Falconry2024-2025 Seasons & Regulations

Falconry Seasons & County Regulations

Extended Falconry Season

Persons holding valid Texas falconry permits may take migratory game birds by means of falconry from one half hour before sunrise to sunset during open seasons listed herein and during the following Falconry Seasons. Falconry daily bag and possession limits shall not exceed three and nine migratory game birds, respectively, singly or in the aggregate.

Violation and Penalty

Violation of state migratory game bird regulations also is a violation of federal regulations. A person who violates any state migratory game bird regulation is subject to:

  1. a criminal penalty from $25 to $500 for each bird unlawfully taken or possessed;
  2. civil restitution fee for each bird unlawfully taken or possessed; and
  3. license suspension for up to 60 days or license revocation for one year.

No person may import into this state or possess a migratory game bird taken outside this state, unless the person possessing the migratory game bird produces upon demand by a game warden a valid hunting license, stamp, tag, permit or document for the state or country in which the migratory game bird was legally taken. A person possessing a migratory game bird under this section must produce, upon demand by a game warden, a valid driver's license or personal identification certificate. In lieu of the requirements set forth in this subsection, a statement from the United States Customs Officer at the port of entry showing that the migratory birds were brought from Mexico is satisfactory.

Closed Areas

Unless otherwise specified, there are no open seasons on state wildlife preserves and sanctuaries, public roads and highways or their rights-of-way. More restrictive federal regulations may apply to National Wildlife Refuges open to public hunting.

Closed Seasons

It is a violation to hunt a migratory game bird or possess a freshly killed migratory game bird listed in these rules at any time other than as provided in the "OPEN SEASONS, BAG AND POSSESSION LIMITS" section. If no season is listed for a species, the season is closed.

Additional Information

For information on permitting or hunting regulations for falconry, call (512) 389-4481.