Contact us

Contact us by submitting an enquiry form and we’ll be in touch.

Please select the option that suits you best so we can get you in touch with the right team.

Employer icon briefcase

My employer’s enrolled me into The People’s Pension or I’ve an existing scheme.

Member icon money bank

I’d like to set up a scheme or I have an existing account with The People’s Pension.

Adviser icon report file

My employer’s enrolled me into The People’s Pension or I’ve an existing scheme.

Payroll professional

I represent a payroll bureau or administer payroll for my company.

Search for your query in our Knowledge Base.


If you need to tell us that a member has passed away or have another query.

The Peoples Pension
Payroll software provider

I’d like to integrate with The People’s Pension or have an existing connection.

line drawing of a brief case

I’ve a company account with The People’s Pension or would like to set one up.

The Peoples Pension

I’d like to make another enquiry or can’t find a category that describes me.

If you’re unhappy with something, visit our complaints page on the People’s Partnership (The People’s Pension provider) website – so that we can make things right.