joining forces with the Wreckers to attack a Decepticon fuel store, and upon encountering them Octane ran away screaming—this was the first sign that his rep might have been a tad inflated. He reported on the battle to Straxus, greatly over-exaggerating his own role in the battle. A short while later, Octane bore witness to Straxus attempting to take-over Megatron's body. The mind-swap was only partial successful, leaving both Decepticons' minds jumbled inside Megatron, though Octane was led to believe that Straxus was in full control. Ratbat informed him otherwise, and ordered him to send the now deranged Megatron back to Earth via Space Bridge. In doing so, they prevented Megatron from destroying them all, as he was battling Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime at the time, using volatile anti-matter to overpower his foes. Resurrection!

In the comics, Octane wanted to be like Bono.

Octane and his fellow Triple Changers were sent to Earth by Ratbat to investigate the loss of his priceless cargo en route to the organic world. Upon making contact with the crashed ship, they discovered the reason it was lost: a Scraplet infection. Accidentally getting himself infected by the deadly disease, Octane began to slowly waste away. The Autobots Blaster and Goldbug came upon the site as well, and the Decepticons reveled at the chance at some destructive fun before their demise. Though Goldbug escaped, Astrotrain, Blitzwing, and Octane cornered Blaster, Crater Critters taking him prisoner. Though the Triple Changers called upon Ratbat to find a cure for their infection, Ratbat decided to instead cut his losses and sent over the Throttlebots to eliminate all those afflicted with canisters of acid. Lucky for the Decepticons, Blaster's friends found the cure for Scraplets before this could come to pass: water. Upon learning this, Blaster, who had himself gotten infected during his battle with his captors, instructed Goldbug to let them all perish instead. He refused to be instrumental in allowing a Decepticon to live, even if it meant his own death. Goldbug's hand was forced against Blaster's wishes when thousands of Scraplets combined into a monster, and the Triple Changers were the only ones present with enough firepower to destroy it. All those within the crater were doused with water, and the Decepticons made short work of the remaining Scraplets. They then absconded, hauling off Ratbat's cargo. The Cure!

After delivering the cargo to its intended destination, the Triple Changers linked up with Shockwave's Decepticons on Earth, Buster Witwicky and the Car Wash of Doom who soon fell under Ratbat's command. Following Ratbat's orders, Octane and the rest of the Decepticons launched a major offensive against the Autobots when the latter were all gathered on Earth's moon, making them an easy and efficient target. The Decepticons were driven back when Grimlock and Blaster, then squabbling over leadership of the Autobots, managed to put aside their differences long enough to rally the Autobots into a counterattack. Totaled!

The Decepticons relocated to the Arctic, only to be apparently found by an enemy force. Octane and the others scrambled out to meet their visitors, finding not the Autobots as they had anticipated, but rather another group of Decepticons led by Scorponok. Through subtle manipulations, Starscream managed to pit both groups against one another, culminating in a giant brawl between them. During this Decepticon civil war, Octane blasted Rippersnapper point-blank in the face! Meanwhile, Starscream snuck off to take control of the legendary Underbase while the others were busy with their infighting. Cold War! Further manipulations by Starscream had brought the Autobots to the Decepticons' doorstep, and upon their involvement, Octane managed to scrap the Autobot known as Mirage. A ceasefire between the two factions was put in action when all involved learned of Starscream's machinations. Together, the remaining Autobots and Decepticons managed to stop Starscream from obtaining all but a tiny fragment of the Underbase's energy. Unfortunately, the portion Starscream had taken into himself was enough to grant him unimaginable power. In an effort to stop the Seeker's rampage, the Autobots and Decepticons formed several squads, each stationed at one of three Earth cities. Octane was part of Fortress Maximus and Soundwave's group in Buenos Aires, where he was killed by a blast of cosmic energy. Dark Star

Marvel UK future timelines

After Unicron took control of the Decepticons through Cyclonus and Scourge in the year 2008, he prompted their forces to launch an all-out attack on the Autobots' strongholds. Both sides tore into each other, nearly evenly matched, resulting in many casualties. Octane soared overhead in his plane mode during the conflict, raining down fire onto the enemy bellow. Once Unicron, on planet Junkion at the time, met defeat against Rodimus Prime, the Decepticons cut their attack short and fled from the front lines. The Legacy of Unicron!

These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.
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Octane ended up on Earth under the command of Shockwave, and attended an Enclave when the conflict between Shockwave and Megatron's forces grew too great for the liking of either Decepticon leader. The peace-talk was sabotaged by the Autobots' Earthforce however, and Octane likely got swept up in the giant brawl that ensued between the Decepticon factions. The Bad Guy's Ball! Octane later helped his boss and the other Triple Changers smack down on Megatron and steal an energon shipment from the other Decepticon leader. Secrets
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He also joined the raid on Autobot Earthbase, but was cut down in midair when Grimlock hurled his energo-sword through his wing in jet mode. Divide and Conquer!

Octane often stole fuel from humans and transported it for the Decepticons—and on the way, he'd have fun trashing human cars and working over the occupants. However, one car (secretly Jazz, trying to end Octane's "games") led him on a merry chase to a military testing ground. These humans could fight back, and Octane—worried a shot in his full fuel tanks would blow him up—called Astrotrain and Blitzwing to help him. They did, until they found out he'd only gotten there by goofing off on a mission, at which point they left him to suffer. (WHY did Macabre want to be like him again?) Manoeuvres!

Rhythms of Darkness!

In 2009 of an alternate future, Octane was stationed at the Decepticon Powerbase when the last seven remaining Autobots staged a raid on it. After Laserbeak cut the rotors of the Autobot Crossblades, Octane and Astrotrain blew him out of the sky. Rhythms of Darkness!

Marvel Generation 2 comic

After Jhiaxus's Cybertronians, led by the treacherous Starscream, attacked and boarded the Warworld, Octane was amongst the casualties. Total War!


Classics continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Following Megatron's return in the 21st century, Octane was among the Decepticons who joined Megatron's faction. He was positioned for a strike on Bludgeon's faction before the Pretender was undone from within. At Fight's End

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
Claims that the virus was caused by rage-infected monkeys have now been dismissed as bull—

Octane was one of the Underbase casualties that Megatron reanimated and lobotomized during his time on Earth and pressed into service as part of his zombie army. Octane was part of a unit alongside Razorclaw, Skalor, Thrust, Bugly, Skywarp, and Ratbat that hunted down and exterminated a convoy of escaping humans, including Buster and Jesse. Less Than Zero

In 2012 the zombie Octane was ordered to chase down Kup and the Wreckers but was drawn away from the main group by Roadbuster, Leadfoot, and Sandstorm's diversionary tactics. Loose Ends, Part 2 Later, Octane helped attack the aerial team attempting to rescue Kup, who had been captured by Megatron and put out as bait for his fellow Wreckers. Loose Ends, Part 4 He was deactivated with the other zombie-bots when Megatron was killed by Optimus Prime Loose Ends, Part 5 and later incinerated from orbit. Natural Selection, Part One

Transformers '84

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Early in the war on Cybertron, Octane was part of a Decepticon assault alongside Chop Shop, Barrage, Ransack, Blitzwing, Runabout, Runamuck, Venom, and the Autobot double agent Counterpunch. Secrets & Lies #1

Toy pack-in material

Octane joined Bruticus and Trypticon in a tumultuous battle on a moon base while the two larger 'bots were standing their ground against Ultra Magnus and Defensor. Decipher the Decepticon

Transformers in 3-D

"Run away!! Run away!!"

Octane, Scorponok and Cyclonus intercepted Cosmos on his way to Andellor to find the Prism of Power. The trio forced Cosmos to lead them to the planet. There, they entered a cave, though Octane wasn't terribly keen on the prospect. His worries proved well founded, as a few minutes later, he was seized by tentacles and dragged into a pool. As his decapitated head flew back out, he requested that Cyclonus retrieve the rest of him. Transformers in 3-D issue 2

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

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Octane participated in Shockwave's assault on Iacon shortly after Optronix arose to become Optimus Prime, The War Within #2 during which he blew up many bridges leading out of the polity. The War Within #3 He was at Shockwave's side when the latter ordered the final push on the Decagon, The War Within #4 and rushed to the front lines as the Decepticons breached the last of the Autobots' defenses. The War Within #5 The Decepticons didn't have long to savor their victory, as Starscream then activated one of Cybertron's planetary engines, leading to Iacon's destruction. Octane was among the Decepticons who managed to bail out as the area crumbled into a crater. The War Within #6

During the Dark Ages, a time when both Megatron and Optimus were thought dead after they disappeared into a prototype space-brige, Octane served under Starscream's command as one of the Predacons. One of the group's attempt to secure a plenty of energon was foiled by the Lightning Strike Coalition, led by Grimlock, who managed to distract Octane and his teammates long enough to swipe their goods and make a quick getaway with them in hand. Fragmentation Later, while footage of a brawl between Defensor and Devastator was caught on-camera by Prowl's computers in his Autobase, Octane was also spotted by one of the hub's screens. Escalation

When Cybertron was on the verge of peace, Octane and the rest of Starscream's Predacons on Moon Alpha struck against the other factions as they met to sign a treaty. Though their first bombing run yielded much destruction, the Predacons were then pounced on by a combined Autobot/Ultracon/Decepticon team. The Age of Wrath Megatron retook Cybertron with his Aerospace Extermination Squadron, after which Octane ended up guarding Autobots interred in a labor camp. He and Barrage were about to punish Cliffjumper when Brawn bashed them both. They regained their wits after one of the drones pacified the Autobot. The Age of Wrath Pt.2 When the Decepticons fractured again after the disappearance of the Nemesis, he began working for Shockwave. Octane loved tormenting the pint-sized Decepticon Micromasters, lording over them with his size and rank. Such an opportunity arose when Greasepit crawled back to Decepticon headquarters, begging for energon. Octane and Blitzwing taunted the smaller 'bot, guzzling down the cups of energon all the while. Destined for Nothing

When Skystalker took over the Decepticons and posed as Shockwave to retain command over the other full-sized Transformers in the ranks, Octane was among the troops duped by the diminutive 'bot into launching an all-out offensive, despite their resources being at an all-time low. Recipe for Hate Though Octane's crew overcame the Autobots, the Autobot Micromasters turned up with the revelation that Shockwave was deactivated, and Octane called a general retreat. Victims of the Revolution

Kids, never poke and mock bat-shit insane powerhouses!

After the Great Shutdown, Octane qualified for Shockwave's re-engineering process, and joined the Triple Changer Strike Force. He traveled to Earth in 2003 under Shockwave and Ultra Magnus's command to collect the "renegade" Autobots and Decepticons who were still fighting the Great War. New World Order They returned to Cybertron, and Octane assumed patrol duty until coming across the Dinobots, who had just crash-landed in the Wastelands after arriving from Earth. Sensing weakness, Octane mockingly challenged the woozy travelers, poking them and calling them "primitive".

Slag made an ashtray out of his skull. Even Grimlock was a little creeped out by this particular "trophy". Cold War

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Octane was among the Decepticon forces waiting for Ultra Magnus's force field around Teletran 3 would go down. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2 After Serpent O.R. took control of the Decepticons, Octane and several subgroup leaders protected him from an assault by Optimus Prime. The Art of War #5

The Beast Within

Octane participated in a savage all-out Decepticon offensive against the Autobots. With the Decepticons maintaining the advantage throughout the battle, Octane was amongst those who approached a crippled Optimus Prime, ready to dispatch the Autobot leader. Before they could deliver the finishing blow, the Dinobots combined into the Beast, shifting the Decepticons' priorities. The Beast Within

As the battle wore on, the Decepticons were forced to retreat or risk being butchered by the Beast's unimaginable strength. Unfortunately for Octane, he was already dead by the time Megatron had given the order to fold back, and his corpse lay in a smoldering heap on the battleground as the Autobots continued their attempts to subdue their former comrades. The Beast Within Part 2, Consequences

Hearts of Steel

His alt-modes in this continuity are "kite" and "wheelbarrow."

Octane participated in the questioning of Tobias Muldoon when Shockwave brought the human scientist down to the Decepticon at the bottom of the San Francisco Bay. In particular, Octane wanted to know if the humans had developed flight technology, which the Decepticons could exploit. Hearts of Steel #2

"Strange Visitors" established that events identical to those of Hearts of Steel and Infestation 2 occurred in the 2005 IDW continuity; however, they happened to Maximal explorers brainwashed by Shockwave into believing they were the Autobots and Decepticons of the Great War.

2005 IDW continuity


During Scorponok's raid on the Toraxxis mega-refinery, Tankor was responsible for carrying the energon the Decepticons were intending to steal. Faces of Darkness Since he was busy pumping fuel out of the refinery, he didn't participate in the battle with the Autobots protecting it. Rage

Four million years ago, Tankor was part of a convoy carrying 75 tons of energon for Megatron. Unfortunately, they were intercepted by Optimus Prime and their scout, Ramjet, was knocked senseless before he could fire off a shot. Prime and Ironhide managed to capture Tankor's unit without incident by threatening to detonate the unstable energon supply they were carrying. The Iron Age

Tankor was under Deadlock's command at some point. Drift #3

Millions of years later, during the Decepticon siege of (parts of) Earth, the European Union sent a nuclear bomb to wipe out the Transformer infestation of New York City. Unfortunately the plane they sent to carry the bomb was Tankor in disguise. All Hail Megatron #11 Even after the Autobots arrived, Megatron ordered Tankor to proceed with the bomb drop and to rendezvous with the Decepticons later, to which he expressed his pleasure. The bomb was indeed dropped, but diverted by Thundercracker. All Hail Megatron #12

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Unfortunately, Tankor never made it off Earth. After getting captured by humans at some point, he was liberated by a small group of Decepticons led by Swindle. New Arrivals, Old Encounters Their ragtag team then located Thundercracker in the ruins of New York, and added him to the group. Seasons in Flight During an attack on Omega Supreme, Swindle starting questioning why they were fighting in the first place. Tankor replied "Because they're Autobots!", but it turned out Swindle was looking for a somewhat deeper answer. The Decepticons subsequently allied themselves with Hot Rod's defected Autobots, working together to find a way off the planet. New Arrivals, Old Encounters Tankor was later seen assisting Silverstreak in the construction of a spaceship. Seasons in Flight

Four months after Swindle's failed attempt to betray the Autobots and steal the spaceship, the other Decepticons returned to Earth, and Tankor rejoined them. He was present as an observer when Optimus Prime confronted Megatron one-on-one, and was caught in an explosion when Prime suddenly had a satellite dropped on his nemesis. Enemy Mine


Following the Chaos War, Tankor was one of the Decepticons who began repopulating Cybertron along with the Autobots and NAILs. When riots broke out after the return of Megatron, Tankor holed up in Blurr's bar instead of joining in. City on Fire They were eventually forced to leave as the bar was burned down. The Verge Tankor relocated to Fixit's med-bay, where he stood alongside both Autobots and NAILs in defending the injured from Devastator. Plan for Everything When the tide turned in their favor, he and some NAILs stopped Needlenose from killing Swindle, who had also been helping injured Autobots. Given his allegiance during the battle, Tankor likely quit being a Decepticon when Starscream became leader of the neutrals and had both Autobots and Decepticons expelled from Iacon. Heavy Is the Head

When the Necrotitan's "death wave" struck Iacon, Tankor took care of the injured and was one of many who blamed Starscream. No Exit Later he was spotted drinking at Maccadam's Old Oil House alongside another Tankor he had befriended. Other Cybertronians called him "Tall Tankor" to differentiate the two. A 'Bot and Her City

Tall Tankor was among the Cybertronians recruited by Windblade during her intended expose of Metroplex being bled out by Starscream, but they were accosted by the Terrorcons. Tall Tankor and Windblade double-teamed the airborne Cutthroat, and together managed to bring down the Terrorcon. However, Starscream and his forces showed up and arrested the entire group. They managed to break out, however, and Tall Tankor was once more involved in battle against Starscream's guards. A Long Way Down Windblade vol. 1 #3

After a space bridge portal had been opened to the world of Caminus, Tall Tankor and Fat Tankor were among the people who went there to aid in rebuilding what had been destroyed by Menasor. The Possible Light They then returned to Cybertron to prevent a mob of Decepticons from taking over the space bridge chamber. All That Remains Following Cybertron's contact with Velocitron, another colony world, the Tankors attended a "Not the End of the World" party at Maccadam's, where they danced with Waspinator. Windblade vol. 2 #4 At another time at Maccadam's, Tankor was caught up in a bar fight caused by the Dinobots, and uselessly pleaded with Snarl to cut it out. Redemption


On Chosen One Day, both Tankors got matching tattoos. Choose Me Sometime after, they joined I.H. Cybertronian Securities, a private security firm run by Ironhide. While helping some clients transport some Energon cubes, Tall Tankor picked up a Badgeless report on a nearby robbery, and was told off by Fat Tankor for freaking out the clients. 07:00:00 When Ironhide was placed in charge of reforming Cybertron's state security, the Tankors were the first to volunteer for his new force. When Blast Off also signed up, much to Onslaught's apparent chagrin, the Tankors offered to let him live with them, but were turned down. Applicable Skills While in training for their new roles, the Tankors attended Ironhide's roll call, watched him spar with Blast Off, and undertook a written examination, before heading down to Maccadam's with a few of their fellow cadets on their downtime. Things We Said We'd Never Do On their first call, the Tankors accompanied Ironhide and Sparkstalker as they attempted to subdue the rampaging combiner Bruticus - whose components included, much to the Tankors' horror, Blast Off! When Bruticus was eventually defeated and forced to separate, the Tankors assisted in the arrest of the Combaticons. The Line Between Us When Iacon was evacuated upon the discovery of an army of undead Titans headed directly for the city, the Tankors were among those who stayed behind to assist in the coming battle. Ping As the battle raged through Iacon, Tall Tankor helped guard citizens who had not made it through the space bridge in time. Desperate Times

When Sentinel Prime seemingly returned from the dead and launched an attack on Iacon, Tankor joined Ironhide in attempting to stop him. The Last Autobot Tankor also accompanied Ironhide in trying to track down the Iron Ring after they fled under Cybertron's surface. First Strike #4

Tankor was part of a mob of Decepticons who confronted Starscream after Onyx Prime's return to Cybertron. Despite having been ousted from leadership of the planet, Tankor and the others still considered Starscream their best choice for the position. Endless Forever Tankor and the Decepticons followed Starscream as he decided to lead them towards a better future. Unforgivable The Decepticons holed up in the corpse of Metrotitan, with Tankor and the others complaining about the less-than-ideal accommodations. Unstopped and Unstoppable

He's tired of Starscream ghosting him.

The topic of living conditions became moot after Unicron appeared in the skies above Cybertron. Tankor joined his fellow Decepticons in lining up for evacuation off the planet and heckled the Autobots who were taking off in spacecraft to fight Unicron in orbit. Frustrated, Tankor abandoned his groundbound comrades and flew off. Our Finest He didn't get far before he was magically transported by the Talisman to Earth along with most of the remaining population of Cybertron. Hearing of Cybertron's destruction at Unicron's hands and Starscream's attempt to leave them behind, Tankor joined his fellow Tankor and Needlenose in accosting their former leader. It wasn't long thereafter that a plan was formed to combat Unicron and its Maximal army in Earth's orbit and Tankor joined an attack force to do just that. Assembly Tankor took part in the massive battle that followed, which ultimately saw Unicron defeated and the universe saved. Ceremony

Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga

I'm an evil mastermind of average intelligence!

After successfully conducting an energon theft, Octane gave his pursuers, Sideswipe and Bluestreak, the runaround by switching back and forth between his alternate modes, making them think they were chasing two culprits instead of one. Once he got bored with the chase, Octane revealed himself, but that proved to be a bad idea, as Sideswipe was able to rocket above him and shoot him down. Henkei! Henkei! #6

Octane's skills were later to put to the test by Cyclonus, who tasked him with stealing energon from a factory. Octane upped the stakes, promising to do the job in thirty minutes if Cyclonus would deliver a good report on him to Megatron. Despite the interference of Smokescreen and Red Alert, Cyclonus held Octane to the conditions of the deal, and Octane had to try and shake the two Autobots off as he headed for the factory. Octane thought he had succeeded, but found his two opponents waiting for him at the factory, along with Cyclonus, who announced his time was up. Cyclonus departed to report on Octane's failure to Megatron leaving the hapless swindler to Smokescreen and Red Alert's tender mercies. Henkei! Henkei! #12

Henkei! Henkei! Generations manga

Octane had the misfortune of being possessed by the ghost of a Starscream from another dimension and being forced to attack the Autobots. He beat up on Ironhide, before being taken down by the invisible Mirage. As Mirage had taken out Octane's motor circuits, Starscream's ghost was forced to depart his body and search for a new host. Mirage's Activity

Henkei! Henkei! Bun Bun manga

Octane was part of the small group of Decepticons who traveled to Earth with Megatron in pursuit of the lost Energon Cube. He was never seen in action during the battles on the planet, but was shown being rounded up by the combined might of the Autobots and Earth's military forces following Galvatron's apparent death. To the Sea of Stars

Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Visualize Shot 8 Visualize Shot 10

Kre-O online manga

Octane was part of a massive Decepticon invasion force intended to ruin the Autobots' picnic. However, Optimus Prime plowed through them with his truck and left them scattered... and then left. Returning to the scene after.. ahem, taking care of some pressing business, Optimus gathered up the still-wiped-out Kreons, bound them up on a flatbed trailer, and took them to the picnic. Emergency! Hurry to the Base, Optimus!

Octane was seen fleeing in terror along with his fellow Decepticons as Jazz attacked using a giant Mega-Jazz robot. Treasure Competition! Defeat with Block Power!

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

Octane fought in the combined Decepticon/Cobra attack on Metroplex. Everybody Hates Metroplex

2019 IDW continuity

Meet The Spy

After the Tether fell on Cybertron, Octane collected the bodies of those who were killed and injured to sell to scavengers. When Spinister found out, Octane boarded the Krm'zik and retreated to the planet Obsidar where he made a deal with some of the planet's natives for protection. After Ultra Magnus boarded the ship, Octane tried to get the drop on him but was overpowered and arrested. As Magnus dragged the criminal back to his ship, Octane tried to cut a deal with Magnus. This would be his final offer because Spinister dropped in and revealed that he had tricked Magnus into finding Octane for him! Spinister then planned to execute Octane and Magnus but was interrupted by the arrival of Victory Leo. Storm Horizon Part 2

Victory Leo then brought Octane aboard Magnus' ship where he begged not to be locked up with Spinister. Storm Horizon Part 3

Commercial appearances

Octane, Scourge, and Cyclonus launched an attack on the Autobots' base, only to be met with the Monsterbots, who gave them a good trouncing. Octane was mauled by Repugnus. Monsterbots commercial


The Transformers (PS2)

TF PS2 Octane.jpg
Octane, warrior of the future. With a jet mode and tanker mode! Always loaded with fuel and evil ambition!

—The Narrator, "The Transformers"

Voice actor: Barry Gjerde (English)

In an alternate future where Shockwave discovered the mysterious mineral known as Zel Quartz and went mad by its power, Octane was one of the few Decepticons who survived his destructive rampage. The triple changer was chosen to be a part of the Transformers who were to go back in time in order to find the Zel Quartz before Shockwave did.

After the Autobots had dealt with the Sharkticons, Octane drove up to them in tanker mode, transforming to robot mode when he was in front of them. Stating his need for power, Octane announced that he was going to destroy the Autobots and then take all the energy of the Karzite mine. He then rambled on about how he was going to be leader of the Decepticons once he took down Galvatron, and then told the Autobots that he was going to melt them down. Rodimus Prime warned the greedy Triple Changer that those with endless ambitions were bound to be destroyed by it, but his warnings fell of deaf audio receptors. In the end, Octane was soundly defeated and he announced his surrender. Transforming to jet plane mode, Octane flew off, announcing that he would not forget his defeat. Rodimus just called him a "thin-fueled coward". Later, Octane fought alongside Cyclonus against the Autobots in the Atalstan gem mine. Even with a fellow flier for backup, he still lost.

In the Decepticon side of the story, the shuttle that the Decepticons of the future had been using crash-landed. Octane had managed to find the main Depecticon force of the present once they had found a drill bit they suspected to be the Zel Quartz. Driving up to them in tanker mode while expressing surprise to the fact that they were still alive, Octane transformed to robot form, explaining that he thought he was done for. He expressed his relief that he managed to rendezvous with the Decepticons, stating that the bad side always did win. Galvatron told the triple changer that if Octane fought hard for him, it would be enough. Octane promised that he would and requested to join back with the Decepticons.

Despite whichever side won, Starscream eventually managed to steal the Zel Quartz and flew off into space with it. This caused the Quartz to become completely useless; and with the timeline altered, Octane and all the Decepticons from the future disappeared from the present time. The Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Octane participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Rare character who could be recruited by collecting 75 units of Cybermetal, 35 units of Transmetal, and 20 support cores. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

Octone Earth Wars.jpg
  • Class: Triple Changer
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
  • Abilities: As a triple changer, Octone has two abilities available to him.
    • Fuel Rush: Rush into combat and release toxic chemicals in a large zone on impact. Deal 61.6 damage over 10 seconds to enemies and provide 114 extra healing over 5 secs to all Decepticons under the Supply Airdrop effect.
    • Supply Airdrop: Drops fuel supply from the air. Within a large area, all Decepticons receive 114 healing for 10 seconds and all Autobot buildings under the Fuel Rush effect receive an extra 61.6 damage over 5 seconds[-].

Octone at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki


The Transformers

Ice Road Trucker.
  • Octane (Triple Changer, 1986)
  • Takara ID number: D-72
  • Accessories: "Flamethrower", tail fin/"Deflecto Shield", tanker top
  • Known designers: Kōjin Ōno (TakaraTomy)
Released in the third year of the original Transformers; toyline (in the US, second year in Europe and Japan), Octane is a Triple Changer, with the ability to transform into two different vehicle modes. His ground vehicle mode is an extended truck cab with fuel-tanker trailer base on Kenworth T600, with much of the detailing in this mode achieved through stickers rather than sculpting. Similar to Motormaster, Octane's truck mode has the cab and trailer permanently attached, and makes up the entirety of all his modes, although it has rather strange proportions due to the robot arms sticking out of the sides and the generally broken-up look of the truck. He has three sets of rolling wheels: two purple sets and a set of grey wheels hidden under the middle of the truck. There is also a set of sculpted, non-rolling, unpainted wheels at the back of the truck.
His aerial mode is based on the twin-engined Boeing 767 jet plane. Though the better of the two vehicle modes, it has some odd concessions that were made due to Octane being a Triple Changer, such as the grey set of wheels from the middle of the truck now sticking up from the top of Octane's fuselage.
The tail fin of the jet form separates to become his "Deflecto Shield" for robot mode. The vacuum metallized tanker top piece can also be used as a shield.[4] Care should be taken not to lose it, as it covers up some rather unsightly jet parts inside the tanker.
The toy was originally designed to have a sliding waist—not unlike that of Vortex—that would create a more proportional (i.e., less "chesty") robot mode. For whatever reason, this ability was blocked off very late in the design process, but can easily be reinstated with a small amount of unscrewing and plastic cutting.[4] Furthermore, Octane originally had chrome lower arms and fists, removed late in the design process—seen in the 1986 USA and European catalogs, in his box photography, and his package art. Finally, Octane's sticker sheet is printed with the intent for the tailfin stickers to cover the larger areas visible in jet mode, but is die-cut as a smaller area to cover the areas on the inside for when the fin is folded out as a robot-mode shield. Meanwhile, the stickers the instructions suggest placing on the outside of the tailfin—which don't match the area at all—are actually intended to fit the small areas on the side of the tanker truck mode.[5] If you have the original sticker sheet to hand and wish to do so, you can cut and place the stickers yourself to match the preproduction samples as intended.
The stock photography on the "Start > Change > Change > Finish" section of Octane's toy box shows the toy being propped up on a box of Kodak film, which the graphic designer forgot to edit out of the finished image.

  • Octane (Triple Changer, 1991)
  • Accessories: "Flamethrower," tail fin/"Deflecto Shield", tanker top
Octane was reissued in Europe and Australia as part of the 1991 Classics line. This version has retooled the tanker-shield to remove the rubsign indent.

Universe (2008)

He sometimes uses his melee blade to make giant chomping shadow puppets in his spare time.
  • Tankor (Deluxe Class, 2008)
Part of the first wave of Universe Deluxe Class toys, "Tankor" (trademark issues[6]) transforms from either a heavy cargo plane (possibly a Lockheed C-130 Hercules) or an M978 Fueler truck, into a robot. He is armed with a serrated "melee blade" weapon, which forms the top of his tanker mode and the base of his plane mode, and a pair of double-barreled blasters, which mount under his wings in plane mode and can combine in Double Targetmaster-style into a "Quad Laser". For truck mode, the instructions and stock photography place the blasters facing forward in the exposed robot mode 5mm fist holes at the rear of the vehicle, but the intended location for them seems to be the two otherwise-pointless holes on either side of the cab, facing upwards, to serve as smokestacks for the truck.
I can see clearly now...
As shown on Hasbro's website, Tankor's prototype was designed to have transparent plastic windows in his tanker truck mode, but for reasons unknown (possibly due to part of the windshield forming his feet) the windows were opaque plastic with paint operations on the final production versions of the toy. Furthermore, the sculpt was designed for light-piped eyes (and presumably clear truck windows), but the relevant areas have been cast in opaque blue and the eyes are painted red. The Decepticon logo on his chest, unusually enough, has small triangular pupils in its eyes, although they can be applied rather messily.
Slyly, his bio mentions that he delivers "high octane fuel" to his fellow Decepticons.

Henkei! Henkei!

Beware my shiny quad-laser!
  • Destron Octone (Deluxe, 2008)
  • ID number: D-05
  • Release date: October 23, 2008
  • Accessories: Two flamethrowers, "melee blade"
Henkei! Henkei! Octone is a redeco of Universe Deluxe Class Tankor, and like all Henkei! Henkei! releases, his colour scheme is designed to be more accurate to his cartoon appearance and has vacuum metallized parts, such as his two blasters and the back of the truck mode's tank/the base of the melee blade. Besides the vacuum metallized parts, Octone replaces some of this black plastic with both gray and blue plastic, features a lighter and more cool shade of purple paint, and has Decepticon symbols on his wings.


KreO-Toy Fuselage.jpg
  • Fuselage (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2014)
  • Collection: Age of Extinction Collection 2
  • Accessories: Logo brick, 2 clip-on turbines
Part of the sixth regular assortment of blind-bagged Kre-O Micro-Changers, "Fuselage" can be rebuilt into a cargo plane. He sports Mirage's helmet. (Of course, with the right bricks you can make him into a tanker truck if you wanna. )
Unlike prior Micro-Changer assortments, this series does not have any sort of identification code for the bags' actual contents, meaning you'd best be good at the feel-though-the-bag method.
This assortment was originally slated to be a Toys"R"Us exclusive, but U.S. stores dropped the line before its release. It was still available in Canada, Australia, and Chinese/Asian markets. In 2015, the Collection appeared in U.S. Dollar Tree stores, with a price tag of a whopping $1 a pop. They didn't last long.


  • Specialist: Decepticons (multi-pack, 2014)
  • Release date: March 25, 2014
  • Accessories: Two blasters / "Quad Laser", "Melee blade"
Generations Octane is a redeco of Universe Tankor, and was released in a giftset with Galvatron and Astrotrain—this time featuring extensive use of metallic paint all over both the figure and its accessories.
Since this was a Hasbro release for Asian markets, it is noteworthy that English-language packaging and instructions consistently use the name "Octane"—a first since the end of the original line.
In the picture to the right, the airplane mode is missing a part. The large hand-held "claw" weapon should make up the airplane's belly.

Titans Return

Hey, I got my nome bock.
  • Murk with Decepticon Octone (Voyager Class, 2017)
  • Accessories: gun, double-barreled rifle, "Murk" Titan Master
  • Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro)
Released as part of the fifth and final wave of Titans Return Voyager Class toys, Octone (Octane's Japanese name utilized for trademark reasons) is a redeco/retool of Titans Return Voyager Class Optimus Prime, and he transforms from robot to tanker truck to plane and back. Octone also comes with Murk, a Titan Master who forms his head. Curiously however, Octone's instructions depict Astrotrain's Titan Master Darkmoon instead of Murk.
Octone's instructions show to raise his shoulder pylons into the same position as Optimus's, although they can be twisted sideways while folded down to achieve a more G1-accurate look while maintaining shoulder articulation. Although Octone can be transformed into his plane mode without removing his head, this leaves the robot mode chest flap unable to completely fold up. Promotional renders for the figure display yellow foil decals on top of the cab nose, however the actual figure does not include these. There are also reports of the cab halves being unable to hold together in truck mode due to weak tab tolerances, even without the plane's tail fin tucked between them. However, unlike Optimus, the trailer stays together just fine due to the retooled wings.
The original version of this mold was also used to make Legends Black Convoy.
Titans Return mold: Diac
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Street Fighter II × Transformers Convoy [Ryu]


  • Octone (Octane) (Voyager, 2017)
  • ID number: LG57
  • Release date: December 30, 2017
  • Accessories: gun, double-barreled rifle, "Octone" Headmaster, "Starscream" Headmaster
Released in the twenty-fourth wave of TakaraTomy's Legends line, Octone is a redeco of the Titans Return Voyager Class figure above, featuring a deco closer to his appearances in the cartoon.
Aside from his nominal Octane-shaped head-robot (now actually the character Octane), he also comes with Ghost Starscream, a semi-transparent Headmaster that is also compatible with Octone, as an homage to their encounter in "Starscream's Ghost".
Titans Return mold: Diac
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Street Fighter II × Transformers Convoy [Ryu]


Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Octone, Capricious Agitator (2019)
    • Wave 4: War for Cybertron: Siege II
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T12/T52
    • Stars: 13
Octone, Capricious Agitator is one of 52 character cards released as part of Wave 4 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege II. In order to depict the Triple Changer nature of the character, Octone, Capricious Agitator is a folding card, with both Alt Modes depicted when the card is folded in half, and Bot Mode depicted when the card is unfolded.
Neither Autobot nor Decepticon, Octone is a member of the Mercenary faction introduced in the set.

Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Octane and Springer.jpg
Released as part of the eleventh wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of "Sprung" and "Octone" along with character profiles and tech specs.


Spotlight Octane unused.jpg
  • It is possible Octane's original toy mold is an asset carried over from Diaclone. Prototypes and preliminary artwork do not feature a Transformers brand stamp.[7] The Pan Am livery also looks more fitting of a heroic Diaclone mecha than an evil Decepticon.
  • Octane's role in "Starscream's Ghost" was originally intended for Blitzwing, who would have been taking refuge with the Autobots after his actions in "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5". What this says about Octane's role in "Thief in the Night" is not known.
  • In May 2010, a bogus picture of a photoshopped redeco of Universe Tankor/Octane as Clench was placed in's directory structure to throw off would-be scoop-hounds. The trick worked as one website reported it as being the real deal... until updated its own site with artwork of the actual 2010 version of Clench.
  • Octane's on screen plane mode is a two-engine version of the Boeing 707.
  • In 2007, Nick Roche and James Roberts pitched an Octane-based issue of The Transformers: Spotlight to IDW.[8] Some of the concepts from the pitch were later used in More than Meets the Eye.[9]
  • Octane's appearance in the Kre-O manga is vastly different from that of his later Kreon toy; the manga renders him in a Generation 1-faithful color scheme, sports a Ratchet helmet, and uses a Firestrike wing backpack.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Octone (オクトーン Okutōn),[3] Tankor (タンカー Tankā), Octane (オクテイン Okutein)
  • Hungarian: Oktán
  • Italian: Triplex Tre ("Triplex Three")
  • Mandarin: Xīnwán (Taiwan, 辛烷, "Octane"), Dúqì Dàn (China, 毒气弹, "Poison Gas Bomb")


  1. The name "Tankor" was used by Hasbro as a substitute name for Octane for the 2008 Universe toy because the name "Octane" was not available to them as a trademark (or simply not trademarkable) at the time. That name would subsequently also be used in IDW's original Generation 1 continuity. Unlike many other characters with trademark-friendly alternate names that were temporarily adapted into IDW's comics to better reflect the toys at the time, "Tankor" made his IDW debut under that name in 2009's issue 11 of All Hail Megatron, and it has stuck ever since, even when another "Tankor" character was introduced into that continuity. As the result of some confusion on behalf of the creative team and a last-minute fix, this was first used as the basis of a quick joke in chapter 6 of the 2013-2014 Dark Cybertron event; by the time of the first Windblade miniseries (also 2014), the two had been dubbed "Tall Tankor" (Octane) and "Fat Tankor" (Beast Machines Tankor) in-universe.
  2. "Fuselage" was another substitute trademark name used in 2014 for Octane's Kre-O toy.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Octone" is traditionally Octane's Japanese-market name. The word "octane" is usually rendered in katakana as オクタン (okutan). The change thus appears to have been an intentional one, although the why of it is unknown. Hasbro later used that as another, more easily trademarkable substitute name to replace the now confusing "Tankor", beginning with the Titans Return toy.
  4. 4.0 4.1 "The many secrets of Octane... Now with pictures!" on NTFA forums
  5. "This is all assuming that you don't think what was decided for ultimate production release of Octane was fully intended, including the sacrificing of full vertical fin stickers and added tanker stickers in favour of shield stickers and fewer stickers overall."—Maz, Transformers Square One, "Hasbro G1 Octane - The Missing Stickers", 2022/10/23
  6. Archived page of Hasbro's preview of Universe Wave 1's toys
  7. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Photo posts by The Spacebridge on Facebook, 3 March 2013
  8. "In 2007, @jroberts332 and I attempted to pitch Spotlight: Octane. Here's the cover and character design."—NickRoche, Twitter, 2016/05/30
  9. "Not a script, but James wrote a very extensive outline which he then hacked down. Some of it has shown up in MTMTE."—NickRoche, Twitter, 2016/05/30
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